Mar 8, 2008

Planet m magazine

. Choose how to group the blog entries:. Then a day, of good hour, they are raised to me and I have greeted all, removing the disturbance. I had improrogabili expirations to which I had to comply. In the fattispecie, a pair of bulletins in expiration, that I would have paid the mattino same of good hour, to the post office them of lì little distant. Volume volume I o near the "italianeeeeeee Mail (musichetta)".20 and from far away I already succeeded in scrutare shapes curves and browns that formed one strange agglomerated of human matter to shape of enormous bubble. "that one will not be at all row." I wonder unaware of, but more I approach myself, plus the look of the human bubble bad one makes itself and more I become account that that one is a true and own row. Here, now they are nearly reached and I very well succeed to distinguish the shapes of every member of the human Bubble. Composition of the bubble: 60% of male corporeo material, 40% of feminine corporeo material. Men with the hat of alpine with a lot of spandrel: 78%. Ciabatte women in: 93%. Men with stick 99%. Neanche the time to realize where I found that I feel myself to pull gives behind "GIUVINO'. A kind old woman had to me as soon as asked the timetable. "that sweet" I say between me and me and I answer sorridente "They are the 8. Vui that leggite to us bbbuon, to that hour is scritt that to that hour opens the mail neanche the time to close the mouth that I feel myself to touch from the other side "Giovinò.) from the vocione to the Sinatra and the stick of 3 chili headed at my face. You are the last one of the row, I am the second and come after to the mrs. who is attacked to the handle of the saracinesca. The third party is Don Peppino, than stamattina it has made late for guilt of the autobussso. The quarter, to equal merit with Gennarino, is Master Alfonso while fifth. I try therefore to move a moment, than I newly feel myself to touch. Vui that leggite to us bbbbuon, laposta." and I, nearly seccato "Mrs., always to 8 and 30". I have understood, is not air, I go via and I will return with much more calm. I have to make several servizietti, between which buying 100 grams of salame, withdrawing a cake pasticciere and a chilo of apples from the fruttaiolo (obvious from the fruttaiolo. at all I can go to them to collect on a tree of Melo. Therefore making I o in salumeria, within, salute cordial "BUONGIORNO" and endured I come received from the salumaio. and therefore making the kind one salumaio it begins to slice the salame in its beautiful slicing machine. I also hold na beautiful filled with smoke provola of Afragola and the cheese with the walnuts Fresh fresh fact from the goat stamattina. I with my eyes have seen, and if just not you piacciono the latticini, I hold na beautiful ricottina (.) fresh fresh, thinks that munto in person the sheep with my hands before that the thing is made drastic decline kindly I invite it dicendogli that. "ringrazio It but a etto of salame he is more than sufficient of the times son too much timid in order to make to be worth my reasons will want to say that for a month I will make a cure of salame" Salute nuovamete I go away from the salumeria and between me and me I say myself now "and, than me I make some of I am salame. Where I put it all I am salame ". I do not end neanche to think that from the salumeria I feel squillante the voice of salumiere that it says "In the CULO. I run to withdraw the cake within, salute "BUONGIORNO, would have to withdraw one yesterday cake of a tidy kilogram". they are 9 CHILI that I make I LEAVE. All she can be, but I just do not succeed to say not, therefore "mrs. Goes VERY WELL. I take the cake, salute and I go via. I must o from the fruttaiolo, but I have the incubus to enter. They are them that step and ripasso on the sidewalk between a pineapple and one cassette of string beans. A Pear seems to laugh and a Fico if it pulls it (. I convince that it is not said that it can go to me always badly and that it must be positi and to think to you optimistically. I would want in the fattispecie an exact KG of apples son 4 kg and 500 grams, that I make I LEAVE. Make one what DOUBLINGS why in this moment am in order to give them I 9 kilogrammi exact freschi freschi of VAFFANCULO. Ended the purchases I am about myself to travel over again the way that will carry to me to house. I seem the tower of Pisa that walks in Public square of the Miracles rose the palm and cianotico yellow the fingers. The cake under to the arm stretches to ingrossare in obvious way the volume of my corporea mass. I am about myself to cover a tight and narrow sidewalk. Agile me divincolo between the cacche of dog scattered on the sidewalk. The time is made threatening and hurries the step in order not to bathe itself, lowering the look ulteriorly. Second ones pass ten and from far away I notice equally likeable (not superracially mixed) white-haired vecchietto and white man with in hand the above-mentioned leash. Inclination of vecchietto: 90° (in practical the day passes to watch the coglioni). Length leash: 27mt and 80 cm. I lack the time to make it and the dog has as soon as pisciato on the envelope of apples I continue and vecchietto, with all the force to me that it has in only love nozzle one sputum of those corposi on the sidewalk grazing to me of little centimeters. If it saw me to me sputava with surgical precision in an eye cementing it to me to life. I want to return to house ce I do not make it more are tired, I have the arms to pieces piove more and more strongly. To the unexpected one it happens what you would not want never happened in these cases. Then I put down the envelope with apples. I resume from earth the cellular one, I answer "Ready. she is my MOTHER, has called to me for dirmi that "PIOVE". The mothers make it (Fanculo also they). I close, I resume the envelopes and the cake, slanted return and I head towards house. They are nearly to the portone, soaked of water end within the spirit. Tremolante jolt of its turgid capezzoli (OPS this is an other history. They are on the spaces of Msn on a space for maniaci. I did not say: I open the soaked door, my mother to attend to me. Today it is gone in turn bathes to you for choice, ago a lot fashion.:) I hope of being returned to full regimen. A longer summer of the due and having neglected this place to which I want well. I have also of the Special Thanks to make next therefore attendemi on the screen of your PC). More impiccione than before, the more criticone that never, plus irriverente of Moscow that before rests on one cacca and then on YOU. More annoying than a nail of alluce incarnita, the more genuine of one paste and fagioli made from the grandmother, the more deficient before, plus bad one of Forest Gump. Multiple Fiat makes schifo and enough. He. The man who has not never had the pleasure to possess and to know a single muscle on its body. To September, in best the Browser than all the world and on the caccosa new platform Lives (fù MSN). and that of the times I of the time do not become account not even that passes between a post' and the other. Pampulu pimpulu parim pam pum. Gone to us with friends, oppue he, or one she (if it is too much along, stampatevelo and portatevelo in beach. Semi-transparent Megaborsone, wise divided for buckets towel of the bidet (taken between many to case) Lowers glances at it leggermente them scrutando meticulously all alone the present ones in beach. It is choosing the place in which spreading just the cloth sea. Little simple rules: to choose the place where the greater concentration of fat women exists well and with cellulitis in sight (we will discover of continuation the reason). To characterize it and to head elegant in native place ribadendo to high voice to the friends and/or the fiancèe "endured Lì. Stendere the cloth sea in sign of conquest of the place. It spreads the cloth sea, ripone the borsone in top to the same cloth, one is based, it lowers leggermente it glances at them to it, it controls how much people is watching it. It knows that the eyes of bathing are tip to you on she. It attends some second, rechecks... HOUR... removes the riponendola mesh in the borsone. It knows that the operation that it will go to make is not of simplest: to remove the pareo with the hope that nobody watches it. To extend the operation of spalmatura of the cream, to untie the custom behind the neck and to re-establish it behind the shoulders, otherwise "look at the sign of the custom" and.... Position belly in on with legs absolutely not spread, but to acute angle. Asks the friend and/or boy to make them the courtesy to go to fill up sprays it (indicates it with the exactitude the unit in the borsone). It spreads the towel of the bidet and answers to the friends and/or fiancèe "But because. Cos' has that this cloth does not go sea. Meanwhile, it asks the friend and/or fiancèe because still she has not removed the pareo. It is stretched, but it is raised in order to go to fill up spray it to the friend and/or fiancèe. One heads towards the sea continuing itself to touch in means to the legs laughing like a imbecille. While it is filling up spray it, it thinks well that to its return in emplacement the water will spray all of sprays leans to the friends and/or fiancèe. Not ago in time to return in the encampment that feels the friend and/or fiancèe to say "not to allow you: I call the Police officers. It informs all that will go to take a bath. Firm a moment dipped with the half of the body and leans the hands to the flanks leggermente, tilting the head and the back. It is pisciando and not ago null in order to hide it. It ends and one turns towards the friends and/or fiancèe... "VIENIII. It makes a nuotatina and its attention is attracted from some children who play with the football. Then one addresses to the friends and/or fiancèe asking voice high "UEEEE. Some does not receive answer then, moggio, exits ritoccandosi for ennesima the time in means to the legs. Sgrulla as a dog leaving again the water to all the spread persons and is spread on its cloth, but it is already dirty of sand. With the finger index, one cleans up in means the fingers of the feet. It knows that the attention of bathing is not more in its confronts. It can be turned to belly under with disinvoltura. More serene and calm E', but in any case, hardens the legs so that they allow them to harden they turns the glutei. Rilassata, then extracts telephones and one called INTENTIONAL ago the friend whom it knows not to have gone to the sea. You do not know what you are getting lost. Completely I had forgotten myself that you could not come today to the sea. It extracts from borsone the newspaper of gossip, it leaf through it and it arrives to page 27. A release of a paparazzo has photographed the Canalis that extension of the lightest cellulitis on its majestic (n. Sghignazzando and compiaciuta extension to the friend and/or fiancèe the inconfutabile test that also the Canalis has the cellulitis. It takes courage and one newly addresses to the friend and/or fiancèe, indicating the several ones grassone that they encircle their encampment.... That is, I have the same mass of cellulitis of those girls. Why also I do not have the cellulitis, but at all they are to those levels. Meanwhile, a outside program not calculated. From south towards their encampment, one stangona blond with perizoma iperdentale arrives, completely eaten from its glutei. It, absolutely taken from the panic (does not know what to say in these cases), comments "Grossest. Since she is insofferentissimo, she extracts from just the cigarette package, a cane that she had prepared for house. She feels sorry herself for the beautifulst shape finishes them of the same cane to shape of carciofo. She laughs like a imbecille, she ignites it and she puts herself to belly in down. She ends to smoke and she informs the present ones that "I go to pisciare. It bathes the tip of the fingers with a po' of water of sea and the sign of the cross is made. That always convinces it more than after Sky Soccer, the plastic surgeon is the best invention of the century. 30 second ones in order to think that and then answer "Toh. Neanche the time to answer that the same one is called to express itself on the culo of the chiattona little distant. It has serious problems to control the erection that it is enduring passively. Suda and al same time hides the emotion. Between if and if woman thinks "is not one. The friend listens and/or fiancèe who says "Grossest", succeeds to say "Has reason perfectly", but al same time thinks "Evviva the volgarità. God ringrazio to you with all the heart for the volgarità that you have intentional to donate to me today. Finally it is totally free to bathe itself in all tranquillity. In the meantime it has spalmato on if 30% of the creams that has carried, provoking one chiazzona oleosa in sea to the solo to dip the legs. It makes one nuotatina with a neck of 40 cm to water hair. and it gives one light glance to the encampment. Scruta the beach from north to south, and catches a glimpse it to 300 mt of distance that is playing to football with some children of 5 years. It has a strange one you wrap on the skillful arm and one written behind the back. Tranquilized, sea os towards the cloth to take the last sun. It is dried up in a hurry and it extracted from borsone the pinzetta. It is removing the superfluous hairs under to the armpit. Famous that some children are playing to football. One os near of they and he asks if he can himself be combined. They make one small challenge: "Children with the slip", against "Children with the boxer". It insists that, being largest, he is the captain of the "Children with the boxer", tying a handkerchief to the arm, to mo' of captain. Then, with a little tar found again on the boot topping, he thinks well to write the name of every soccer player on the back. Everyone has just the name and therefore also it makes itself to write the name "* Mr_OiZo.... I recommend myself, with the asterisk and the low hyphen between Mr and OiZo. It has as soon as controlled with the small mirror the state of its hats. Regenerating mask must urgently return to house for one. "It will be still playing with the children. Then it turns the look towards the children, but of he, no trace. Forced E' to raise themselves and to try to find it from some part. An other km and succeeds to catch a glimpse it in means to some boys of color that still plays to the football. It has ended to play with the children with which it has legacy. It goes under to the beach umbrella of one of the square children similar, which it informs the parents who have struck the "Children with the slip" for 10 to 3. The parents of the Child are to organized equipment of a family of that (with grandmothers dressed of black to the continuation). Not burlaps sea, but chairs and small tables. The mother of the child offers a little $parmesan and a wine glass to it with the percoche. In fact she has noticed some little distant boys of color who play to soccer. Then, one heads before towards some Italians, intimandoli to follow it and entirety goes from the color boys. One addresses to the type that has the football and asks "Hey AFRICA. Italy leads for 2 to 0 with doppietta of * Mr_OiZo. The match it is finished, when from far away Massimooooo is heard ". OiZo, then mutter, ringrazia the ghanesi siblings and proposes the exchange of custom in sign of gemellaggio and Fair Play. It removes the custom and it exchanges it with Ghanese captain. Just the time to say the ghanese brother "Hei, but that coso that you have between the legs not you never entangles from some part." that Oizo greets and strange log to shape of goblet of world jumping and canticchiando "PO PO PO PO PO PO POOOOOO goes away with one. It arrives from the friend and/or fiancèe, firm and takes the run-up. A head in the sterno very arranged spreads the friend and/or fiancèe. It did not remember where it had seen it to make, but remembered that someone had said that "If provoked, goes understood". An other pochino and us I in ferie go also. This post is not Autobiographic, but pure fruit of my fantasy that it observes and it observes and it observes and it observes. Pampulu pimpulu parim pam pum!.!.!. The time has perfected the techniques of courtship, affinandole and carrying them to more and more high levels, to the limit of the sovrumano. Today to corteggiare has become true and just a trade. The order word is TO ASTONISH. the target, instead, it is always the same one: To be VARIOUS. I have grown with my only unquestionable firm point in order to conquer mine preda. and that is to go from the best friend of my future fiancèe and to say "Maria, you want to say to Emilia if it is wanted to be put with me. Clear partition of roles was one and very defined: the preda, the hunter and the ambassador. Why the first one "" was not from putting in estimate. ("Maximum" written with the cuoricini in place of the dots on the i). All according to "" that sooner or later it would have arrived, but that not us scuoteva more than a lot. In bottom, the list of the prede to which to reach was long and very assorted. They were the times whose, for "" 800 did not have to be made sitting from a psychologist and the thought to kill, did not graze to us minimally. To the max it was tried to us with Maria, more bruttina but if it fought it equally. But the true dream of all the maschietti, plus ultra of that time was not to receive the ill-famed letter perfumed from part of one corteggiatrice. Someone finished with the megastampone of a REAL kiss to the silverplated lipstick to the strawberry with paillettes. Rigorously made inner decorations with the UNIPOSCA, evidenziatori and nuvolette, some stellina and many, many, tantissimi cuoricini. One for every dot of one "" in the text. The friends asked to you as the encounter with she had gone, and you, fierce and proud, said "Me YOU ARE MADE", that she meant exclusively alone and: son given a bacetto to me. The friends of she instead asked incessantly news on the KISS. Not there was number "That is" with the demand for some child who said "Aid. Never I have not kissed and I have fear of my first kiss. Between maschietti the esagerazioni they were the daily praxis of who had the possibility to kiss the fidanzatina: "I have kissed It, but I have held the language within in order little time. "While I kissed it, it has lost blood from its cosina. and all, she came said and told in true and own briefing sexual of friends, re-united to circle and most careful to every detail. She finished herself with the usual history of: "a day, my cousins, if it is made seven consecutively and one of they also has aborted at the moment. Technologies that, we say it all, have not never facilitated us more than a lot. Nothing cellular, nothing chat, nothing mail and nothing sms. telephone Appointment to the 15 of afternoon "I recommend myself. If you feel a woman voice, she is my mother, IT ATTACKS. If you feel a boy voice it is my brother ATTACKS. If you feel a old voice she is my GRANDMOTHER you say that six MARIA a lot she is rimbambita. In the case in which my mother answers or my brother, attacks and tries again after exact 5 minuteren. A single telephone in house, to the income, lì where all could and had feel. "" and "" to those times they did not have a value indeed. Often I came interrupted from a roco "BUT WHO I HAUL E'. "Papà, you close I haul of the telephone I am speaking with MARIAAAAAAAAAAAA. First loves, first encounter, first triangles and crossings that they will always accompany to us in order. The classic was she that innamorava of he and he that innamorava of the best friend than she insomma accadimenti that continue to still accompany to you in these days. A boy, a girl appealed to to us for com' was, like behaved itself. Not there was the risk to imbattersi in masks and/or personages you sew yourself I wear ad hoc. The heart struck as it has not more never struck growing, and to the first appointment Hush and the embarrassment they had the power to make to disappear all what it encircled to us. It was grown together and it was discovered to us slowly pian:). If I rethink to some kisses me vien to laugh and I do not stop it more. Often son found again to me to kiss one cavern:) . It approached and opened wide the mouth "Or" and therefore remained the entire time. I could ficcarci the head within. Once I kissed a pneumatic hammer. It let out to enter and the language from this mouth to intervals of micronanoseconds to mo' of snake, but the clou I caught up it when I kissed the girl with the apparatus. It released to the unexpected one with wants matta of give it to me this unexpected kiss. Then capitava, in our imaginary one, than the child from the highway chest A4, at moments it could have extracted the magic wand and have pronounced the ill-famed "Pampulu pimpulu parim pam pum. and to transform itself in Creamy for our great and immense joy. This but, capitava never not endured. It wanted us of the time, indeed years. Now that us task, but that stronza of Maria when I haul decides makes me to know if Emilia has accepted my proposal. Your first kiss, your first appointment, the absurd things that they have succeeded and that they will not return more. Pampulu pimpulu parim pam pum. A year with you, a year with You a experience that never I could have thought enriched me therefore a lot. it is succeeded to make to become priority all what to the eyes of the persons it is alone contour here where who passes has the possibility to cliccare up on X the Red one to right of ours browser, without to feel in guilt with nobody where the art work is the frame today I have here only wants to make the two things most important: Before it is to embrace this to me mine space, coccolarlo and fargli many many auguries for its first year of life. The second one is ringraziare all you for the INCREDIBLE affection who you have daily manifested for this space. In this year I have known persons ways to think and to be that neanche I could imagine. I have increased the cerchia of "Friends" who daily succeed to give a smile to me with they comment, with they "Hello" on the Messenger. I will not make it long, but I embrace it more large and my more felt "Thanks" it must only arrive to YOU. You beloveds friends who you have it want and the patience to read my strange, strangest thoughts. You have given me the beautifulr thing that a "writer" can wish:. I feel in the air a new scent the essence that emanates the sun when it constantly heats with its beams more forts, the land, the wild plants. People, leggiadra, sorride to me for road. Intentions and ideas in letargo in order too much time, are waked up slowly. The wind is not more cutting and a gull plays to us, two gulls plays to us. The wide awake morning me a rondine, that I say one rondine two rondini. Sapete to that hour wide awake one rondine. Between my fixed ones always it has been that one of immedesimarmi in written more or less famous and to live of described how much. Of in on the summit of the ancient tower, sparrow hermit, to the campaign singing you go finchè not more the day. The sparrow cracked the balls, and I was the rozzo of the situation. We pass to the empirismi that are better. The human being by nature is carried to the empirismo that has one its effectiveness, when it is cognitive, but a its risk when it is dictated from laziness. In order to demonstrate said how much, we try to make this experiment. What it serves is mutanda (possibly the white woman) that been wearing and the lightest one dolorino of belly, tenuous, not annoying. Now twisterizzate a pochino to you and to the occurrence shakerizzate to you in order to catch up the state of feasibility of the experiment. Interesting is instead to observe what happens in case of lazy empirismo. Our laziness will carry to us to put in argument that features of real stimulus of defecatio. To raise itself from the own seat in order to catch up the water is too much onerous for our state of boroso mind of that moment. We have 50% of possibility that air features simplest that it wants to be only expelled. We are speaking about one possibility on two. Too much tempting in order not to risk. Therefore we decide to proceed (with a sure caution) in the accomplishment of that one would seem to be to all the effects works physiological corporea. We know that every false step us will cost beloved. Therefore, working prettamente of anale sphincter, shrinking it a tantino, we give one pushed decided of attended abdomen in of the result. If the humidity rate that we will feel between the seat and the culo is low, has good possibility that it was be a matter of simple scoreggia that rilasciamo in the atmosphere. To new evidence of said how much, enough to give one fast glance to the mutanda. Completely white woman, will be the inconfutabile test that was be a matter of simple air. This will carry to us also to feel sorry us of the scoreggia as soon as uncoupled. What it serves for the experiment number 2 is the finger index and the finger inch of one hand to your choice. He would be preferibile to make this experiment when us great city os in one, in evening, of return from the visit for entire of the metropoli. The cognitive empirismo, with fine day, will concur to us, once rilassati to make the point of the situation on the state of shape of our physicist. Ascertained the pain of legs, hands, feet and the objective fatigue, our attention will be captured from strange towards that we make with labbra and the nose. We will carry labbra the sluices and contracted a pochetto on the left and a pochetto to right. We raise ourselves from the seat, we go to take a package of fazzolettini, blow strong in a fazzolettino for a pair of times, we give one strizzatina to the fazzolettino against the nose. The empirismo dictated from the trouble will make us to act in totally various way. TOO MUCH far away the package of fazzollettini and too much tires in order to raise to us and to abandon ours lieto be of dead women semiappearing, simply in order to blow the nose. With the finger index to entire and the inch between the narice and the same index, we explore the nasal cavity leaving from the skillful narice. To the tact we will feel of the knolls of melmoso material that culminate more with small tops of consisting material. With skillful movement, the pressure of the finger index becomes decided more and feels the knoll scrostar from the wall of the narice and to yield under to the polpastrello. The risutato one will be to be able to observe on our index one caccosa crosticina (gialloverdona) equipped with liquid and penzolante bag. We watch the work, ce of compiacciamo but we know that now the more difficult part comes. To amalgamate all with index and inch being rendered all appicicaticcio. We are realizing cosìdetto "the bullet" or, if great, "Pallettone". The expert fingers continue just the job until the realization of the pallettone. The result of such artisan manipulation comfortably is located on the polpasterllo of our mythical index, turned towards the high. If we have made a good job, will be enough one pushed decided of the inch that we will use like catapult, in order to disperse in the atmosphere the little ball. In such case, to control the extremity of the inch. If just we do not succeed ourselves, there is always the possibility to even stick it under to the divano or from some part. Little warnings: the initiative consists in makes the auguries me of Been born them, why Been born them it is every day. Therefore, if you have intention to comment my new one post, to the beginning or the end, you remember yourselves of the auguries of "Good Natale".2: for all those that ask what mean to me or with what it has to that to make the name "* Mr_OiZo", I have finally revealed the mystery. In the section dedicated to the photo, the enigma will have worthy end (other that Code From You win. By now to the shoulders the electoral result is a doubt that still it grips to me. What will be never "ecsindbolle" about which my mother spoke to me while she tried to understand who had won. I have tried to try also on Google, but it has not known it are me of aid neanche the famous search engine. In all this, my grandmother is already in climate of political renewal and totally in simbiosi with the change air that is breathed. In fact, the other day, spoke me about a letter that had arrived to them through "Mail. But we omit the political argument, that I leave prepared persons more than me and we throw ourselves to "bomb" in what is the argument of the day. How many we have read some in recent years. Women to taken with the automatic teller and the automobiles, course of I use of the washing machine for men ideal day of the man and ideal day of the woman. Insomma, has been written a lot and my small contribution could not lack. I will try to go in bottom, being analyzed the thing leaving from that they are the foundations. the reasons of this diversity between the two seies that beyond differing for 300 - 400 grams of carnoso material in more (for the lucky people.) to favor of the woman it is the reason for which the woman is a complex being, while the man distinguishes for semplicità and superficialità. E' single and only one issue of Senses. The auditory organ of the man is formed from pezzettini of cartilage is covered of carnoso material, defined ear commonly. Such male ear, for how much complex organ, in equipment to a man is of easy uses. The ear perceives sounds and noises of one sure intensity. If someone speaks to voice low, the man does not hear. If the interlocutor speaks to high and clear voice, the man hears and transmits the information to the brain. I use of this organ from part of the male is alone and exclusively to television use. E' the only case in which the man it succeeds not to lose for road some information directed to the auditory cap. The auditory organ of the woman is a complex apparatus from the multiple functions. The reception power catches up the apex during the origliamento. Such technique has concurred in the time to hear telephone calls of friends, siblings, parents and fiancèes to chiacchiere in the corridors in the pianerottoli and of the neighbors of house. One technical that in the years has carried the woman to filter the external noises from all which is origliabile. Moreover s' it adds that also the noises of movements and steps come pick up to you and elaborates, so as to to be able itself to find to you "accidentally" in places where () it would always accidentally be wanted to be. During the action of the origliamento, the brain succeeds to store all the said things (comprised punctuation). Such information come caught in the head of the woman and you cannot remain more in order than 12 hours consecutive. It is had therefore, the necessity vomitar them outside the first possible and usually that happens with a telephone call to a friend who is + or - following "Ready Maria. I have accidentally felt that stronza of Angelic. The feminine ear is distinguished also for the variety of ornaments that they can decorate it. In principle it was a buchetto to which it came hung a orecchino. From by now 20 years, such ear is open yard: Rims, cleaving, orecchini inferior part, orecchini advanced part, orecchini inner orecchini etc. E' possible to express the feeling of the taste, through a called organ LANGUAGE. In the such man organ has the function of giving to the food the appraisals, expressed for means of two fundamental concepts: "GOOD E'". Moreover the language of the man, often comes used for reasons of virtue with the friends, when the own performances with girls are told. I have begun to kiss it and I have put them the language in THROAT. Also for this organ, like previously seen with the ear, the functionalities are multiple. To difference of the man, the language of the woman is formed from innumerevoli gustative papillae that concur to express the own feeling of taste, in these ways: "salato E'. Usually the feminine language finds its natural positioning in gelatoni to the chocolate (and cream) and megacoppe to stracciatella (and the cream.) that they come explored to the spasmodic search of MEGAPEZZETTONEDICIOCCOLATA CROCCANTOSA. The sight of an object or a person is possible thanks to a called organ EYE. The eye in the man, is that organ that concurs with mathematical certainty of sentenziare how much follows: "E' BONA. Also here, like for the ear, the intense use of such organ in the maschietti marks it when it is near a television set, of one PlayStation and giornaletto a Pornografico. Omitting the fact that succeeds to see also to distance kilometers, I would stop myself on the enormous power that gives off the feminine eye. In the years they have succeeded to develop the tactics of the look apparently lost in the empty one. In practical they make feint not to watch and they wait for the moment in which the present ones they are distracted for scrutare head on foot and analyzing deeply. Begun makes case us from today in then. Characteristic of the feminine eye and the innata predisposition to I plant. Always umidiccio to the visions of romantici films, important scenes strappalacrime, arguments with the partner it begins to luccicare and to shine, the labbro inferior begins to shake and endured after, lacrimone salatissimo that it slides down for the ace. Moreover, often it is transformed in the most sharp arm that hurts for means of the "looks murders". Such looks murders manifest endured after some turned phrases she, like as an example: "But six fattened. Too much late, six state as soon as fulminato. the manifest tact for means of our body. Little to say for the maschietti, indeed nearly null. For the men the tact only serves alone and TO TOUCH the TETTE of the women (tette possibly enormous). In the man, the tact, is a feeling directly proporziona them: More they are large the tette, plus the tact feeling will be satisfied. but above all a woman, with its power and onnipotenza, without to touch to you and without the use of the tact and the fisicità will be able to cause feelings to you, beautiful and ugly. as an example: he will be able TO BREAK OFF the COGLIONI to YOU without neanche grazing them to you. The olfatto one is that feeling that comes perceived from our Nose. I lack to say it, the nose of the man is of one extreme semplicità. For means of the olfatto one, a man can perceive two feelings that esternerà in this way: "That Scent". To the man two main perceptions for living will be enough to these serenely. The nose of a woman, come.primo.cosa, aesthetically (to say they) has always something that does not go. Limatina has always need of one here po' and po' them. An interesting look goes dedicated to the ways to express itself of the women in fact of smells. In fact, often it is capitato to feel to me, in presence of tanfo strongly, women to say: "But you do not feel a olezzo. This is just MERDA, other that olezzo. but above all, and this me I will not explain never and then never. It would appeal to to me to be able to tell how much to you of yours is today in that they are, for like I speak and like me relationship with the others. You I have not never said or to at least I have tried us in this last year. It is not not to before see that rattrista. I now make the accounts to me with Hush and not the that one, but that one to you. E' the air that is changed, this immense space still more immense that ago hard work to hide your absence. The past week they have been in a famous center trades them Of campania. After my stroll to the search of some affaretto to make, they are brought to me in the wide parking where I had riposto my automobile. While I was salting in machine in order to return some to me to house, they have been distracted from two attractive girls of age comprised between the 20 and 23 years (in truth were not attractive. Such girls have taken to heart my motor vehicle, cleaning up for benino the windshield and the posterior rear window. The term of their pulizie I have asked as you could sdebitarmi (only why they are an educated boy, I.) and they have asked to me if I were therefore kind to accompany them from the other head of the city. The two have sat down repentinamente to the places of behind of the automobile and I have left. With mine I add astonishment, to the unexpected one I have noticed (thanks to the rear-view mirror) that the two have begun to kiss themselves burning and to touch themselves. But what still more incredible, to the first one semaforo, one of the two is jumped on the front seat and has begun to kiss to me and I stop myself here, I leave space your imagination. After that the two girls are come down from the car, me they are only shrewed that my pocketbook was not more present. While I exchanged effusions lovings with the passenger beside me, that one of behind, with skillful movement HAS EMBEZZLED ME the POCKETBOOK draft from a mail that it has arrived to me and red-adapt. But more than they brand red is interesting to analyze and to see like is behaved to us when we find of forehead to that it fascinates to us and that seduce to us. Naturally that that will follow, is not worth for Plottina (my companion), poichè, Plottina beloved, I. You will be asking what centers the Champion League with the seduzione. The first tactics of seduzione of the maschietto is always the same one. A Wednesday or a tuesday will invite you to supper, just during the important game of Champions. It renounces easy to one left of Champions (but only to one), why he knows of being able to take advantage of the Champions to its favor. You would not have never said it true. And pure, when exited with a maschietto, you must make case to two things mainly. Before it is the day in which you it invites (the reason you have hardly read it). The second one is the state of health and consumazione of the inch of BOTH the hands. You have known the man before decoder. if both inches are piegatissimi, calloused and giallastri/violacei, you know that you are in presence of the "MAN CONSOLE just what all the its free time passes defying the friends to all the types of possible and imaginable games to the Play Station. Anyone is he, lettrici beloveds, takes ALWAYS the habit, when exited with a new one maschietto, to complete a gesture that will help you not to never mistake. If you see it to close the eyes and aggrovigliare the forehead, or (in the worse one of the hypotheses) if to unexpected you a seven megapugno arrives from the railroad in an eye, beh. You do not run in the error to judge "MAN CAR" from the fact outside that has the cleanest machine within and. In fact we maschietti, for an important appointment, are usual to carry the machine to the washing. You take the healthy and just habit to inform it on that you have intention to order. If it answers in this way: " But six crazy one." or "You they will want two hours to us of race in order to consume the calories of this peak", you know that you are in presence of the "MAN LABEL ENERGETIC VALUE". If still I have not convinced to you, you can verify same you. Secretly, you o to the arena near which it carries out its daily training of 3 hours. You lie in wait for behind the machine dictates of the "Leg Machine" and you close the eyes ", urlo sovrumano coming from from the bench of the balance. It is that one surrounded from the friends. He has hardly raised two times its weight. that one with the plush is that one with cinturone the brown in life to which it has cut the sleeves which are laughing compiaciuto of the enterprise as soon as made what it is watched around in order to notice how many persons have assisted to the rising of the splinter-bar. if it were not for an other particular small. if the fantomatico he invites you of monday and it wants to carry to you in a posticino calm where not there is much people and it is pochino outside a hand but, domandategli IMMEDIATELY cellular how many telefonini have with if. If the answer is "2" and if it says to you that it has been forced to carry of two why "Me they are shrewed before coming down that they telephone was nearly drainage and I have had to carry the other". you know that you are in presence of "MAN FEDIFRAGO" (and me it will make us to become LUZ for a series of reasons that I am not here to list). It means that he is FIANCÈE (or worse MARRIED) and that only the its objective is that one of trasporvi in horizontal position how much before. CAREFUL: it knows all the tactics. The Man fedigrafo steals the heart to you and you recognize it also why he takes that one more expeditious can usually order in a premises (insalata). It will not speak very, but it will listen (will make feint to you to make it, in truth it is taken care that from the door it can enter its women rompipalle) and to you it will appeal to. In order to recognize it to flight, after 45 minuteren you know that it will have "the pezzata" armpit. as we say from ours you leave all not present remaining in this Vademecum re-enter in the other category that one that you calls the category of "Strontiums" patents to you and not:))) Therefore you put the spirit in peace. What ognugna of you it dreams, they have not still constructed it. It is narrated that the plan has gone lost when Eva tasted the apple of the sin. A lightning hit just those fogliettino containing the formuletta magical. Moreover (and I conclude) remembered NOT TO NEVER TRUST to YOU and then NEVER of who I say to you "I am various." (hihihihihih always except for you, Plottina. Even then, in order indeed met the "various one". You concur a thanks to me with conclusion of this post. A thank to a great journalist, MY PREFERRED JOURNALIST, Ilario, stage name: (Ilario Thanks, I have appreciated indeed a lot) and consorte (but only why the six consorte hihihihihihhihi. and siccome they are lecchino, I must do good. When an indication sum to an other indication, in police jargon defines TEST cannot make other that to confirm this thing and dirvi: . This the main reason of my furtiveness on the Blog. The costanza and the perseveranza have rewarded me and finally I can say to have made 6. Yesterday evening, after to have very controlled in order ten times shining mine 6, before what that son said to me has been "Maximum when then the evening I have met my friends, my comitiva, I have not known to resist. and endured me the hard and raw truth has been blinked in face. From "the likeable" wing of my comitiva rise has been endured the voice of the "Poet". This has given cue to me for this post. The most interesting E' to observe the composition of the persons who form the groups of friends. There are of the figures hinge that son present in every comitiva. Typically male, acknowledges from the fact that has three telefonini in pocket. With tim and the omnitel the supertua+ is recharged of the three. In the taschino inner of the jacket it has to palmare with the appropriate pen-nib that pulls outside also only in order to clean up the orecchie. In the case in which shooting outside they do not telephone and to palmare, one acknowledges easy, poichè you often feel it to speak about Hard disk, processori, hardware, software and formattazioni. E' typically fiancèe with a girl bassina from the enormous ones tette that technology mace does not understand one. E' usually the personage more easy individualizzabile in one comitiva. In order to mean there is what in the tavolata one of the supper with the friends, it occupies the place in bottom with nobody of forehead. E' the one which begins to smoke poichè therefore will be able at least to say "" when someone will ask it one cigarette. E' that one with glances at them to it impolverati and with they telephone with the vibration in place of the suoneria. E' which is defiladed when entirety is attempted to decide where to go. E' the one which only speaks to fine evening in its machine, poichè is accompanying the friends without car to house usually to he is entrusted the task to accompany to house the friends who outside inhabit city (from the end point north to that south of the city). it is what it comes pulled in dance when two members of the bisticciano comitiva and are involved for knowing it he second, who of the two have reason. E' the one which never does not go in bath and that it orders the daisy. This is the personage who every comitiva door behind. E' one of the little that always chewingum in pocket has and the cigarette package always deturpato of the cardboard in surplus. Usually it walks with leak on the ear and adores the crepes to the chocolate. When it must greet is approached to you, sorride to you and it says "Bellla to you Frateeeeee'." and it greets to you with a kiss on the cheek from the fort schioppo. The headed ones of Beautifull from here know all the previews of all to 2031. She knows to memory the name and last name (of the times also the tax identification number) of the mogli semidisowned of the famous personages of tv. Conosce to one to one the names and last names of last thirty miss Italy with relative year of Victoria also it is easy individualistic, poichè in a antrone of the brain, conserve the collection of samples of the colors of hats of the own friends. When one of its friends changes to hat color she. "You six made red yellow mahogany with glares paglierino to the retrogusto of banana split with touch of red carmio. In bath there are true and own scenes of panic, with the consigliera the their psychologist and consolatrice that they have beautiful from make themselves. some commensali, between which insensitive and the leader they comment: "(leader) but Maria still is not well. Maria has need of a little FISH and someone that if the scopes seriously. Until to a year it makes, did not address neanche the word. She schifava he and he altrettando. Then, she does not know herself in order which dark reason, the two are shrewed of wanting themselves well and they are themselves fiancèes. They acknowledge easy why they are always with, it accompanies to you from their sonorous column "smack, smack, mpciuuuuu, mpciuuuu, mpciuuuu". it seems that someone has joined it the snouts. They enter in the premises walking and kissing themselves." and ago to move an entire one tavolata, with the insensitive one that endured retort "But that I haul you come to make to us. Why ve not gone any to fottere in Saint peace. They order two various peaks that will be made to cut in exact halves for being able to divide them. They eat the patatine with he that it feeds she and viceversa. They take a cake slice that will divide but that they will eat in the same plate and with the same forchettina. If it is gone to dance she has hunger, if it is gone to eat she breaks off the balls why it is always gone to eat. If a premises is proposed, to she it does not appeal to why the peak ago schifo, if if proposes some other to she does not appeal to why the frittura ago schifo. If she goes herself to supper, it wants to go to drink or in discotheque. if it goes itself to drink wants to go indiscoteca or to supper. if it goes itself in discotheque she wants to go to supper or drink. E' that one that "is a batten that is killing to me", is that one that ago always cold also of summer and has 365 days the year typically the ghiacciati feet. "you do not feel a strange one smells. Saying also "Hand to three", "Hand to Grancio", "short Arm". It does not leave nothing in the plate, to cost of having to explode, it eats all which has ordered, even if not ce ago more. When the table asks the account, it in trepida is attended and, they telephone to the hand, recalls endured the calculator in order to divide the account in equal parts exactly. Usually he is the attache' to observe in order before the amount of the figure and, whichever is the amount, he will always say "That BEATEN". I attend with much curiosity all the tipologie stranger than friends who you have in comitiva and that they make the actions improponibili than this world. And then, they are curious tantissimi to know the nicknames that used in order to identify them. You have never made case to as we call some of we during our evenings. "President, Poet, Moicano, Ridolino, the old one, the airone, Bomber, Nose, the eager one, bekko, the red one, the grandfather, fattone" the etc etc. In truth, if you wanted to be precise and punctual, I would not have to be found here, keyboard to the hand, to write this new one post. Professional ethics would impose me to concentrate on some other important issues to me that they are in wait to show in all their sides and profiles. But, a dowry that I acknowledge, is without doubt the dowry of the mental ubiquità, that one that it makes you to be in two or more places at the same time. In order to mean to us, I could write this new one post and in the same time to think about scaccolarmi as soon as I remove the index they give over the keyboard. Now, I would not want to seem banal, but to me, what it scares of the wedding, it is not the wedding in how much such one. But you, I speak seriously, you never have riflettuto intensely on what it is event TRASH for excellence. Of continuation a directory of phrases that All we feel to every wedding and that we will be deceived not to have felt (or will feel) to ours: "mine he will not be therefore", "This paste makes to turn the stomach", "the fish is not fresh", "As the sister of the spouse has dressed itself, with the table cloth of the premises", "He is well, but she instead. ago the still more fat person than how much is not "," Has visto.e if she puts it she, does not see the reason for which I would not have to put it also. Complessino musical it is making me two balls giant "," When this ends strazio. "," Not will be trenini to my wedding "," has tried to place remedy to those brufolone that it is exited to them, but unfortunately the corrector does not perform the miracles. I attend with anxiety the phrase that you have felt or that you say. The RELATIVES WHO COME From the COUNTRY:. Then there is a true ritual and just that he accompanies the participation of these persons to our event of great mondanità: to send the MOTHER in reconnaissance. Therefore, beloveds friends, begun to reflect. You know that if you have received the telephone call of the mother of a relative who is in order to marry itself it is alone and exclusively why he thinks you of the great boors poichè if you reflect well, all we live in a country regarding qualcunaltro. The task of the mother, will be that one to communicate in shape much kind one that simple but elegant dresses are graditissimi for the day of the wedding. We will be able to only say 3 words "I HAUL the POWERRANGERS. and I do not refer of sure to the wait of the ecclesiastical function. I refer alone and exclusively to the only wait that every invited is forced to endure: the wait for the beginning of the banquet. The grandfathers of the spouses who boccheggiano on the edge of the swimming pool. Those cursed children who run after themselves for all the perimeter of the swimming pool. Some parents who son forced to recover them in the same swimming pool. Mega the shape of reggiano $parmesan camps on the small table of the buffet, with the water jugs of strange colored liquid, that they would have to represent the cocktail of welcome. The toothpicks already are inserted meticulously in their olives of competence. The waiters, exchange amuse the comments on the Power Rangers and the most likeable Aunt makes the directed television report in of the movements of the spouses. I o towards the Power Rangers and I ask it which are their secret crews. The truth is that there are already stuffs oneself you of those most likeable littles ball of frittelle to the buffet. We have taken 14, sgomitando and fighting, but we are resolutions to eat 14 fried littles ball. We have the oil that floats to half of our brain, a spot ce remembers it, just on the jacket. the briciole of $parmesan are a po' everywhere. The greater part of invites to you is asking what was in that water jug of green color, that one of the cocktail of welcome. to theirs to raise itself in feet releases the uproarious applause. From the curve south of an APPLAUSE To the SPOSIIIIIII knows it is raised the chorus "". They concert begins to play unmistakable notes of Frank "My Way". The children run after themselves in know it, with strange toppe attacked to the chest. They are the toppe of acknowledgment that the entertainer of the children has applied to it in order to recognize them. It is running also for knows it it. He is trying disperatamente to detach the children from the table of the Power Rangers. Your neighbor of table has the wine bottle in hand. of it he is watching the label (until yesterday has always drunk the Fibulas), he watches to you and you you make "Bond this wine" and. The glass fills up you making sure itself that a part of the content ends to you leans." that soon it will be involved all knows it it. In the meantime the singer of concerts invites the spouses for first the slow one. The fresh brace heads to the center of knows it and begins the dance. The aunts, your comprised mother make from contour all, with relative husband whom they energetically begin to dance. The singer the gasa exclaiming for microphone "I have difficulty to characterize the YOUNG SPOUSE". the dance of the aunts becomes more energetic. Just the time in order to think between me and me "Lacks only the Macarena. and here that the aitante singer announces "And hour all in track for the MACARENAAAAAAA". ce it I will not be able TO NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER MAKE. I outside exit for one cigarette then. I become account that the strange one is I, poichè in knows I have left it persons who are amusing themselves like of the matti ones. They have arrived to half cigarette, I am myself a moment rilassando and I see an old friend, also he to head outside. Between me and me I say myself that fortunately they are not the only one to think it in a sure way he exchanges again the smile, watches to me and it says to me "From ENTERS. E' the only thing that aspect in a wedding. Incredible E' how much piaccia to assist to me to the launch of the Bouquet of the spouse. I find a discipline to propose to the next Olympic Games. Outside in garden and turned spouse of shoulders. Behind of she the not married invited ones to the wedding are all. There are the three more fat people in before row who work of shoulders and to seat. Insomma if someone tries to centralize itself, the grossone provvederanno to blows of culo and shoulder to the just removal. There are the Agile ones that plays on the factor movement repentino. Usually they are located a lot to sides of the immense group. Endured behind the grassone, there is the invited SALAMA, that high high one with glances at them to it that nobody if it takes it. Goodness knows that the bouquet does not invert the trend. The SALAMA is the only true danger of the GRASSONE. Behind the Salama there are the formation of timid, the ready ones to remove the shyness veil, in the case in which the bouquet one heads towards of they. That one cazzona of the spouse has thrown the BOUQUET IN SWIMMING POOL. I have to comply to a little tasks and of confidence that some of you have demonstrated in this period in my comparisons. MARIANA (excuse for the monstrous delay), MISIA (thanks also to you for the confidence). ALICE (has said to me that somiglio to Arsenio LUPIN. Draft of the game of mine 5 stranezze: I will be short, but the ball. For which the here my stranezze: 1) When I go the bath for the cacca, they are usual to read the description labels on the back of some I cleansed to you that they are to hand capacity. 2) When I ask myself that hours are, I know the timetable perfectly without to watch the clock. 3) the evening, before going to sleep, I remove the mesh, I put myself of profile of forehead to a mirror and watch my belly. I repeat the same operation withholding the breath. 4) Provate to count how many points exclaimed to you is in this post. I do not succeed not to complete one without points exclaimed to you, above all the SMS. I suggest to many of you, in order to begin the day in the best one of the ways. My wide awake sound to hours 7:31. THUS I can sleep a MINUTE IN PIU'. (moreover this stranezza is the sixth stranezza of the 5 stranezze. More the time passes and more I would have, with silverplating themselves of temples, stretching to catch up an just equilibrium between mind - body - desires - it sets in action and reactions to place itself, even, not just to the center of this wonderful work of stalks, abdominal glutei and, but even, a tantino more to right, just them behind that column from the capitello gotico. Them I would be well, poichè nobody will put down the look on me more than a lot, I would pass indifferent, but I would be free to continue calm and serene in my travel and to continue, calmly and serenely it makes me hauls of the others. "and it places to you behind the great Colonnna from the capitello gotico". sentiii from far away always HE that it said to what preceded to me "IT GOES. and You gain all the contests in all the categories of the MotoGP that the man can never create. And this today you I will cheer with the trivialities and the ritual of the dopofesta, what we feel every year (premise: I know that angoscerò many of you with this post. It is known, this period is time of budgets beloveds friends, fact but, after little days, to become time of BALANCE. Who more and who less, have given for these festicciole cumuletto here and cumeletto them of most likeable woven adiposo, grossly FAT saying. These most likeable ones cumuletti is many mattacchioni and has gone to place itself, just them where indeed ce n' it was not some need we say that it is also nearly human is not of sure human but, to assist to speeches and scenes postfestivity that they have of the surrealistic one. In order to end with who the belly is watched, if it touches it, catches it between the inch and the index, the sballottola up and down and if it regards it. A true traffic of fogliettini you are shared in days of the week, with foods and regimes from hunger 8 hours breakfast: odore of the latte ones with aroma of caffe. Hours 10:30 dull: integral briciola of salatino hours 13:00 lunch: Basil cooked with a granelli of knows them, wafer of blessed church with vapor aroma. Hours 20:30 Supper: average apple peel with chicco of pressed coffee and of water. Punctual Immancabile and, protagonist indiscusso of the postfestivity is he: The oroscopo, renamed from me: hour scope (. You will fatten of a chilo to every sight of cake and two if you will try to taste it. Short but intense and you attend giramenti of head will characterize the primaverile period, nausa and vomito that summery one. Moreover, during the summer, foltissima a colony of mosquitos killer will decide to move to house yours, im prossimita of the air conditioner that you have bought the past year. FISH: The state influences will characterize them the beginning of 2006. You will be forced to be to bed from 5 January to 15 March. There will be one before fallen back to May that will return overbearing during your only week of ferie. You will be first to know the new one virus influences them of 2007 that will come to find to you to November in order to disappear 7 January 2007. You will make tantissime new acquaintances of persons who you angosceranno with storys of their misfortunes and anguish. It will not serve to close the cellular one, why morbose and yours are veranno to house. It will not serve to close the door, will smash in it, why their desire to tell itself. AQUARIUS: What not you capiterà this year. A malanno for every month of the year in course. Sciacalgia and lombalgia, will make company you for all the first trimester, while an annoying wryneck will characterize the having remained days of the year. A likeable Herpes will appear to cadence weekly magazine for all the year, alternating itself between labbro posterior and the that inferior. Attention to 17 May not to eat eggs. CAPRICORNO: The intercostal and abdominal pains will be your better friends of 2006. You will succeed to go to sea only a day, and there will be difficult to raise to you from the deckchair, cause repentino the block that accompegnarà you for the entire summer. You will fatten of 2 kili to the month and if tried to go in arena, of three kg. Eye to the storte to the ankle and the nail of the inch of the right hand that will regularly fall always and the 13 of ongi month. The aerophagia will be lieta the innovation of 2006. TAURUS: Venere in moon and saturno in Aquarius is just incazzati a.morte with you. They are trying why they want to intorzare to you of blows. A fantozziana cloud will accompany all the organized gite ones fuoriporta that. Troubles for who use the machine. Bucherete all and the four rubbers with average of 4 gg to week and a lot often of Sunday during your gita one fuoriporta. Hands cracked for all the year. First symptoms of incontinence that will carry to make piscia at least the 24 times to you the day. BINOCULARS: You will make 6 the superenalotto but to lose the card, than your madre/moglie/marito he has washed in washing machine to 90 degrees with candeggina (exchanging also the maglioncino of Prada). You will make a series infinite of ambles to the lottery, but you have always headed at the terno (that you will lose for a single number of difference). You will find 100 euro for road that you will spend in order to buy of cigarettes. You will come arrests for sale of illegal or counterfeit items and receiving to you of counterfeit banknotes. CANCER: A year characterized from the smile. from a daily smile, poichè you bloccherà the jaw laterally generating a smile that it will make is envied to many. Period negative for the purchases. You will be forced to change cellualre every three days, poichè, after the first cycle of recharges, nobody will work as it must. You will not never succeed to telephone, but in compensation you will come telephones more times to you from the financial police, poichè has pecks to you to you to unload film of totò on Internet those of your friends who you will be torments to you from strains to you acute, not painful, but that they will cause me of the daily dysenteries. The council is that one to buy mutande that intonano good with the marroncino. VERGINE: After many vicissitudes, you will participate to the game of the packages with Pupo. You will remain with a package that a pea pod contains and one that contains 500. it is useless that it foretells to you which you will choose you will have way to rethink to us on for the rest of your life. Not content you will participate to Passaprola and you will be in end with the champion of the champions for contendervi the 500,000 mila euro of the montepremi final. You single answer lacks one in order to buy up the montepremi to you and to gain "With the C four letters. BALANCE: The love will knock to your door. the prox it turns you made to fix it the door-bell. You will meet cupido and you will ask it scoccare an arrow also for you in compensation you will find the lamp of the Genius of the Lamp (that one of three desires). and you notice that too many canes make you badly. You have as soon as polished I stop of house yours. 15 August, while been bringing you to the place of the appointment in order to catch up the others for the ferragosto, you will remain blocks to you in acensore, until 17 August with the mrs. of the third plan prorpio that likeable one with the pigiamone of flannel, accapatoglia the Scottish fantasy verdone in coupling with unghiona the marroncina of the pollicione of the foot. SCORPION: All the motor vehicles with which you will travel, will carry two hours of delay to gone and the three to the return. Every saint morning, the pigeons will take of sight yours dressed with which brought to job. Lived to the eighth plan, but the elevator will be always broken off and in the precise moment in which rincasate you. The distribusione small cars cigarettes and drinks will not never give the rest to you and always two will be stolen were, before distributing the coffee, and 5 euro to you before distributing the pacchettino to you of cigarettes from 10. SAGITTARIO: I begin with the dirvi that they are 40 years that the sagittario is not the sign of the year. and it it will not be neanche this year. You will suffer from continuous cramps to the finger mignolino of both feet. You will be hit from the acute nasal Muchite. This new disease will make you secernere mucus from the nasal, every qualvolta will be of forehead to a person for apuntamento of transactions, appointment gallant, appointment of courtesy. You will know Manuela Arcuri (Raul Bova for the women) that attraction in your comparisons will try one strongly. The number on a pezzettino lascerà you of papers that you tighten in the sudata left hand. Skillful Distrosione ginocchio (and anch the left for par condicio) the 12 day February. Much enthusiasm in order to make it, to decorate it, to contemplate it. Manger, tree, christmas decoration outside from the door, christmas decoration in house, mangers begin to you and not ended. From a personal statistics, 40% of the trees of Been born them, do not come removed after the epiphany feast, for trouble in completing such operation. Some, to the question of why they have still not removed it, answer: "Eeheheheh. the paschal doves, some part will have to also make the NEST. 48% of the mangers will see the bambinello to grow and to pronounce the first words. In order to remember the NATO to us them that it was, we will be forced to eat the odd lots of the 100 ancient lutes that we have bought like decoration to the feet of the tree. To Passover a dove slice will be offered to us that strangely, we will not never see in the scato one it, but served directly to the table you know that draft of the advanced Pandoro from Been born them. The crowds run to the balances of fine season. The first phase is said phase "of the intossicamento from targhettino". The second phase, instead is said "From intossicamento of ransom". Small rooms occupied from entire families that try of all. Persons who try heads for the runners of the storees also of improbable measures. The store clerk you as soon as has informed that the 38, unfortunately are finished and that it is only remained the 35. Then the fingers begin to enter in this shoe with finish them to tip. The Alluce overlaps with the mignolo, the advanced part of the foot begins to swell and is made viola to the center and giallina to sides. The high part of the heel is already seriously compromised, tearing itself of devious. You succeed to raise in feet and to make two steps to you. Turns around, try the comfort to you of the amico/a and at all exclaim "son then many grips. You have paid the half of how much cost. This my welcome to the year the 2006 and welcome to the daily only removed habits in these days of festivity, than then to think to us well, I have not never stopped to work. Perhaps to only Been born them and the last one of the year. Happy Son that people for road will not give to more the "Auguries to me" and that it will return to hate to me just like before. Not if of buonismo could more than this squallido. Finally it is returned to "vaffanculo" mutter to you and to tight teeth. if just you are end with the reading arrives to you here (. does not have really hauls to make:) Of I will be enthusiastic and I will answer you for the rhymes hardly of it I will have time and wants. Me I laugh why task that the human beings are the stranger creatures of the world. In these days they are (we are) all kind ones, sorridiamo always, all ready ones to make of the good and to help the next one. We do not get angry and we have a smile for all, also for close rompicoglioni and the amico/a that we hate. We augur good festivities and good NATO them to anyone. Also to persons to which we have not never turned the word. But the absurd thing is that we already do not cancel a hatred endured after epifania (but the someone also after the first one of the year), returning exactly therefore as we were 7 December (the day before the Immaculate one). E' a law not written of these days of Festivity. Just these days of festivity, than all they attend, where stranezze and traditions make it from landladies. Who runs to right, who runs on the left, who you catch a glimpse it from far away, raises the hand and smile to 70 teeth says "Auguries to you. Scappo that I go of haste ", all according to what of them little it will happen. the days that verrano are days crowds, where things are made that we will not make never more during the year. One begins the 24 to hour of lunch, with an express sandwich why then the evening is the cenone. To the 20, all re-united to table, via to the cenone. Orate spigole, gamberoni, mixed frittura, the CAT (. Mother has cooked also the cat, for this did not find it. Insalata of I reinforce, capsicum imbottiti, sweet (MANY) Pandoro, sparkling wine, coffee, ammazzacaffè and kills persons. You do not have the material space in order to complete the simple gestures of carrying the fork to the mouth. After the third first one, even if you have the space, CE YOU DO NOT MAKE IT the same one to carry the fork. Bissa Sunday of the 25, same pietanze of the cenone, with varying meat. Turkey, pollo, manzo, braciole, meat of pig, DOG (But I haul. Also the dog has cooked mother), cake, pandoro etc. in order then to continue to house of friends the evening, during likeable tombolata the organized one from the house neighbor. We will eat of taste all the dregses of the cenone of the eve and the lunch of been born them. ONLY ONE WHAT will remain intact until the next NATO them. That confection cellophanate, present in all the houses, containing fichi buckets, dates and plums. , just that confection pressurized from which tracima a strange liquid that comes from the fruits described buckets over. Like if the content it began sudare strongly asking to you and with insistence to exit, not of being eaten, but to only exit (approposito, anyone eat these fruits buckets, are prayed to leave a comment, why son curious to see the face of the ideal consumer of these leccornie). It will be continued ininterrotamente until the cenone of the 31 and to the lunch of the first one of the organized likeable year and tombolata from the house neighbor. Now, in every family there are always unpleasant Cousinses us, spocchiosi, invidiosi, spettegoloni. what it speaks to you about computer science and they give council to you (me. Usually these uncles are accompany you from sons (cousinses) of an aversion innata with mogli or unpleasant husbands us to the cube. They do not eat, they have always the snout, they do not calculate to you and not diverteno. Head descent on telephones and therefore passes their festivities. The uncles know always the places where he eats himself well and always know where he eats himself above all of the good fish and, they have ALWAYS the FRESH FISH, why they have a friend with the boat that the evening of the eve has carried it the fresh fish. We pass to that event now that reduces us all, comprised me, to emeriti coglioni. Like saying over, the house neighbor, has organized the tombolata one. All us belly in hand to house of the neighbor os. They are present in the order: Friends, aunts, cousinses, grandfathers, strangers. Preparation for the first hand of tombala: 1 hour and 30 minuteren. Here the first ritual: One voice erge from the other side of the table. It is not made in time giving the folder to the grandmother who erge an other voice, always from the other part of the table "We make 10 cent folder. 15 are too many "are the aunt, the sister of your mother. Where I haul son ended the association tirchi Italian. the 10 cent to folder and in the meantime beginnings are approved of to feel the polipo that you have eaten a little time before that knows them in throat with its tentacles this is your cousins, that unpleasant one. Then the grandmother takes part who remembers to possess those cartelle of cardboard with which she played in 1960 that ripone in a sacchettino of velvet. She takes and she orders to the daughter to go to take to the lenticchie or the fagioli. but she is here that an other voice is raised (has made case that to Been born them, the odore of Mandarin is always present. Oldest they have changed glances at them to it. and here all leave to squall struck the more coglione that make part of the tradition. Your mother, thinking to be likeable raises the look from the folder and joyful she says "AMBO." (all to laugh) and you shames like a ladro. From the side sud/ovest of the table U SCEMMMMMMM'. (for who is heard "did not know it, in the Neapolitan cabala, the 23 identifies the dumb one), while beside you, simpaticone the joker of your neighbor of house says" exited E' the 70, ", continuing with the aunt tirchia that. "and daiiiii, fray YOU ARE NOT CALLING ME NEANCHE well a NUMBER". These first struck passed, the game begin are made serious. the first one is called and it is called according to number, to the third number hears a "AMBOOOOO. the reaction is pressappoco following, all alzono the look in order to try to understand who had dared to call the ambo. The aunt characterizes in you the person whom SHE HAS DARED to make ambo. you feel a worm, e' like if same stealing to a tramp. The aunt nervously claps the right hand on the table, the cousinses watches to you balefully. Someone you porge the prize, you go to control. You make the indifferent one and nearly you vien it wants to replace them in racing silk. But by now, six taken vaffa of all and the blasphemies to you of all. The bench with a feline release says "IS GONE FOR the TERNO". I could go having for hours. If one is you resist yourself to the eve, the NATO them and the days that follow, here punctual to arrive to the appointment of the veglione of New Year's Day. But more than the veglione than for if, hatred fortissimanete all the ritual that precedes the cursed veglione. You cannot exit for road and meet someone that you questions always and only same thing:"cosa YOU DO NOT MAKE NEW YEAR'S DAY. She seems that people do not have other to ask to you. They are all apparently interested to what you will make New Year's Day. To record the trend in strong increase of the answer that is depopulating in recent years "Honestly not I still know it. Sincerely to go in discotheque and to pay 80 euro in order to dance and for a slice of pandoro, do not go to me just ". Lately they go for greater the private festivities, those with the free bar (so to speak) to house of the friend of a friend outside city. Some are likeable and also succeed in the large one, but the greater part of these festivities, is spectral. one os to us in this shed, where it blots some to them are parked in a marsh of mud and water. From far away I feel only "TUM TUM TUM TUM TUM TUM". not six sure one that the place is that one, then you address two persons who scono outside. (TUM TUM TUM TUM) WHAT we say that we trust ourselves and we get ready to ourselves to enter. To your right there is knows it vomito it. The deejay wears alone glances at they them with montatura rose. The free Bar, son four bottles of Gin Gordon, of which two dirty ones of vomito. Suddenly one addresses to us towards the friend who has capacities to us and he is asked to us where he has capacities to us and he sorminone "E' still soon. Between little a casino will arrive of people ". In the meantime the moicano has eyed the girls of our group and chain to the neck is approached mo' of zulù during the ritual of the venerazione of the moon. It is then decided to go to the other little distant festivity, where lì there is a casino of gene. Of new to it blots some, ready via is parked and here, with I add astonishment, knows it it vomito is outside. (TUM TUM TUM TUM) Comeeeee. E' the same moicano of the other festivity. Me I notice some from the chain and the Padlock. king-it has begun we danced it of the venerazione of the moon. Concluding, this is my likeable way in order to augur good NATO to you them, made just of all these things as soon as written (read, for you, oh my reader." after the first number extracted during the tombolata one to house of vicono and/or the relative. Pensateci on two times before saying it above all and, when you feel it to say, pensatemi. Thoughts to the your Maximum amato/odiato beloved and sorridete, why it is this that renders these days special. the night of 31 December towards the 24, in place of shooting botti and fires like of the coglioni, we run to embrace to one to one the persons who we love. Endured after, we raise the cornetta and to turn we compose the number of the persons to which we want to augur a good year. The true BOTTI and FIRES are these PYROTECHNICIANS who we must talk nonsense. I increase my exiles braccine and I embrace you all. The hope is that one to continue sorridere and however. I do not have riposto the stopper on a my Bic to spherical tip, than spot to guardarsi. neither tantomeno I have only had the classic problemino to the PC that has not concurred to me to write the usual sea of ca$$4te. (would have been absurd for a computer science one to have the problemino to the PC usually, those of our category, causes the problem to it, does not resolve it. Under many apsetti, I am "a NORMALLY STRANGE" type. not there is never an appearing reason for what I make and for as I behave how much is beautiful not to confidarsi:)) All the true reasons I to them know only and am also conscious of the fact that could not interest to nobody. I love I play, not that one with the papers or that from table, but other Gioco, that one to which can only participate the "Normally Strange ones". Removing to us too much from the topic "you do not play". that you say some of affron>

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