Mar 9, 2008
Walmart photo lab
. Why will those win new Economy in an essay f?SPIEGEL ON-LINE ONES erkl? the trend researcher Peter Wippermann the new rules of the InterNet medium company. Thesis: Who is not attached, one excludes. Why source er?net with eBay its own selling rail German pharmacists fear of the on-line pharmacy monthly 3.4 million Germans with InterNet Kontaktb?en after one. Those is not new Economy from the financial specialists solemnly too. Here a trillion euro became. The analysts had their Fehleinsch?ung in the meantime expensively also. Their Glaubw?igkeit ranks now between those from solicitors and Autoh?lern, so an investigation of the. The technological change from the industrie to the medium company l?t itself however thereby does not stop. Ten years after the invention of the World Wide Web (WWW) have the basis innovations that new Economy our everyday culture ver?ert. American family save already today per year 4500 dollar through. Andrew Growe, former CEO von Intel, determined for the anniversary of the WWW in April 2003: "everything that we?r the InterNet. Roughly downward versch?t in the American Business-to-Business-bereich of the economy on-line twice as much converted as urspr?lich expects one the conversion f?2003 to 1.3 trillion dollar corrected the American business paper "BusinessWeek" the number. As fr?r the Aktivit?n of a society around H?n, railway lines and Stra?n developed, then our actions organize themselves increasingly by the infrastructure InterNet: We saw more computer in the households as a German InterNet user the net of the nets than Shopping channel ever before, so a study of Fittkau & Maa? The Rechnerkapazit?und of the degrees of the Professionalisierung in handling computers and printers rises, particularly in the children's rooms. The practical use became more important than the technical. The slack InterNet (WLan), stands before the entrance into the mass-market. Starbucks, t-mobile and HEWLETT-PACKARD have already 2000 Coffee Shops in San Francisco f?das mobile InterNet ausger?et. also in German Gro?t?en popul? Mobile Gaming was eingef?t in the autumn by Nokia and unites on-line and portable radio offer in the productive market of the computer games. We consult once the InterNet presenting enterprise, the auction platform eBay for the analysis: Pierre Omidyar had 1995 the idea to?rtragen the principles of the Flohm?te and Garagenverk?e in the InterNet. Market participants, free price structuring by the competition of supply and demand and the delimitation of the trade by a time limit were. The consumers become in the net H?lern. Trust in supply and payment secures the on-line house a commission f?die optimal N? between Verk?er and K?er. Today sells eBay among other things world-wide every two seconds textiles. When in such a way Auktionsb?e was f?private Secondhand offers planned, the number of the active users (today 47 million user in 26 L?ern) gro?geworden that also professional H?ler began, first its Restbest?e, then new goods with eBay to auctions. Remarkable one: eBay not as textile enterprise one gegr?et and one does not gef?t also in no statistics as textile enterprise. Even as on-line H?ler one becomes futile eBay into that. That is correct after record, because eBay is. To the Ver?erung of the Verh?nisses from producers to power from the offerer shifts to the K?er. We arrived in the medium company. Rules gegen?r, which lose laws of the industrial company. The program of the medium company becomes the self organization and total individualizing of the consumers on side as well as a global monopolizing of the Gesch?smodelle up. Nat?ich still are we in the Fr?hase of the on-line trade. Germany 2003 about eleven billion euro as e-Commerce-Ums?e to be expected to have, that are straight times 2.1 per cent of the retail turnover, prognosticates the federation of the German. But a third of the national economy became already through. To the Innovatoren the industries z?en: The photo market makes the Radikalit?der Ver?erung clearly traditional Wertsch?ungskette of the photo business: Camera, film, laboratory and album, again organized themselves on interactive medium conditions. Computer producers build digital cameras f?traditionelle camera manufacturers and establish own marktangebote. Global alliances such as Kodak/AOL as well as Fujifilm/Wal Mart offer a working on, a archiving and a dispatching of. Which photo laboratory was so far on that. Here becomes clear, which the medium philosophers Norbert Bolz with its thesis "anything is not, which in the media is not" meant: All goods and services are?rsetzt in bits and bytes, before they are?rf?t again into the used atomic structure us familiar things. Production is accelerated with the conversion to the new medium conditions to the speed of light of the glass fiber connections. Why this development will become generally accepted. It is the junction between the longing from consumers to simplicity, speaks speed, and the offerer authority to. Simultaneousness and remote presence are the temporal. Who into the vacation to drive can and with an ear in B? , with the mobile phone photo makes and if it at the beach remains to dispatch can, more has from the life. The promise of the Gl?smaximierung erkl? also success of the. Virtual mating biotope becomes t?ich around several. Since 1999 the conversion doubles itself from new M?ichkeiten to to use, and whereupon penetrate to be attached. Thus consumers become junctions in the data network. They did not m?ten on-line its. They become nevertheless the cursor in. The Metro Future net curtain shows already today the tendencies. All products are equipped k?tig with microchip, the information?r manufacturer, Produktqualit? Price and. To m?en radio frequency identification technology (RFID), which the bar code verdr?t, makes it m?ich that you drive by a scanner cash, without the goods on the Kassentresen put. The system announces the Abverkauf of the bought products to the data bases of the H?lers, the carrier. The cash becomes quasi with the Flie?and of production. This cooperative planning and Bestandsf?ung (CPFR) organize production, transport and storekeeping and become by your Vor?rgehen. If you pay?r credit or customer map, give besides information?r your pers?iches purchase behavior. To ALSO in Boston at present 84 global enterprises develop such as Unilever, strength Foods and Coca Cola the automatic identification chip f?jedes product, that with global electronics a Product code (EPC). It is to erm?ichen it that each individual commodity in each period of life is stored by production?r the sales up to the use, on an InterNet data base is sp?r also washing machines, K?schr?e and kochplatten to steer. This development corresponds to the demand of the Europ?chen union after a l?enlosen documentation within the range of food security. The law is discharged and steps in few years in strength. EPC chip is about gew?leisten the fact that from the animal fodder manufacturer to the offer of lunch conditions each station of a Currywurst l?enlos documented and officially is to be reconstructed - it concerns each sausage. Our high number of unemployed of more than four million job seeker occupies less a Konjunkturschw?e than the current structural change. W?end the old Economy with mass redundancies in the bank and insurance, trade and administration of ten thousands of Arbeitspl?en diminishes, writes the enterprises out that new Economy new places - more than three times so many job supply develop here and not in that. Data processing, communication, medicine technology and Life Science plan to offer to end 2003 21.3 per cent of all new Arbeitspl?e, so the current statistics to the loan corporation f?Wiederaufbau. Peter Wippermann, born 1949 in Hamburg, teaches as Universit?professor f?Kommunikationsdesign to the Universit? 1992 it gr?ete in Hamburg the Trendb?, together with J?en a Kaffer and Peter Kabel B? Hamburg. Director with the Rowohlt publishing house and with the time magazine t?g. has itself on communication strategies f?trendgest?te Markenf?ung. He is an author and publisher of several B?er.
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