Mar 10, 2008

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Bloggers for PEACE:: Navigators we join. Of continuation the articles found publish you for this Argument. To the Americans one Forecast on the Future. Entitled Marzulli "Politic Prophecy and the Supernatural". This article which you' ve posted regarding anti-war leaders warning of to new 911 is to hoax: . Emailed the Dahlia Wasfi about is and this was his response:. The did not sign that statement, and I' ve written the author to that effect. In fact, an email exchange, I, Cindy Sheehan, and Jamilla El-Shafei all refuted signing such to statement. Many thanks for your support. To the American people, and to peace loving individuals to everywhere:. We call on the House of Representatives to proceed immediately to the impeachment of Cheney, as an urgent measure for avoiding to wider and more catastrophic war. Ounces impeachment has begun, it will be easier for loyal and patriotic military officers to refuse illegal orders coming from the Cheney faction. We urges responsible political leaders to everywhere to begin at inoculate ounces to the public opinion of their countries against such to threatened false flag terror operation. (Signed) To Group of US Opposition Political Gathered Leaders in Protest at the Bush Compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, August 24-25, 2007 CYNTHIA MCKINNEY, FORMER US CONGRESSWOMAN, GEORGIA CINDY SHEEHAN, CANDIDATES FOR US CONGRESS, CALIFORNIA CRAIG HILL, CANDIDATES FOR US CONGRESS, VERMONT GREEN PARTY BRUCE MARSHALL, CONVENOR, PHILADELPHIA PLATFORM JAMILLA EL-SHAFEI, KENNEBUNK PEACE DEPARTMENT. ANN WRIGHT, COLONEL US ARMY RESERVE, FORMER US DIPLOMAT. JOHN KAMINSKY, PRESIDENT MAINE LAWYERS FOR DEMOCRACY. It projects them to the Permanent Garrison From the Molin does not project them?tato recapitato quest.oggi in private un.abitazione and then carried to the Permanent Garrison, addressed to one of the pi?appresentative persons of the movement vicentino. Someone, therefore, has decided to pass to the strong ways against the many citizens who strike themselves in defense of the own earth. We defend the earth for tomorrow groundless of war. E' clearly - they have said Cinzia and the garrisoning others - than this it projects them?ndirizzato to all the Permanent Garrison, than from months transparent mobilitation leads one and in the light of the sun in order to prevent the ulterior militarization of Vicenza. A serious event also according to Germano Raniero, that it has remembered like spesso, against the movements, comes used these shapes of intimidazione... Non will pick - it has continued Nora Rodriguez - these provocazioni. The encounter avr?nizio to hours 14. G8 Genoa: Letter opened to the Journalists of Repubblica and Unit?ETTERA OPENED To the JOURNALISTS OF REPUBLIC and JOINED In qualit?i president of the Committee verit? justice for Genoa, I write to you in order to ask excuse. We then did not know it that we would have very (after six years) caused l.allontanamento of De Gennaro from the apex of the Italian Police. That, for guilt ours, De Gennaro would be inquired for istigazione and induction to false. And you have not been the single, numerous parliamentarians (of right, center and left), to leave dall.on. And true, to Diaz, we have made of all in order makes us to massacre, pretending to sleep, raising the hands of forehead to the manganelli and asking piet?Mettetevi in our cloth and, tried not to soil to you. perch?ono still full of blood. And the blood, like every housewife who respects knows itself well, is not washed easy. Little evil that in the meantime others to use policemen have supplied to destroy the two Molotov cocktail to you. We have made of all in order forcing policemen, penitenziarie police officers, guards, medical and nurses to amuse itself with we. Not knowing like passing the time, we have played to nascondino, remaining also ten hours in feet with the up arms against the wall and the spread legs. But our torturatori have been good with we and they have not hidden much good. Cos?i is made to discover, from we and the Magistracy. Still the eyes to the memory cry me. But not only?tata guilt ours. And we have believed ourselves, you not fortunately. That of it they knew we, then, than De Gennaro, Manganelli, Gratteri and others, they had a solid one passed nell.antimafia, quite to flank of Falcone and Borsellino. I assure to you: ce l.hanno not said, n?lla Diaz, n? Bolzaneto, otherwise not we would be made to massacre and to torture with the their risk to ruin splendid and honored career. Little evil that the Prodi government has arranged decorous De Gennaro and Manganelli. I ask excuse also dottor the Manganelli, than it was not to Genoa in 2001, indeed being to brought back how much from your daily paper it was in ferie.. For some indeed not there are never vacations. Fortunately, in spite of everything the casino that we have made, n?e Gennaro, n?l government Berlusconi, n?l Prodi government is leaves you to sviare from our testimonies. In fact it charges to it to you, pi?lti in degree, for the facts of Diaz and of Bolzaneto they have been all promoted. Gilberto Caldarozzi, Francisco Gratteri, Giovanni Luperi, Spartaco Mortola, Filippo Irons, Vincenzo Singing, Alexander Perugini. To all they, De Gennaro, Manganelli. and to you journalists of Republic and dell.Unit?mpegnati daily in the hard job to inform correctly the Italians, still thanks. Thanks to they and you we have definitively understood what mean in Italy the words: libert?verit? justice. President Committee verit? justice for Genoa. Morandi, various authors, you see the photos of And Santoro: after the transmission threats to Don Di Noto and one aggression to the Pope. Left: been rosikando for the died born law on Dico, but the public square of Saint Giovanni ve does not have it stolen Berlusconi, gliela has given you. COBAS: 48 ESIMO DAY OF HUNGER STRIKE - IT BEATS to YOU and STOPPED From the the 48 POLICE To DAY OF HUNGER STRIKE COBAS INSTEAD PERCOSSO NICHOLAS GIUA IN HUNGER STRIKE hunger strike for the trade-union rights in course gi?a 48 days. The police?ntervenuta immediately with evidently excessive force against demonstrating, placing in state of detention six of they between which the National Megaphone of the Confederation Cobas Piero Bernocchi translate endured in commissariat. Between the persons members stopped several dell.Esecutivo National. Nicholas Giua, gi?ortemente weakened from 32 days of fast, and a malore that has seen it ricoverato single d.urgenza 2 days ago in hospital, chained to. National center: Manzoni Tree-lined avenue, 55 - 00185 Rome. You read the last news from the Agencies. ElettroSmog and Farfalle: hour you take care of the Base nuclear And HOUR YOU TAKE CARE Of the BASE NUCLEAR. ?oncluso a process that I follow, to cause of the hypocrisy who have carried it ahead, from some years. The far, farthest detectors, from the ground to the distance at least a meter and means. Nobody of they?ai asked, per?che what attracted the electromagnetic waves towards the ground. the electromagnetic waves have been attracted towards the ground (and not towards the space) from radioattivit?el the ground. Present Radioattivit?aturalmente for the tufo and that pi?evastante, product of the technology and induced from 40 pollution years nuclear of the zone to work of the base civil nuclear of the former Enea to the Casaccia. Only the hypocrisy has concurred the accusatory system and the probable hidden financings of the Lobby of the nuclear. An area that?llargata in shape of circles is concentrated to us to very leave from the base nuclear in 40 years. An episode of remote years seventy would have to make to reflect. For the pollution nuclear they were gratta you from radioactive ground 10 cm of terriccio for one extension of hectares of land. G8 Rostock Germany - Communicated Cobas on the crashs responsabilit?ella the German police and of the Merkel government for the brutal repression yesterday is gravissime.000 agents in order from war has transformed limited skirmishes with small manifesting groups of, in an onslaught to an enormous one, gotten passionate and colored manifestation of beyond 100.000 persons who were concluding themselves with the final comizi. These menzogne serve to prepare a pi?rammatica anchor repression of the protests against the G8 of the next days. Hour, participating to the G8, Prodi responsible also of the protests becomes and the present and future repression of the dissent. If the government of center-left had something of "left", would ask the cancellation for the G8. IMMEDIATE LIBERTA' FOR ARRESTS TO IT TO YOU. :: The views expressed in this article are the sun responsibility of the author and I give not necessarily reflect those of Uruknet. Trentaquattro sailors Americans remained killed and 172 were hurt. The Liberty riusc?aticosamente to catch up Malta. This although had it in proud evidence the flag American and was easy identifiable like boat vessel American. The Israeli lobby has even published a book, of Jay Cristol, that accidental "scene constructs around to the case one", but the families of the survivors. beyond to a considerable number of authoritative commentators. they do not believe to us. One of these commentators?.ex captain of, the Ward Boston, that he has signed a affidavit in which asserts inequivocabilmente:. ] Kidd that I we convinced ourselves beyond every doubt that this attack [. ] was a deliberate attempt to sink one ship American and to kill its entire crew. It was our conviction, based on tests documents them and received testimonies firsthand, than l.attacco Israeli it was premeditated and deliberated. L.ex director of the CIA Richard Helms asserts: that the Israelis knew exactly ci?he they were making to nell.attaccare the Liberty ". L.ex Secretary of State Dean Rusk asserts: "I have not never found the explanations supplied from Israel satisfactory [. ] Through the channels graduate to us there are always refuses you to accept their explanations. I did not believe and not it then to it creed today. Also pi?ergognosa it was the cover supplied from the Pentagon and the House White woman of Lyndon Johnson (said "Hey Hey LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today. According to l.ufficiale David Lewis, that it was lowerdeck at the moment dell.attacco:. It said me that to the reception dell.SOS they came sendes various airplane to you in our aid and that Washington was perceived dell.operazione. He said that [ the Minister of the Defense Robert McNamara ] ordin?llora that the aircrafts returned on the aircraft carriers, and l.ordine was executed. After to have she sendes them to you in our aid, notific?uovamente its sets in action to Washington. Of new McNamara ordin?he the airplane came recall to you. Geis churches confirmation dell.ordine, not succeeding to believe that Washington had decided to leave us to sink. Rather than to imbarazzare its "he allies to you", the President of the United States inchin?lla and seppell?a verit?ulla died of many soldiers Americans under one mountain of oscurit? of Hush official. Tim Fischer, former vice first Australian minister and former dell.esercito official: "If Israel has deliberately attacked the pi?otente nation of the Earth, it wants to say that it knows of being able to make it without to suffer consequences. Worse still, hour the military staff American knows that if the verit? politicamente sconveniente, they and their testimonies they are sacrificabili ". When it is had to that to make with the macchinazioni of the Lobby. This?.amara lesson that we are learning while one futile war in Middle East not only, but threat to extend beyond the borders dell.Iraq. Our "allying" Israel?n loop around to our throats and is slowly the possibilit?mericane to defeat l.estremismo Muslim in the battle in order to conquer the hearts and the minds of the Muslims of all the world. Someone us liberer?ai of this cumbersome one "allied". perhaps?ormidabile like?empre be, also of pi?Essa is made sure that not there is a true debate on politics in Middle East, n?ll.interno del. for which any other foreign power would very soon experience the anger of Washington. that has concurred to develop a sull.argomento to it, in order to prevent to the government American to come to acquaintance of the plans of Israel to occupy that it is still creating many problems to the interests Americans in the region. :: The views expressed in this article are the sun responsibility of the author and I give not necessarily reflect those of Uruknet. We are Anna and Angelo Garro of Milan, parents of defunct the alpine Robereto Garro of 19 years (to see: www Our?tato sorrow to state that You have not published it. Via Castel Morrone, 5 20129 Milan (Italy). 60 years after: but who if of frega of shoa.di the forehead to tutto.questo. I leave that to speak they are the raccapriccianti photographies, that I have taken from (the link?n deep to the page). but cos'?l libanese conflict for Israel. (the symbol of the dollar and that one of the virgolette not to indicate which God). A history that it begins with the homicide of one of the pi?ilevanti libanesi figures on the chessboards international: the first minister. it makes integral part also the removal of (otherwise with the cabbage that the israeliani.entravano cos?pediti within the Lebanese). The israelo-libanese conflict second carries out pi?oderne the methodologies of war in pure style American. Israel, to tutt' hour, has destroyed in the order:. Therefore the Israeli Armed Forces are penetrated in profondit?ello be sovereign. The numbers of the conflict are those of the medioriente, equal to that we would have a.Napoli or to Rome, e incessantly bring the explicitness of who die in Lebanese, that is the civilians: we can count on the fact that Italian Stampa has conquered in these months at least the possibilit?i to declare public. I can testify to have heard same the special envoy of the TG1 to make of explicit citation. An just man in the just place:. , the Shepherdesses German, from which we can hear the words and the demand that same we proferiamo: One Just Peace for Palestine. It has learned to them in the day in which the Palestinian delegation has met, and I was to attend them, in I know it press Vatican. They shake for own incolumit?e the comunit?braiche ones in Italy and Europe, but, hoping secretly that we were at least all Italians. And?a Italian that I assert: but who if of frega of your orribile, hypocritical Museum of shoa..A the Rome or to dirty Ferrara e.sempre.troppo of fresh blood. Italian Alla.comunit?braica, and al.sito net, dedico the words of the Geremia prophet, to understood it the 44, in an appropriate color. 7. But cos?ice hour the Eternal one, the GOD of the armies, the GOD of Israel: ". 8, Perch?i provoked to ira with the work of your hands, burning incense to others d?nel country of Egypt (the Arabic countries) where you have come to dwell. Cos?i you will make to exterminate and become one maledizione and a dishonor between all the nations of the earth. You have perhaps forgotten the malvagit?ei your fathers, the malvagit?ei king of Giuda, malvagit?elle they mogli, yours malvagit? the malvagit?ommesse from yours mogli in the country of Giuda and for the ways of Gerusalemme. 11. Perci?os?ice the Eternal one of the armies, the GOD of Israel: "Here, I turn my face against of you for your evil and in order destroying all Giuda. In order to see all the photos and to read the article, that it describes to them:. Here you can see better, in the case in which you had not understood il."chi" are of the Americans. Other that battles against the Vatican friends mine. Roma and good part of Italy, than was still not yielded for debits the Americans, if they are selling the Hebrew. Letter of an operator of To the stopped Jazeera to Guant?mo to its British lawyer Clive Stafford-Smith Punished for three grains of rice and four ants. I cannot make less than to continue to ask to me: "Perch?i punishes." This question obsesses to me, does not succeed to remove it to me from the head. My history of punishments?ominciata to the prison of Bagram. Memory once in which of it I had truly the urgency, and I whispered to the ear of the person who was in front of me to leave to pass me ahead. Then the guard soldier me url?abbiosamente: "not to speak," and ordin?i to exit to me. At the height of summer, while we are under a burning sun and on a hot ground, a soldier grida: "You, stopped, and also the second, the third and quarter. You put yourselves in ginocchio, the hands on the head ". We obey and he leaves l?sotto that torrid sun us, the ginocchia on roventi stones, finch?no of we not sviene and the others go to help it. A glance to the Sri Lanka continues the crashs with Tigris of the Tamil, a stillicidio continuous, in spite of the celebrations of the tzunami. In killed Iraq the polizia.ha approximately 20 men for sedare one turned prison. After Abu.Ghraib never they are not ended torture..A the Kerbala, citt?anta sciita irachena, have been finds again bodies to you of women and children in fossa comune..In a Afghanistan, today, the first one beheaded of the season is celebrated autumn winter. E' the world who?olle and pi?ncora it is the governments whom they tempt to these shapes of violence. Then one has decided to create a territory bearing occupying newly slice cospicua of the territory north of the strip of Gaza. But who has decided it that the population of Gaza must sopportare an ulterior theft of territory. And then, who has said it that the snipers are just Palestinian, considered approval and that they so much badly talk nonsense not to hit and not to make damages the coloni. They will not be instead infiltrates to you Israeli. The dress, unfortunately, has not never made the monaco, figures the tutor of the order (has it yesterday gi?critto). Dumb the Spanish clergy not?e, much less disinformed some and if?ceso in public square against?roprio Zapatero perch?gli he has mentito spudoratamente. With its complicit? for means of the frigate Alvaro de Balz? the Americans have launch 2500 quintals of bombs to the uranio against the population irachena. On purpose dov' they were all for the debate to the parliament on the amnesty. A large and sincere augury of in mouth to lupo and that "the leaks the whale-man" to the voluntary enviromentalists of Green Peace, that they are giving battle in the sea of Japan. E' cos?mici mine: the Italians want living slowly. An identical?pplicabile principle to many other people of the planet. Saturday the great manifestation NOT Tav to Turin, yesterday a catastrophic?ndice railway incident that of the generalized state of degradation of the Italian Railroads. A child of eight perhaps morir?Infatti years?n coma and its mother hardly we have been exceeds to you from China, and from the sixth place we have fallen gi?l seventh between the international powers. A beautiful one tonfo?he to say not there, to the face of the progress. If a black list of the national railroads existed, like that one of the airlines, la ours it would be bannata from a beautiful piece. Illusion whose dimensions are worrisome and that it invests also wide bands of agguerriti personages and by now trades them, also from we of the movement. Worked in order to carry them in Italy then and, that they would acquire importance near their governments. Identical history would be the forum to Karachi, where the western opulent fat people and would reach empty hands presuntuosamente, and without never to have been seen before. Indeed, the?roprio risk that one to increase the inner repression to a country and from Tunisia is committees until we the voices of the crashs and the arrests. What you never want that of it they know illiterates and persons in full underdevelopment of technologies and Internet. Italian political beloveds, like thoughts to carry progress if our country would have to see to only be born repair yards. Wide awake movement and Italy alarm clock: people love living slowly. Stan Tookie Williams dies after 22 minuteren of agony?ulla to make not there?epubblicano Schwarzy like Bush. (AGE) SACRAMENTO - After ventidue tiny of agony, the end of Stan Tookie?rrivata Williams. The former leader of the Crips, gang of Los Angeles between the pi?eroci?tato executed to midnight and 35 local hour, the 9,35 in Italy, the room of the dead women of the penitentiary of Saint Quintino, in the bay of Saint Francisco, where the?tata one practiced in vein a lethal injection. Senza of the excuses or a repentance for these brutal killings without sense and us not to pu?ssere redenzione. Migliaia the activists against the capital punishment that they have attended, end from the night, the execution in front of the prison. Cos?anti to obstruct the 48 kilometers of the grip road that leads to the jail that is found in river to the Pacific Ocean. Many resisted between the hands ignited candles, others brandivano trusts with over written Salvate Tookie., No to the homicide of State. or La answer?' love. There was also enormous pupazzo that effigiava a Mahatma Gandhi, symbol of the not-violence. To the announcement of the dead women?cattata the protest. It has read moreover letters that it the United States are committees from all, and also dall' Italy and from Israel. and it has refused to consume its last meal. After to have been transferred close to the place of the execution, it has drunk of the latte ones and watched the television. Condemned a.morte in 1981 for the killing of four persons, innocent said Williams?empre. Before to open this new alarming one understood it della bloody-thirsty political career del bovaro, and criminal of war, called George W. Bush I must say that, before to put itself to write, I have intentional to rethink to all excellent seen pieces of satira and alle migliaia of vignette in these anni.000 iracheni ", has asserted the crowds della room goddesses buttons," and 2140 soldiers Americans "have added. Perch?uesta Gi?ma continuous news to olezzare of menzogna and falsit?E' soon said: Iraq Body Count has followed the vicissitudes irachene through the sfocata disc of a valve and the written ones of the journalists and the heads pi?mbedded of the planet. One false verit?ichiarata from "that?ale personage" to reduce in alarming way the dimensions of the engagement of the managers of most famous the situated one web. Much to induce quite to the suspicion in their comparisons. In the houses and long the roads, than pullulavano of single life the day before, only died of all et?Ma who, in all the planet or member of the international press?reso the disturbance to make of account. Joined E' then the moment to throw via the old ones link to the situated one, perch?a made its time and has caught up its scope. To put in mouth a number whichever to the president of the United States. Heard, heard: Bush in its only action in scene from Filadelfia also has asserted that also the next elections irachene will be one bufala. True E': all the others have been it. One verit?i such capacity to demolish the legs also to the made lie man, pi?otente of the planet. Also this verit?alsata new belongs to the strategy marketing of the republican party American. Staroye, to 100 km from Moscow in November, Cyprus and Sierra de Perij?n Venezuela in summer, Yaftabab, the periphery the west of Tehran in Iran and then the delta of the Niger river in Nigeria today. These names do not represent only geopolitical and/or geographic coordinates but the memory of much screw, screw human broken from terrible the last aircraft incidents. Too much screw lost, along all 2005, for being able to say that draft of simple coincidences. Courage Val di Susa, we are all with you. Airplane that fall as the laborers of a stream bed invaded from the frightening africanized bees: here cos'?' electromagnetic pollution of the planet. Not the leukaemias of menzogna the Italian enviromentalist. I still conserve, in one old agenda, all the telephone numbers for the connection in remote. Well: 15 years ago to Rome the coming from powders from exhaust gaseses of the automobiles rendered the irrespirabile air to the most serious levels for good part of the day. You believe that after 15 years the situation is improved. From velenose powders they have become powders radioactive. We, common citizens of the web. Finally giunger?pophis, God of the evil in ancient Egypt, to place aim to these dull societ?ei militant consumers. An ancient pebble of the space giunger?nfine to place its drastic remedy where the man has mistaken in the image heads just at Italy, sees you it Americans. the Forum of the Societ?ivile Cecena, famous pacifist activist cecena and director Quell.idea hour?iventata realt?A fine september?enuta to Bern, in Switzerland, l.assemblea constituted of the Forum of the Societ?ivile Cecena (Ccsf). The Ccfs, been born with the sponsorship dell.. Dell.attentato three-dimensional simulation taken place to the Pentagon objects to you main of Ccfs. L.US Army fails nell.elaborazione of a dell.attentato credible simulation of the has financed one l.11 september 2001. I have opened my e-mail of good mattino, like always, and the deluge of the advisories could not, not to alarm to me. Above all when the word "Casualty" resorts flowing and pernicious in the communications. E' the uncle Donald who "gliela d?i? I have thought. E' of little days ago the news that has been sforata the quota the 2000 died between the military services allocated in Iraq. Ma.Giorgino and the uncle Donal.non restituiranno the its son, unfortunately. Pakistan: the Earth Shakes - Jolt of the 7, 6. and 5, Richter degree. These that you bringing back are the data of the center Sismologico Mediterranean Euro, whose sismografi have recorded the vibration are to Madrid, than to Paris. The sisma Islamabad, the understood one them has interested also, where laboriously it begins counts it of the dead men and the wounded. An agency marks it pi?i 200 mila, but I hope that features of one esagerazione. Because of the duration of the jolt, all advanced ones to the minute, sembrerebbe true and just a sismico swarm. Bush: The Attack to the Iraq me Has ordered God Iraq: Bush "the attack me has ordered God" That Bush is a orripilante gaffeur knew it. In fact, not a solo between the activists of the planet?imentato in magna the work to signal of the planetary orribilina odierna. But, than us like it or not, the Federal Court of the United States?uasi what its, obtained with chosen of inspiration to the way of ". God makes them, and then it couples them, inasmuch as also the American ribadisce that the war to the terrorism?utt' one with the war to the comunismo. it has demanded, or not, the green card for the United States. Against of he the democratics they served very little, unfortunately, and where they failed they pot?Perch??lui, the president of the United States the war to the Iraq has made in order to want it of God the?alestinese testimony Today, but two years and means it makes, a man much dilapidated old and of name, that he counts in all a hundred of "gendarmi Swiss" in answer to ringhio rabid of George W. No comment on the prize Nobel for the peace to El Baradei. Probably the defunct scientist who istitu?' within prize rivoltando in the tomba. And pacifist we also, even if are alive and vegeti. Then there would be the martyrdoms of Boccetta tree-lined avenue to Messina, also that one seems to be a transaction of the Mafia, but today I speak you about sanit? not about Exact Tir., I am speaking about Bernardo Provenzano, the pi?ntico boss of the mafia Cupola. Global Medium Islamic Front: Beginning of the Transmissions the journalistic heads have been many to have titolato, in "customary" the pages dedicated to the "terrorism", to the first "television news of To the Qaeda". Republic online has reproduced the files, of the duration of 15 minuteren, and has published some for listens to also its translation. The shames of Spain of after Aznar. Taysir Alluni, instead?n used man as symbol of the Spanish sudditanza to the refusi of press of the Department of Defence American. The mother of Taysir Alluni?orta alone, marted?corso, and the poveretta it has not been able it see again before concluding its life. The moglie Fatima has had to faxare its certificate of dead women to the autorit?pagnole, for being able some to give news to the journalist. But the autorit?iudiziarie deny to have never received it from the woman, under the eyes mediated us of a network of the same importance of the Cnn. In the news of Taysir there?na news that you dispiacer?"il Zapatero miracle, not?oi cos?iracoloso, if Granada in Spain today?ome Guantanamo". The only one pregio, that we mean to attribute to the politician in this article?l not to have delivered Taysir to the Americans. The negation of the permission, and the consequent restriction?tata motivated just with the absence of one certification of dead women. The journalist, of highest professional profile? process in Spain with to others 41 persons, the accused of being Flankers of To the Qaeda. He, moreover?ccusato from March to have delivered money to a guide in Afghanistan, like devoluzione to the rebellious ones. Considered that the Afghano territory "?ai be" entire under the control American, I wonder which it is the presunzione of the most famous and skillful Spanish magistrate. Iraq, Palestine and Resto of the World: Someone Tries To communicate. Iraq, Palestine and rest of the world:. Today, thanks to Andrea ours webmaster, resume the regular banns on bloggersperlapace. Of it I am useful for give to you to my picture of the geopolitical situation and beginning with Palestine where?volto tristo the ritual of delivery of the territory of Gaza. The boycotted?tata ceremony from the Palestinian, and perch?ono the all legitimate ones. In fact, Sharon has declared that continuer?a construction of colonies in Cisgiordania and, while the diatriba imperversa on the discouragement of sinagoghe a pair, miraculously, has gone to fire. This morning, and yesterday evening, has been shoots missiles to you and Palestinian grenades against the Israeli soldiers launch engage to you in the withdrawal. We are not deceived: the withdrawal from Gaza?a fregatura that all we think. Pack-saddles to reflect on the fact that sar?sraele to risquotere it pays of the state treasury. On the modus and the procedures I fear, than we will see some. Some days before we have learned of as the army talks nonsense against who, abandoned to if same, he is resupplied of provisions and other in the storees abandons to you. The Iraq in these hours?nche profetica voice of new disasters. They continue the seizures and one is afraid for the life of a libanese hostage in hand to an armed group iracheno. Through the entire territory the crashs continue and the homicides aimed to you between the collaborazionisti with the Americans. From it uses of the Bush government reaches the ferale news: the new strategy previewed against the terrorism sar?uella of the ATTACK PREVENTIVO.La NUCLEAR March of the Peace concludes under a heavy shower, than the reading of the appeals has not concurred not even. Catholics, all this water from the sky something vorr?ur to say something, watched the United States after Katrina. Also today, while they are besieges to you in North Carolina from the hurricane Ofelia and twenty to 160 kilometri hour. To my warning there?ualcuno, that he is trying to communicate. In the two most recent ones roghi of Paris they meet and cozzano with violence platealmente, latent and crawling French and l'.Africa racism, with its great numbers. E'. useless to give to made sun disdain words, as they play false the words of the politicians. Especially Chinese, but also tunisini, Albanians, Rumanians and naturally north Africans. We not, do not have to wait for the rogo in order to take part. New faces to To the Qaeda - the video of Sadiq Khan E'. the official rivendicazione "post mortem" of the the 7 attacks of July to London, where l'.operato of the 4 died attentatori provoc?a of 52 innocent persons. Its gesture moreover would have been inspired from the figures of Osama Very Laden, its second Zawahri and Abu-Musab Al-Zarqawi in Iraq. The resistance?n other thing to my humble warning. "To the Qaeda it has intentional to carry the war in house of Tony Blair". Interesting to notice on the turned one of the video that could have been realized through the longest one covered "London - Pachistan - Afghanistan - Katar", a beautiful travel. And not forgotten the usual international publishing line: "Cos'.altro covers the fantomatica new apparition. Constitution or not constitution, although exists a subspecies of parliament fantoccio in which the political and religious leaders iracheni they are met and they conversed, l'.Iraq? a country in war remains. Within the parliament the sciiti leaders curdi and have found an agreement, outside the militants continue to kill themselves l'.uno against l'.altro. New bloody crashs have been kept in the citt?anta of Najaf, roccaforte sciita, that they have left on land 5 died and 7 hurt. The declaration would come from Saheb al-Amiri, general secretary dell'.Associazione Shaid Allah, of the group of Moqtada Al-Sadr. Three ministers iracheni and 23 elect deputies to the parliament fantoccio would have discharged themselves for protest as a result of these renew crashs to you. One the preceded from explosion of the ennesima and destructive city guerrilla autobomba daily. Two days ago also l'.emittente Tve Spanish would have received the same one fax. On the telephone number hour they inquire the enquirers. Before the time in which To the Qaeda it would have taken to the defense of the people Hebrew, for the presumed ecclesiale competition in the relationships with Hitler. "the Church would have supported the extermination of the Hebrew for avidit?d later on would have supported l'.occupazione dell'.Iraq for this reason." The document of three pages, would contain therefore a "justification" to the attacks of London and of Madrid, it frames to you like ritorsione against the two wars Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans are not then cos?uritani, see the Jackson case in which the moneies they have made from masters within every scene. The Mossad, the powerful Israeli intelligence agency that acts like armed arm American in Europe, does not know pi?osa to invent. It has given however test of the power to tacitare the tg national, was also taking advantage of the irrazionale side of one filosionista affirmation, in a text dealt for militant Muslim. But in Rome, any thing happens, the track to follow could calmly be Jewish, also for the alarming political, national and international adhesions. Perch? just in Rome that the Mossad has completed homicides it aimed to you against historical Palestinian, some rapimenti and other nefandezze. Mah, to he I dedicate to the text classic and the modern text of Ippocrate, transcribed of continuation all'.articolo, affinche makes always treasure of the phrase:. In these days some catastrophic events like aerial disasters, earthquakes and floodings are mietendo pi?ittime of the street incidents. L'.Europa of the north - east north?mmersa nell'.acqua, in the warm areas of the south instead is the fires to make it from landladies. Yesterday two aerial disasters one in Swiss, l'.altro on the international flights. L'.incidente di Engiloch, Swiss citizen of border with l'.Italia?vvenuto in the pressed ones of the step of the Sempione and have provoked 4 died. L'.altro the incident, most serious?vvenuto yesterday on the directed to Inquitos and left flight from Lima, provoked Per?ha 41 died and 57 hurt. L'.aereo, in the crash on the amazonian forest near the citizen of Pucallpa?pezzato in two and has taken fire. To edge of the Boeing the 737-200 of the Tans (Transportes Aereos Nacionales de Forest) c'.erano also two Italians, all'.ospedale hour ricoverati of Pucallpa. Some day it makes the company cipriota Helios has had capitolare, in fact beyond to the problems dell'.impianto all'.aereo crashed it lacked just the benzine. They are convinced that some models of airplane, type l'. MD80, have probably made their time. Sure?he the planet has hardly comprised, than these old airplane they do not fly without benzine, non fly without e.sembrano maintenance to lack both. But problematic tied the all'.aereonautica one and to the beloved oil are not ended. L'.oro always black E'., yesterday, the cause of the lacked cardiac transplant one Turinese child. L'.aereo that had to o in Spain in order to capture l'.organo?otuto not to leave, perch?a dry "of fuel. Hour is afraid for the small, than operated to the heart gi?ue times it attends a transplant for the own salvation. Responsible to have blown up the transplant?a Sagat, the societ?rivata one that all'.aereoporto of Turin Cases he closes to the 23. I not, and of forehead to the relative issues to the oil they are always pi?onvinta of living in a criminal world. An airplane that ago port of call to Turin Cases, for a emergency whichever, from the 23. It seems I invite the pilots to try the flight in "reservoir". The Sagat excuse but, the supply contract previews a warning of three hours for the refueling in extremis. Of night pu?uttar gi?al not read the service-station attendant, in order not to save the life of a child, otherwise the Sagat must pay the extraordinary one. I have two news: one good and one bad. From this morning it would be in fact in course bliz of the Saudi police a sull'.intero national territory. and to?tato Riad completed an arrest in the quarter to north. In a shoot-out terrorist ones have always been killed presumed others two. Perhaps this me seems to be a good news, perch?'.allerta anti-terrorism?ttivato ovunque and someone (a lot up beyond the ionosphere) has heard my prayers. In fact l'.email of the Union Muslems d'.Italia it has received today the most serious threat to see to jump in air the Mosque of Rome within next the three months. Inenarrabili the insults to the religion Muslim and against the Muhammad prophet. The?i?tata denunciation sporta near to the Power of attorney of the Republic of Tivoli from the national secretary, Dr. Massimo Zucchi, which our solidariet?ssociativa goes all, and my staff of catholic engaged for the libert?eligiose. Update: the 38 wounded are exploded 200 devices to bottom at least potenziale..Sono assess and single a dead man to you. The devices are exploded all at the same time in 36 of the 64 province district of the country. 15 devices are exploded to Dhaka, the understood one them, where they have been hit l'.aereoporto and l'.Hotel Sheraton. E'. be hit also the port of Chittagong, citt?ove is bursts approximately one score to you of devices in various places. Nine devices are exploded to Barisal, and approximately six to Khulna, entrambe.le two citt?i they find to south and the south-west of the Bangladesh. All object to you individuati.sono institutional and social character to it, like courts, offices publics and markets. On the place of every outbreak they have been finds again the inserts to you of the rivendicazione, some in Arabic language, others in English. The leader makes itself to call '.'.Bangla Bhai'.'., than significa."fratello Bengali". The text of the rivendicazione contains turned threats to Bush and Blair "intimati to leave the countries Muslems". '.'.E'. time to adopt the law Muslim in Bangladesh: Not you?uturo with the laws made from the uomini'.'., it concludes the insert. The police informs, than for the moment news of dead men is not had, and that the wounded are approximately 25. The small devices, of handicraft manufacture, are exploded between the 11. Demonstration of force, also political has all l'.aria of one beyond that numerical, ma perch?llora to take it with the people of the unarmed civilians in the markets. E'. the third aerial disaster in ten giorni.00 Italian hour)?a time of an airplane MD-80, than?chiantato on the Mountain range de rigogliosa Perij?una agricultural zone of the Venezuela. L'.aereo of the Columbian company West Caribbean, coming from from Panama hat and directed to the Martinica, transported 152 passengers and 8 members dell'.equipaggio. And cos? possible most serious aircraft incidents would have been quite. Three are the aereoveicoli model MD-80, if also of various fabrication. I wonder: how much puts into effect it them violent rincari of the oil is involving in superficialit?ei controls of the status of the avioveicoli. Perhaps pieces lack reciprocation in the aereonautiche workshops, or the hangars of the aereoporti and not c'.?essuno that it repurchases them. The economic political of the Airlines, which broken off they have decided of giving to the emergency of the passengers. This problem invests all, comprised governments, and all the Companies. Or at least all the pi?iccole airlines, comprised those clappers national flag. Also the campagna.mediatica of the terror, currently propugnata from the states guerrafondai from London to Rome, must have its effects. The certainty for the pilots of the small companies, even if flag?he, on an airplane, not is sufficient protections in attack case. And within the mediatica campaign the tension knows them, and knows them. Perhaps, nell'.ultimo flight the knowledge to recite a part, gi?critta to dall'.incuria earth of the men. Cordata government and of the salvatori, than you would say some of control. Inasmuch as rating of Standard & Poor'.s Italian we are in B, pu?agionevolmente not to exclude itself to end also for the Faa. Segue the checklist to us of the Federal Aviaton Administration (FAA). Hamdi and the New Court of Downing Street. With a beautiful chorus of it even hisses. Disappeared every religious intégrisme he, Hamdi, it is making the "bond" with the pi?attiva and incattivita police of the planet. True E'., we human beings reaches 3% of the verit?ma that this face the dumb pretended one, is looked at well also with the emb-bende on the eyes. All this its candor stona, just while pi?rande the operation of police crosses l'.intero known world and travalica the borders of Europe, Asia and Africa. I cannot imagine, or better I do not want to tell to you as creed acts the Pakistani police. Television to part, I would be curious of knowing as these personages l'.uno with l'.altro communicate. Inasmuch as to To the Jazeera the filmati ones they deliver them by hand, probably they will use "pizzini", the most famous ones bigliettini written of fist from the boss nostrani of the mafia cupola. L'.imputato would have still straight to a lawyer, but it would endure cos?na heaviest lessening of on the right and in its presunzione of innocence. That is they would be to he hidden the indiziarie accusations and, therefore, tests to its cargo. A measure of the sort, if applied to the enforced Italian criminal codes, would cancel clearly l'.istituto dell'.Avviso of Guarantee. Contextually of it new professional legal figure would be born one, placed between the magistrate of "pre" the process and mail only a step behind to the prosecuting attorney. At this rate to the Room of the Lord.potrebbero to discover, that a compartecipazione to nell'.affare Guantanamo could be l'.elemento of they convenience. Otherwise like smashing every other human right, than it has not been still violato from the Anglo-Saxons. From manforte to Blair.l'.omonimo head of Scottland Yard, to seem its infatti."il next" London war objective?a City. All we are paying it drastic reductions of the communitarian libert?ersonali and, losing cos?'.anima the social conquests of last the 200 years. New Video of To the Qaeda: Threats to Cross to you and to theirs It allies Clicca to you to the link up and you see the video barbutONE aka the Bearded Simone director. To see it cos?con the beard very cured and the extended ace, ago to come to think that the pleasant mountains dell'.Afghanistan must be a lot. To the Qaeda, the spoon of Matrix "has you. The great pubblicistica campaign of the terror of after London, must have induced To the Zawahiri to take part for risollevare the minds. The mediatico instrument?a pi?rande arm of mass destruction, someone uses the term "?roprio distraction" but the same thing. A lot to Crosses you of ci?he thinks and wants their people does not interest. One new threat reaches, for voice of To the Qaeda, and intimate to the Americans abandoning l'.Iraq. The true name?amdi Adus Issac?tiope and has approximately 27 years. Bankrupt L'.attentatore of the 21 July slid to London, in the station of. Shepherd'.s Bush, arrested to Rome tried to hide and it did not prepare attempted. The misfortune if l'.?ortata to house its from the family, obtaining l'.arresto of its brother, the most famous manager of and the central one call center. With the roman magistracy enquirer he has gi?uotato the bag, while?n allerta the power of attorney of Brescia, that she has increased surveyings to the persons and to atmospheres to he connects to you. One of the pi?rammatiche tragedies dell'.Italia judicial?a issue of the sorry. We will keep this aspiring terrorist, than for reached?nche a infame. to) perch?ersoncine as Issac becomes muddied the international comunit?slamica. b) perch?a Resistance?utta an other thing, and deserves respect. c) perch?i?egalizzerebbe l'.ingresso of terrorists in Italy. We give back it soon therefore to London, but without to wash the hands pilatescamente to us. Some articles describe Issac like given over to the prayer. Hamdi Adus Issac, in particular, seems to come from a strongly increased familiar group consolidated in the field commerce and weel-off person. And then to that for, inasmuch as not sure draft of one skidded taken for the matured existential nichilismo. The English movement, than not to pu?ssere any ispiratore, the avr?ai seen in public square or to participate to some reunion. And to London, the services will have offered perhaps tv. the World to it: what you do not have to get lost. World: what you do not have to get lost. Incessantly also the funestata day of oggi.?tata from an attack, that it has caused the dead women of 25 persons, between the recruits of the new police. The?tata protest guided from the Party Iracheno Muslim, that it has asked also the liberation for the many emprisoned men, also after Abu Ghraib?l leit motiv dell'.inumana oil occupation of the country. Sincere until the extreme drama in one realt?nsopportabile the protest of a iracheno to. An other victim of the democracy American in Iraq, the lost life of a peace man. Some positive signs you come us from the sciita leader, (same name of the most famous quarter entitled to the father partisan), than with its petition for the withdrawal of the occupation forces it has collected 1 million companies. Sign this dell'.orrore with which the population alive the presence of 170. Also seeming one "resistant" petition the document sar?resentato near the government fantoccio and l'.Onu. Tratter?orse of one war between apparatuses. General Santangelo avr?mpi powers on the territory, their mission durer?irca three months. This?n gone Italian governmental financing in port. Us the circumstance appears moving end that London and Turkey has been hit at the same time. Sure we are affected for the civil population been involved and all the dead men, but us?mpossibile not to notice one exquisite governmental line in the attentatori. I, instead, aspect to the PC that writes Edvino from. Fascist ways that remember me a lot qualcun'.altro. Today to 14,50 of Baghdad (12,50 Italian hour) trucks?sploso bomb killing 40 persons at least crashing against a police place. Sull'.automezzo was crams to you approximately 500 kg of explosive. A slaughter that joins to the gi?erribile quotidianit?rachena and to the massacre due all'.incendio of the fuel transport, solo little days ago. Other mournings between the men of the police, that they must be taken care for contract of the normalization dell'.Iraq, in all the country. To Baghdad colonel Nur al-din Rauf of the freddato?tato police irachena from projects them, while he exited from house in order to o to the job. Other dead men to Kirkuk, localit? 290 km to north of the understood one them, between the members of the supply of a minister. No?ossibile normalization after to have some deeply destabilized the nature, also tourist to Baghdad like that one of Sharm, to suon of bombs and massacres of civilians (25,900 for iraq body count, many of pi?er all the pacifists of the planet). From Sharm el Sheik, in Egypt, new hurt data have been diffuse with respect to and to the dead men it assesses to you, with one drastic reduction of the number of they from 90 to single ones 63. The three young relatives dell'.unico Italian killed still remain dispersed, even if can imagine that they are at least between the serious wounded. From the Lebanese the sciita reaches the fatwa of religious leader, Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah: "We prohibit the Barbarian actions against innocents". In fact I you would only give the hunting to the fist of fabbrichette that produces explosive, are only they the true terrorists. Only l'.orrore he accompanies events like that one of Sharm and that one of Baghdad. A horror that very soon the mediatico strafing translate in an ulterior catatonico state for the populations, reduced cos?l silenzio..Sindacati wide awake: you must call national strike for the withdrawal of your troops dall'.Iraq. on the photo in order to see the VIDEO the official sources declare that the outbreaks have been only 3 and have destroyed the facade dell'.hotel Ghazala di Sharm. Hit also l'.hotel Moevenpick di Sharm Naama Bay (cio?l most famous Jolie Villas of the Summit).e Navy Sharm di Sharm el-Sheik. Between the wounded there are very many tourists of nazionalit?nglese, German, Dutch, Egyptian, Jewish and approximately one dozen of Italians. This?'.attentato pi?rave endured from the state Egyptian, after l'.attentato in the localit?aba of Sinai nell'.ottobre 2004. The rigid control of the government prevents to the international journalists to interview the tourists and the other survivors in order to record of the testimonies. Lebanese: around to the 22,40 hurt local hour one strongly esplosione.ha provoked one dozen of in one strada.centralissima of Beirut. Probably draft of one ritorsione because of the visit of the state secretary American, Condoleeza Rice, concluded in the late afternoon yesterday. - Quatto car is exploded in the parking of the Ghazala Garden.Hotel, one of the frequentatissimi lodges of Naama Bay to Sharm el- Sheik, in Egypt. The news of the first outbreak?iunta in Italy to the average midnight and, the 0,24. People have described endured one great column of smoke, little minuteren after the news of the other outbreaks. The first number of 25 died?alito nell'.ultima hour to 45, with beyond 110 hurt. Our Simone friend Bearded has syntonized its webradio sull'.audio of the channel Sky Tg 24, that you can listen in direct to the link over. An equal number of bombs to London for ben.due times and still today, to Sharm el-Sheik..Ci troviamo.di forehead to one demanded specifies: the restitution of the stolen earth. London in the photo: emblematic looks us. L'.uomo, than in caught up, immobilized and hit the escape?aduto?tato with at least five blows of gun. The autorit?anno asserted that l'.uomo, whose name?vvolto.dallo spesso+?fumo di.Londra, non carried on if some explosive. If leading of the metropolitans is some refuses you to guide means in the course of the panic from attack, a same effect has hit inequivocabilmente the men in uniform. A fear and hatred air is breathed that?tile only to the powerful ones of the war. To London true mobilitation of trade-union and pacifist type would be necessary one, not the glacial pietismo for the victims seen until today. The minuteren of Hush do not serve to nobody, are figured to the dead men: as one says "not flowers, but wood workses". Also in the Baghdad sufferer they have been celebrates some minuteren to you of Hush, against the violence towards the civilians. All false how much?eramente, cio?rtificialmente constructed?ano and hard little. And then, London pacifists and mayoralties, you do not let to take from the pietismo, fateci to see of you have a po'. of grinta. Calls with you the English comunit?slamica and you come down in public square. Italian we, part of the movement of the movements, must make the same thing. Today to Rome?enuta a press conference indetta from the movements on the the 2 facts of june, with the administrators of the left pacifist. L'.Italia?inacciata from fantomatiche presences of the web, and the sense of?rescente uneasiness in the population also thanks to governativi..Qui to Roma.Veltroni and gi?iazzato Pisanu.avranno the antiaircraft, also for via of the visit di.Amid Karzai. if only this helicopter from the head removed me it follows the card of the patrioct act all'.italiota. Marted?mentre the parliament gathers in order to determine the refinancing of the mission "Ancient Babylon", people of the peace is come down in public square for the withdrawal of the Italian troops dall'.Iraq. Us sar?olantinaggio to Terms (side via Cavour) in morning and the?rganizzato afternoon a sit in of forehead to the Chamber of deputies. We attend in these hours to know if the movement incontrer? representatives dell'.opposizione in parliament and to that hour just not to exit strategy the thought from Prodi, in order to hold with the various spirits dell'.Unione and in order to cure the economic interests dell'.Ente National Hydrocarbons to Nassirya. in Egypt, that is R-he who would have manufactured the devices. E'. a lot of pi?i an impression that the jails Egyptians has become??nfatti that it was lead l'.imam kidnapped to Milan. ??he hour the presumed assailant of London finds itself. We in Italy do not know it, but l'.Egitto he lives along moment buio. One light splash: the government Egyptian asserts that "the chemical one" would not have null to that to see with To the Qaeda. They have gi?isolto the case, but someone puts it the sticks between the wheels. Like never fabbrichetta that sells explosive to the attentatori it does not come never disclosed public all'.opinione. This particular one, wrapped in the pi?eligioso Hush, we will not never know it. Other history in Palestine, where one resumption of the attacks you kill has concurred to Israel to bomb Gaza newly, but we know very well who here?he arm. To July of the slid Sharon year it invaded Gaza and it bombed with the Apache helicopters acquires to you from the Americans. The Hebrew girl called Rachel Corrie. attentatori foreign died in Iraq came dall'.Italia. Calm?empre all work of To the Zarqawi and, here from we, the?revista bomb for February - May. if l'.aggancio governmental italiota of Zarqawi it had to fail, could then riproposto to Prodi, cos?tanto for consentirgli withholding the troops iliata some in Iraq. L'.esplosione to El Prat de Llobregat, the doors of Barcelona Barcelona, bomb against Fiat car showroom. L'.esplosivo in one pot to pressure with three gas cylinders in front of the door d'.ingresso. BARCELONA - Second bomb in three days against objects to you Italian to Barcelona. Around to the 4,30 of venerd?n attempted?tato completed against a Fiat concessionaire to El Prat de Llobregat, to the doors of the capoluogo Catalan. One pot to pressure with three gas cylinders with one?splosa fuse for fires d'.artificio of forehead to the concessionaire. The deflagration has not made some wounded. The pot to pressure was left for earth all'.ingresso. The deflagration has shattered the crystal door, has destroyed un'.auto and damaged a balcony. Marted?2 July an other device in a coffee pot was exploded all'.Istituto Italian of culture to Barcelona causing the dead women of a dog policeman and the light wounding of an agent. UPDATE: the 174 persons stopped in the bliz. Italy: in course 200 searchs to the comunit?slamica. This morning is in course approximately 200 searchs in radical atmospheres Muslims. Maxi an operation in pi?egioni in Italy, comprised islands, than is concentrated in the large ones capoluoghi of Rome, Milan, Turin and Naples. To she brave ours goes all solidariet?er l'.atto of protest. ?a all not to face soldataglia and the draft of one difficult operation also to a magistrate, if woman. With all probabilit?la straw tail of the agents and their advanced ones has gi?osto in being denunciation nr X to ennesima the power, to its damages. Statistics wants, that especially in the meridione, the magistrates the antiMafia has written dozens and dozens of send you of arrest, against men in uniform corrupts from the Mafia. That is against the men, than from 40 years they concur with men like Provenzano to commit a crime liberations. Not me of vorr?a Forleo doctor, if I have opened the dramatic one understood it of the violent corruption between the forces dell'.ordine, just on its case. Every single Italian power of attorney adequate conserve documentation, than ci?vvenga regularly. Remaining?nsabbiato 99% with cronometrica puntualit?E, like if it were not enough, after the sfascio of the right and the justice in Italy, someone hypocritically invoca one "power of attorney" national "anti-terrorism". Not to case the magistracy asterr?alle audiences in the day tomorrow, 14 July 2005. All this in order to say that Violence, calls Violence. And the lack of Respect towards the rights of other human beings, calls l'.Odio and not l'.Amore. Infinitely the pain of their mothers and their families, women in interrogating heavy tears the whose life sar?oppiamente upset from and perhaps a lot other. ?a people of Spain to living its moment of the terror. L'.Eta in fact has hit centers it them electrical worker of Amorebieta, in i. Preceded?tato L'.attentato from the usual telephone call of the modus operandi dell'.Eta, than does not want to make victims between the civilians. a device, hidden in one common small car of the caff??sploso in the Italian center dell'.Istituto of culture. The caff?mbottita small car of of explosive has only killed the trained dog from fiuto, whose body has protect to l'.artificiere that center of one has endured little rubbings l'.istituto cultural?nche school. To part l'.una bomber of the northeast, like?ossibile that the noglobal Italian has never thought to kill of the children. to Klina, in the Kosovo they?splosa one centers mine killing two children and hurting of others three. The deflagration dell'.ordigno seems to have been most powerful. The two small are died on the blow and the other children between the 10 and 12 years have been transport to you all'.ospedale of Pristina in most serious conditions. in 9 they die for ill-treatments and asphyxiates, after to have passed 14 hours in a van. The ministry dell'.interno, source of this news, declares that the three survivors will be interrogate to you from autorit?ulla the vicissitude. Armed men, pertaining to ruandesi the rebellious groups of the Hutu, have attacked the village of Ntutumamba, situated to approximately 70 km from Bukavu, capoluogo in province of Kiwu. Pi?i the 30 victims, for the majority women and children, have been locked up in the straw huts and mud and therefore burns to you lives. Two dissimilar dead men much induce to think the strengthening of one cell tied to the international terrorism. Abdulkadir Yahya Wings man of the international dialogue of peace, the first victim, was R-at the head of one organization not governmental, near the United Nations. Its house would have been attacked from five armed men. L'.altro murdered man was instead judge near one of the courts pi?adicali Muslims of the Capital increases the number of the sieropositi ones to you in Sudafrica. In fact, forehead an estimated total population in 40 million inhabitants, the data of 2003 (5,6 million)?tato wide exceeded from that one 2004, than is placed between 6,29 and 6. Draft probably of partial and inferior data to the real proportions of the contagio. Of l'.amministratore Giorgio.e they support, in private conversation to high voice, che I I am one strange person. The two, that they live immemori of the rest dell'.umanit?sono only much sad for the departure of the Blavet comrade. LONDON VIDEO: OUR CORDOGLIO ONLY TO THE VICTIMS. The Simone director Bearded, that ringrazio, has collected for community the Bloggersperlapace the first attempted declarations post of premier the British Blair, in short filmato wmv. a Every one single word?utta one discounted program. They are in fact leader in the decisions and persons when they are met. The question that rises spontaneous?"Quando the civil innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan is died in way orrendo under the strafings, was leader or persons. Ribadisco, than piaccia to their people or not. Every leader, everyone in just the country, has had terrorism experience. They, knowing itself perfectly to the sure one, will not interrupt the apex of the G8 and will catch up the gi?reviste conclusions, as the same Blair asserts. I say: and then that need c'.?i to organize these encounter, that billions to accommodating state and million to people of the movement cost. The eight powerful ones, and theirs appreciate hosts, are therefore all d'.accordo for fight to the terrorism ovunque it hide, conclude Blair., qui are necessary a po' to me. of olimpionica theological scenografia in order better to explain. S'.ud?uindi one voice to cross Hush the surrounding one like lightning: "This?l My Prediletto Son, in He Is recognized to Me. Hour Capacities the Trophy of the Champion of Jump up and the Crown of Lauro for cingergli the Head. Accompanied Via l'.Asta, the Pillows and the other Infrastructures Furnitures. Cleaned up the Linoleum Well Before Going ". Who?'.uomo on the podio of my story. Or: to who one would return profit national recrudescenza of the terrorism in order to reconquer popular l'.attenzione. For the pi?istratti ones I have put one photo. Cliccateci over and you will be able to see the video. The powerful ones declare the own sentence, also the Pope. ?utto a tripudio of esternazioni. But what says the multitudes of the movement of the movements. Also we express our strict sentence for these attacks with to the feeling, than he induces to us to reputare To the Qaeda an organ of the services. Pack-saddles to think next to the spot television about Osama in occasion of the presidential ones use, or to the economic relationships between the Bush family and the relatives Very Laden. Which it is the black thread of the political inner of Blair, we will see it in the next few months better. In the meantime we of the Italian movement do not have distrarci, perch?e our troops are in Iraq and perch?i they approach the new political elections dangerously. And if, like sure avverr?Berlusconi not sar?ieletto, we must absolutely have the full knowledge of ours guerrafondai and of our it is made pacifist of party. The verit?he we?uella of the spoon of Matrix feel:. Even if today rivendica dell'.ambasciatore l'.uccisione Egyptian and in spite of the rivendicazione Internet of a secret sedicente '.Gruppo of the Jihad of to the Qaida in Europa'. They become victims and executioners of a social status in which the multitudes they are induced living in the terror. Terror that fattens and renders an only planetary agency powerful: l'.esercito and its orrende factories of dead women screaming peace and rights we continue to take them from the police of all the planet, we once again find again victims of the methods of Hermann Goering to the process of Norimberga. Crocefissi between the imperialist violence of state and that one of the terrorists hires to you military and dall'.industria war. Little it imports that these men come fish to you, of time in time, between the people of the medioriente. The horrors of the history teach, than greater?a taken demagogic nichilista on the people gi?n ginocchio. Just E'. then to dissociate itself, perch?oi of the movement of the movements, NOT. We with the attacks to the 4 stations of the metr?ondinese and with the kamikaze dell'.autobus of line, not c'.entriamo at all. I approve of the taken one of position of the companions of Indymedia in England and Scozia. We have begun to speak of in January, when the probe Deep launch?tata Impact from Canaveral Chief, in the State of Florida. In fact, it projects them Impactor less the colpir?ra than 24 hours to one velocit?i 37 mila hour kilometers. Always that this does not happen to the damages of a planetary system to we disowned and "literally" irragiungibile. One scene shown many times from the fantascienza writers, finanche in esoteric Christian key on the miraculous pause of the comet over the hut of Bethlemme. A comet?na species of condominio in which detritus of every cohabit risen, cliffs, ice and powders of the space. To analyze of the contents it could turn out particularly amorphous, just one great covered ice cliff. All do not know that the meteors, our mistresses falling stars, generally are provoked just from the transit of Comets. The Leonidi in November, instead, is the meteor swarm provoked from the transit (every 33 years) of the comet 55/P Tempel - Tuttle..Considerato that in 5 years la.Tempel 1 probably does not exit from Solar Sistema, potrebbe calmly to fall back on Mercury or the Terra..Nessuno, neanche NASA, has the capacit?i to estimate the proportions of a similar incident. We intercross the fingers: the Americans, for how many scientists, act and are immemori completely of how much encircle them. DSSA: HISTORY OF BEGINNING ESPIONAGE SUMMER. History of one beginning scandal summer. It says the test: all those that?el web?ubblico and null in hidden?avvero it. Perhaps, perch?uesti l'.Opus magno wanted to make it to become quite separated. They are convinced that the crimes contest you to the DSSA, acrostico of Department Strategic Studies Anti-terrorism, are all true ones. I copy dall'.Unit?nline: association in order to commit a crime finalized all'.usurpazione of public functions (art. 247 Cp). illicit I use of data and inside informations through l'.illegale consultation of the data banks of the ministry dell'.Interno (Art. At least finch?on returns profit. Then, the burattinaio it cuts to the threads and all the umbilical cords, to the massonica way. The situated one of this risen of imbellettati clowns?a to see. A large one massone c'.?he not to say, but nothing at all refined and adorned with dozzinali vestments. The collected credit dichiarer?ertamente the culture and the target. Perch?ant'.? when a tizio?n millantatore, millanta. You want to see that to the CIA, for the transport of the kidnapped one, the keys of the Born Base of Aviano have delivered just a man to them of the DSSA. Beeeello, a lot that seems a television film. They are curious: who?l massone that it has thought the scenografia. ABU OMAR: IT IS NECESSARY A TRACING DETECTOR. Drinking while has convened it l'.ambasciatur iuessei for a summit meeting. To see it from outside it seems the pantomima of the famous adage "when the ship sinks the rats scappano", here give sure to reason the great blogger vignettista Maus to me. But to watch it better?roprio cos?si they are all washing the hands of the vicissitude of Abu Omar with making quite pilatesco. Tant'.?he the 30 money son bell'.e expenses. I doubt per?he after the judicial cottages of Previti, premier desires one denunciation for crimes of "vilipendio" to the Constitution of the Italian Republic. Today in fact the Washington Times refutes quite, also ribadire its ignorance of the facts: "He, not. We wait for of knowing who was of turn in those of the Base of Aviano. While tifo: Aleee power of attorney of Milan. Wide Fateje that passes they, them young manen de the justizia bellaaaaa. Also this history, romanticamente, d?a to think to me. For we, of the Italian movement nowar, those transports were the campaign train stopping and unfortunately many were the denunciations. It was not other that in order to take orders. Intuito wants, that the genuflesso it is with all probabilit?orzaliotista, foss'.anche in uniform. UPDATE: INTERPELLANZA OF PAUL ONE HUNDRED - GREENS. L'.ex Imam of Milan was kidnapped two days after the manifestation of 3 million to Rome against the war all'.Iraq, from then its life it does not belong it pi?Innocenti or guilty it is not escaped to the claws dell'.aquila of the slave drivers of Abu Ghraib. We attend impazienti to see to write an arrest warrant towards the Italian responsibles of the Base of Aviano, where l'.uomo was tortured from the Italian agents of the Cia. Shame, perch? gi?uccesso to Vanunu, while others son remained on the raw land in one blood pool. The Fiscal?de Mil?env?a Europol orden de the arrest contra 13 agentes de EE UU. The comisi?parlamentaria de control de los servicios secretos convocar?n los pr?mos d? to varios miembros of the Gobierno it adorns averiguar the delito Administraci?italiana cooper?n el. Paradero El de the v?ima, el im?Hasan Mustaf?sama Nasr, m?conocido Como Abu Omar, ya has sido verificado. Marked article from George Vital from ListaGeopolitica, that ringrazio. Draft of a document always useful to consult itself. To define the psychological type medium dell'.Americano not?os?mmediato. What is essentially the Americans, and which?i consequence the pi?ongeniale field to they, in which really eccellono. From Citt Radio? not news 97,8 - 88,9 mhz: "We telephone all'.ambasciata Mexican in Italy in order to ask information and to express our worry. Mexico embassy, via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 16 - 00161 Rome. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THE CLANDESTINE COMMITTEE REVOLUTIONARY ABORIGINE. GENERAL COMMANDO DELL'.ESERCITO ZAPATISTA OF NATIONAL LIBERATION. Beginning from TODAY, L'.ESERCITO ZAPATISTA OF NATIONAL LIBERATION HAS DECREED, IN ALL The REBELLIOUS TERRITORY, Based on THIS COMMUNICATES HOW MUCH FOLLOWS:. - ALL'.EVACUAZIONE Of the MEMBERS Of The VARIOUS COMMITTEES OF GOOD GOVERNMENT And Of The INDEPENDENT '.AUTORIT IS BEING PROCEEDED ALSO, FOR THEIR EMERGENCY. FROM NOW And FOR An INDEFINITE PERIOD THEY WILL EXECUTE THEIR JOB IN CLANDESTINE SHAPE And ITINERANTE. IT IS the PLANS THAT The INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT WILL CONTINUE TO PROCEED And TO WORK EVEN IF IN VARIOUS CONDITIONS FROM THOSE PRESENT Ones Till now. - In The VARIOUS CARACOLES the SERVICES OF BASE OF COMMUNITARIAN HEALTH WILL BE MAINTAINED IN FUNCTION. MOREOVER, THE TRANSMISSIONS OF RADIO INSURGENTE, "THE VOICE HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED FOR AN INDEFINITE TIME ALL OF WITHOUT VOICE", IN SHORT WAVE AND FREQUENCY MODULATION. IN THE CASE OF UNDER-AGE, THE E' DEPARTURE. OBLIGATORY. CCRI-CG DELL'.EZLN FORMALLY RAISES THESE PERSONS FROM WHICHEVER RESPONSABILIT FOR ACTIONS FUTURE DELL'.EZLN. From Mountains of the Mexican Sudest. For the Clandestine Committee Revolutionary Aborigine General Commando dell'.Esercito Zapatista di National Liberazione. Mexico, in the sixth month dell'.anno 2005 (Translation Committee Chiapas "Maribel" - Bergamo from Social Paper-Yards). COMPUTER SCIENCE POINT: The NODES COME To the COMB. I am about myself to what?nella substance, a pure insult and exercise with which I was dealt to the par of who makes *. Gi?fu just in occasion of the spreading of the first photographies of the scandal of the tortures to. Old, sporcaccioni and giornalari of the web. From today, all these pompous personages, devono to be decidedly pi?ttenti perch?non c'.?ulla secretly, than do not have to be revealed ". In fact, of Point (computer science) in Flower e.di gi?vvezza to the disneyani interests of the canine legal profession of the situated one of the turpitudini (*), mi is imbattuta quite in the publication of the same violent photos * *, with actors in uniform US Army, on the situated one of Mantellini, gi?arrocchiano of Computer science Point, in an old one post of July 2003. but, that one or an other, what import in the case in which if of ago real spreading. In order to assess how much I say I invite to make a simple nominative search with the key "fools" (nome+cognome+bambi), appeals to to you, you can, than from the search engine Google.immortala the memory of and Which it is moralit?ella the prestigious writing of Computer science Point. Gi?erch? slavering thread americanisti has been always and only they, today in those of the turpitudini quite with wallpaper and the donnine. , anche if I must confess it are a lot, but a lot, amused in the realization of the animated GIF. I want to be augured, that you will find all'.altezza to it of. Always asserted Perch?a of knowing all sull'.argomento Americanisms. I not and, like famous, non appreciate sure companies. The square of foreign politics in Middle East dell'.amministrazione Bush returns to loads, this time with Syria. Me lanci?n interrogative look, like if I same raving. "the dichiar?riferendosi endorsements are a joke" to the promulgate directives l'.11 May 2004 from the president George W. Bush all'.interno of the SAA in which they forbade the American exports in Syria. L'.importo of the American commerce with?nferiore Syria to 300 million dollars l'.anno. The SAA forbids also that the Syrian flights enter or abandon the American territory. "From when the airline Syrian Air in the USA flies". We of it have spoken gi?ella rubrica. They move coordinates like one swarm to you. Tip of diamond of the Future Combat intentional Systems from Rumsfeld. The future war second the USA Are in a position to unfolding mines from field and to characterize possible nuclear, bacteriological threats or chemistries. Soon instead it could become a report fact. Between the possible applications, c'.?l deployment of mines from field, l'.individuazione of possible nuclear threats, bacteriological or chemistries, the surveillance, and l'.esplorazione of other planets. On the first forehead, the program not?uovo in absolute. In practical, if of the enemy tanks the still intact mines try to open a rubble in the field go to cover the remained points automatically discoveries. It demonstrates the fact that they are as soon as the first robots from combat arrive to you in Iraq, or Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection Systems. However they are not independent, but they come operated by remote control from a soldier with a situated portable computer in a beam of 800 meters from the same robot. Nevertheless the costs of the first phase of development have gi?uperato of 25 billions of dollars - necessary to the development comunicativa dell'.infrastruttura - the budget begin them of 145 billions. N?revedono the fact that the first 15 brigades from 3000 men are only a third party of the troops that l'.esercito means to line up nell'.arco of vent'.anni. To these critics the soldiers answer that, to of l?ella (presumed) superiorit?trategica guaranteed from these systems, the costs of the war machine American will be reduced. He is estimated in fact that the cost medium total of a l'.esercito soldier for is of 4 million dollars. A combatant, not stipendiato robot and without pension and sanitary attendance, would cost approximately a tenth one. And then if nobody does not return to house chieder?elle political explanations. The officials >

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