Mar 12, 2008

Bios updates FOR DELL

Modernizations Galactic Federation, Spiritual Hierarchy for these information and if they are in tune with Your Being, explore them to you and experience them to you, otherwise, mettetele from part, ignore them to you. The arguments regard Luce-Ombra integration of everyone. the aware daily choice of wanting to make the Ascension. the passage from the third to the fifth dimension of the Earth and all Species living level, from the spiritual Masters, than guides to us and illuminates, towards by now the next changes of conscience of Was Gold biweekly communications of the Spiritual Hierarchy and of the Federation of Ninth Dimension of the Galactic Federation, the Order of determine the proportions them, with to all the beings of Light of other Worlds and Galaxies, of human or not-human shape (the Spirit takes to the pi?isparate shapes for its evolution in the matter), that they are helping us to realize our pompous Flood, of who nozzle the message, but what they stimulate within of. The enormous one quantit? qualit?elle the communications, carry to always comprise pi?a history of the Earth, the way in which arrives you to this point of the Time, and the reasons that have lead to us here, to living these wonderful times, for object to it to you that same we are we fixed: to help Mother Earth and same we, to completely integrate the Light and the Buio, to resume the Full Knowledge, lost in the numerous Falls of vibrations of this planet. to our True S?pirituale, to follow not pi?e verit?ogmatiche religious and scientific, but those that are from within always every being physicists and of conscience, our bodies are modifying their structure information help and stimulate the change, but the job we entire above all must make alone, learning to love same, and to love all the Beings, unconditioned, respecting the differences of any nature, arriving to one be Judgment, not considering that in all there?na part of Light and a d.Ombra, that must be accepted and be integrated, before in s?tessi, and then in all the other Beings and Reigns these two parts, accepting and loving totally our Being, living the daily experiences and discovering of the instructions, that they come not for punishment of chiss?uale guilt, originate them or not, but that instruments for affinarci are alone and to remove the slags that we carry ourselves within from migliaia. We must think not pi?n egoistic way to the own interests, to accumulate material moneies and assets, To only love if?icambiati, that they come from the mind and dall.Ego, but to go towards "conditions" of no nature, whose source is l.Anima and. The next goal?' Unconditioned Love, for all the Beings, than cos?celgono aware, and through personal Luce-Ombra integration, the Ascension in Fifth Dimension for Mother Earth and all. Towards one Civilt?alattica- From. Galactic - the History forgotten about the Earth. Agape, the Mrs. of the Sun, Mother Earth, through. Citt?i Light under the Gulf of Guascogna, of of our Solar Sistema and Planets, tells to you from spiritual Beings that have lived to us of Adama, an inhabitant of the Underground World of the physical body for one mission

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