Mar 9, 2008

Judy collins marriages

. Transcript taken from:Gloucestershire Notes and Queries. The marriage registers of the parish of Frocester begins At the early date of 1559, goal there are several gaps in them. in all for butt 36 years. The gaps down to the year 1800 are shown in the following list: -. Two entries for 1645 are among the burials. Gap between the entries of Vols. William Symonds, Vicar of Frocester, we are enabled to print exact year transcript of the wedding entries in the first volume of the register. Maij 30, Anno dn' I 1598, Regnique Serenissimae in chro' principis and Inclitissimae Reginae Elizabethae Quadragesimo, Sponsalia, has firstly suae majestatis Anno feliciter inito, fideliter tra' scripta. Joannes Huntley and margareta Andowes, desponsati, 8 Julij. Poole and Rosa chapman, desponsati, 30 Julii. Alea and Joanna Taylor, sponsati, 25 Septe' breaking. Ricardus Dane and Rosa Mayle, spon. Ricardus millard and margareta Freeman, desponsati, 20 Octobris. Rufford generosus and Anna Huntley, wire Geo. Ric' custom chandler and Joanna baker, spon. Robertus A Wood and Anna freman, spon. Rogerus Sanderus and Joanna Simons, desponsati, 14 Octobris. clayfield and Joanna Stephens, despo', 18 Nove' breaking. Jacobus Heyward and Rosa Simons, despo', 8 Februarij. will caetera sponsalia desyderantur ab hoc Anno usq AD annu' 1570. 13 Regni Serenissimae Reginae nunc Elizabethae ego Tho. Griffith and Agnethes Simons, despo', 20 Nove' breaking. Jacobus West and Alicia Wilkins, despo', 8 Februarij. Forth and Elizabeth Chandler, despo', 28 Julij. Tho' Bridgman Generosus and Silvester Huntley desponsati, 26 mensis Julij. Ric' custom chapman and Joanna wetmath, spo', 15 Nove' B. Carolus Armiger Bridges and Dna' Janna Huntley, desponsati, 7 mensis Julij. Woodward and parnella Browne, spo', 2 Aprilis. Henricus Browning and Margareta Wetmath, desponsati, 3 Februarij. Tullius, vicarius of frocetor, and Elizabetha Wilkins desponsati 10 Februarij. Guil Crannidge and Alicia Taylor, Despo', 20 Junij. Ricu' S chandler and Agnethes Griffith, spon. Nicolaus wetmath and margeria wilkins, desponsati, 7 Februarij. Ric' custom Holder and Agnet millard, despon. Stephanus Wilcocks and Janna Clifford, spon. Anselmus Wilkins and Joanna head spon. White Franciscus and Kateri' have tyms, spo. Laurentius Millard and margeria window, 5 Dece' breaking. Simons and Rosa Freeman, desponsati, 5 Februarij. Ricu' S Gardiner and Alicia ellond, despo', 9 Julij. Chr' oph' custom Moody and Dorothea Huntley, 18 Septe' breaking pegler and Editha Wilkins, despo', 8 Octobris. Humfrids osborne and Joanna Wize, spo', 10 Septe' B. Witcom and Anna Web, desponsati, 10 Octobris. Henrics Wetmath and Rosa poole, despo', 21 Nove' B. Sharpe and Elinora Witcom, despo', 21 Nove' breaking. Heaven and Joanna Horwood, despo', 21 Julij. Cowles and Joanna Wilkins, despo', 27 Nove' B. Robertus chewe and Alicia Wize, despo', 21 Julij. White Rogerus Huntley and Izabellula, 14 Nove' B. Holder and editha stokes, despo', Octob. Gualterus Taylor and Alicia Browning, Januarij 29. Eduardus Browning and Editha Taylor, Feb. Butcher and Anna Cornwell, despo', Octobris 15. Henricus Bennet and Editha Morse, spo', 12 Nove' B. Ambrosius Risbie and Rosa Bennet, despo', 11 Dece' breaking. Taylor and Joanna Wetmath, despo' 27 Aprilis. Ric' custom Wilkins and Joanna, Selwin, despo', 24 Septe' breaking. Ric' O Wilkins and Eduardo Marling, Gardianis. Ricus Wilkins and Joanna Selwin, despo', 24 Sep. Eduardus Wetmath and Alica Baker, 15 Feb. Robertus Grivell and Editha Gudridge desponsati 26 mensis Octobris. Georgius Midford and Brigitta Doll despo', Jan. 17 Robertus felton and Alicia Simons despon. Tobias Knighte and Anna Wilkins desp. Nicolaus Pitte and Anna Wilkins despo', 7 Junij. Hooper and Alicia Horwood despo', 11 Apr. Simon Nevill and Eliz, Chapman despo', 22 Sep. Rogerus Currier and Maria wilkins, 8 Octob. Ric' custom poole and Margareta Heynes despo', 27 Apr. Swanley and Anna Ellond despo', Sep. Beard and Janna Chapman despo', 6 Maij. Paul' S Burdley and Agnethes witcom desponsati die Lunae. Jacobus potter and Francisca Jukes desponsati in sacello die. Jacob' S Ellond and Joanna heave' gardianis. Eduardus Wilkins and Joanna Knighte desponsati die Jovis, Nove' B. Eduardus Jeffereyes and Prudentia Browning desponsati in festo Epiphaniae. Augustinus Cliffe and Judith Tullie desponsati, die Jovis Januarij 8. beatae virginis Mariae die lunae Februarij 2. Joannes Egles and Editha Bennet desponsati die Lunae Maij mensis 4. Joannes Seabricke and Judith Russell desponsati die Saturni, Maij mensis 9. Joannes Pegler and Maria Horwood desponsati in ecclesia parochiali die Jovis, Maij. Edmundus Williams and Editha Walkley desponsati in sacello die Jovis, Septembris 30. Georgius Pegler and Alicia Web desponsati in sacello die Jovis, crastino post. Joannes Simons and Margeria chapman desponsati in sacello die Jovis, 7 die. Jasperus Walkley and Joanna Early desponsati Octobris 3. OJ Dull and Agnethes Moye desponsati Octob. Thoma Aves and Agnethes Wilkins Gardianis. 1605 Annoque Regni Of nor Jacobi Regis nostri serenissimi Thirdly & Scotiae 39 Henricus Stephens and Elizabetha Wetmath desponsati die Lunae Maij 27 Ric' custom Ellond and Ursula Essington despo', Martii 3. Heaven and Joanna Chapman desponsati die Lunae, Mensis Maij decimo nono. Egidius Lays and Elizabeth Price despo' Octobris 6. Will' driven Browning and Joanna Brabban despo', Octob. Franciscus Wolright and Dorothea Holder desp. Wight and Elizabeth Sanford de Alkerto' despo' Jan. Egidius Maisters and Anna Chapman despo' sati Januarij 26. Joh' be Swanley and Elizabeth Witcom despo' sati Junii 15 Jacobus West and Editha Campe despon. Ricardus Senniger and Alicia Taylor desp' Octobris 5. Chapman and Editha Sherman despo', eode' die. Joannes Howton and Agnethes Tillie despo' sati Octobris 15 die. Gulielmus Sellon and Elionora Browning desponsati in sacello D. Joh' be Wilkins and Katherine Web desposati Maij 4 Rogerus Sommers and Joanna Walden despo' Octob. Ricardus' Heaven and Margeria Millard despo' die lunae Novembris 13. NS Egidius Foster and Of Na Maria Huntley filia Dn' I Georgij Huntley militis desponsati Octob. Matrimonium celebratum inter praedictum Egidium Foster and Mariam Huntley praedict, Decembris vicesimo octavo [ This notes has become almost illegible ]. Matrimonm celebratm inter Rob' tum freey [. Russell of frocester secondly die Julij 1610 Eodem die Matrimonium solemnizatm is inter Thoma' Will' ms of Stanley all' S Leonard Stanley and Elizabetham Curteysoe of eadem villa Thomas Marlin and Joanna Wilkins desponsati erant 3 die Decembris anno 1612 Thomas Marlin and Joanna Wilkins desponsati 20 die Junii 1612 Matrimoni' m celebratu' inter Johanne' Web and Joannam Water Julij 1 1613. Johannes Read and Jana Huntley wire Dom Georgij Huntley militis desponsati. Hurmann' S Bigge and Silvester Bridgman desponsati decimo die Maij 1614. Guilmus Cooper and Matilda Rogers, uxor eius desponsat, 2 die Februarii ann.Rymer ] and Anna Coles desponsat in Apr. Web wire Tho' ae Web nupt. Edward Wilks, wire Richdi nupt. Johannes Abrahall armiger and Elizabethe Huntley filia Do' nor. Edwardus Marlin and Kathrina filia Johis Witcom desp. Timotheus Millard and Margeria uxor eius desp. Thomas Web and Alse King was married January 19, 1626 [ by has later hand. Richardus Fowler and Alicia Taylor wire Gualteri Taylor, let us despons. Leonardus Wakley and Priscilla Wetmath, desponsat. Thomas Web and Catherine Cloterbuck desponsati, 7 maij 1620. Jesperus Wilkins and Anna Moodie despo. Georgius Harries al' S Wools and Maria Chapman desponsat Augusti 16. Thomas Warn[er ] and Marieia filia Thae Gibbs, desponsati Septembris 6. Jacobus Pegler and Anna relicta Egidii Masters despon. Henricus Bennet and Elionora Wetmath, desponsati, Februarii 8. Thomas Kemp and Frances uxor, desponsat, Marij 20. Thomas Taylor and Marieria filia Andros al' S Cowly, desp. Guils Anston and Elixa Curtis, of. Georgius Islands and Rosa Wetmath, despos. Henricus Elyer [ gold Elger ] and Maria Stephens desponsati, Octo. Thomas Wilkins and Agneta Millard, desponsati, Octobris 20. Johannes Peglar wire Georgii Pegl. Eduardus Peglar and Dorothea Eastington, desp. Hathway vic Nichs Smyth, Georg. Richards Harding and Maria Millard desp. Richards Aley and Agneta Wetmore let us despons. Richd Hathway vic James Peglar, Wm Chapman, churchwardens. Johannes Peglar and Anna Ellon let us despons. Josephus Wilkins and Rebecca Sesson [ gold Jesson ] despons.short for Hannah ] Pegler, despo. Jacobus Wetmore and Joanna Blake desp. Rics Hathway vics Thomas Warner, William Witcom. Thomas Wilkins and Sara Davis let us despons. James Wetmore, Joseph Wilkins, churchw. Rogers Powlton and Eliza Taylor let us despons. Hathway vic, John Holydy, John Fessar churchwdns. Willimus Phillimore and Debora Fessar let us despons. Johannes Warner and Eliza Browne, desp. Josephus Sinager and Elisa Warner desponsa. Johannes Taylor and Eliza Coles, let us despons. Samuel Benson and Maria Coles, let us despons. Anselmus Huntley and Charitas Wetmore, desp. Isaac Bendall and Jona Selwin, desp. Richdus Clark and Editha Browneing, despo. Thomas Brinkworth and Marieria Tocknell, desp. Johannes Waker and Maria Windle, spo 20 Octobris. Richds Male and Eliza Selwin, 30 Octobris. Laugh Hathway vic Johannes Wilkins. Thomas Wetmore and Aneta Peglar, desp. Johannes Fipps and Priscilla Wilkins let us despons. Richards Hathway vic John Chapman, James Pegler, gard. Johannes Thayer At Eleonora Hathway, let us despons. Johannes Camwood and Editha Peglar, desp. Johannes Wilkins and Maria Chapman, desp. Richards Coles and Anna Peglar, of. Samuel Shipton and Maria Elger, desp. Laugh Hathway, Thomas Warner, Thomas Wetmor. Guilimus Smyth and Katherina Millard, let us despons. Teag O' Rorke [ spelt Orork ] and Margareta Crook, desp. Jeremie Wettmoor and Maria Addams, desp. Guill Marling Junr and Editha Wilkins, of. Thomas Browning was married June 25. Garrat harmor was married May 18. Johannes Watkins and Eliza Adams desp. Walter Beard and Charity Huntley wid. Mauritius Bendall and Sarah Coles, desponsat decimo die, Februari 1647. Richard Coles and Maria Ferebe, desp. Gaulterus Pritchard and Eliza Midlmore, desp. Georgius Smyth de Ebly in parochia of stonehouse, and Margareta de Cham. Thomas Munday and Hanna Parker de Came let us despons. William Heaven ye Sonne of Richard Heaven yeoman, and Margerie his wife was married unto Edith Herrod ye daughter of John Herrod yeoman and Edith his wife of ye parish of Slimbridge this present 26 day of Januarie, A 1653. John Taylor ye his of Thomas Taylor yeoman, and Margerie his wife was joine in marriage unto Abigail, ye daughter of Christopher Adams Daryman and Agnes, his wife, all of the Parish of Frocester this eleventh day of Septemb. Edward Cowles of this Parish broadweaver and Susanna Veisy of Estington were. John Fesser junior ye sounds of John Fesser ye elder widdower was joyned in marriage unto Sarah Pegler year orphan both of ye parish of Froceter this eighteenth day of. John Adams and Deborah Marling were married Novemb. William Heyward of parochia of Stonehouse and Maria Children's nurse of parochia of Froc: desponsati. James Eiles and Joane heaven rid desponsati Feb. We now give A list of all the marriages comprised in vol. John Condell and Mary Fessar, 28 Feb. Richard Wilkins and Anne Zelly, Oct. 2 John Fessar and Sarah Harman, Jan. 12 Joseph French and Edith Haven, 7 June. James Wilkins and Frances Hicks, 3 Apr. John Flower and Maria Couls, 10 July. "Richard Horston and Sarah Smith, 31 July." Thomas Wilkins and Mary Williams, 7 Seven. 1686-7 John Cambe [ gold lambe ] and Sarah Pegler, 4 Feb. John Clarke and Sarah Ady, 12 Seven. William Wood and Elizabeth Wilkins, 23 Apr. "John Merrott and Hannah Cowley, Oct. 8 John Heaven and Maria Chapman, 28 March." Richard Drew, and Maria Wilkins, 15 July. "John Dudbridge and Anne Holliday, 30 July." Hezekiah Ellotts and Elizabeth Harmer, 22 Aug. Thomas Fryer and Judith Wetmore, 24 April. "Samuel Stiff and Maria Trotman, 4 May. Thomas Guy and Elizabeth Nurse, 1 June. William Guy and Elizabeth Mills, 26 Seven. John Wetmore and Anne Wilkinson, 28 April. "John Collins, weaver, and Jane Kingscott, Nov. 17 John Flatcher, weaver, and Maria Rogers, 23 May." John Mallet, "operarius" and Hannah Barber, 22 June. "Charles Fereby," pistor, "and Sarah Adams, 25 June." John Smith and Margaret Barron, Jan. 25 Michaell Smith and Judith Fryer, 10 Apr. "James Cowley and Sarah [ gap has ] of Eastington, 9 May." Thomas Tyndall and Sarah Collins, 4 June. "Richard Houell [ gold Horrell ] and Joanna Fords, 11 Aug." Samuell Rickets and Elisabeth Wilkins, 10 Oct. Samuell Niblett and Elisabeth Fereby, 4 Apr. "John Werry and Joanna Wilkins, 13 June. Web site designed and managed by

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