Mar 11, 2008
L.a. times
Yours blog GRATIS in little minuteren creates on IOBLOGGO. lands to you on these rivers 9901 is shipwrecked of which 1 online. Questo/a operates?ubblicato under one. This blog does not represent a journalistic head in how much comes dawned without some periodicit?Non pu?ertanto to consider a publishing product to the senses of the law n. The time to read, like the time to love, expands the time of living. e you discover that the world must be full of wonderful things and in order to know them all, inasmuch as the life not you baster? to cover all the earth, does not remain that to read all the books. The books knew mine pains, the needs, the displeased ones. The books teach to the memories, make them to walk some have not left nobody means, for how much disappointing or presuntuoso l.ho it was followed until all.ultima line for me to turn the read page and to carry the look up on the left, where the history continued. ] If not there were the books we would be all rozzi and ignoring, without some memory of the past, without some example we would not have acquaintance of the human and divine things. the same urn that receives the bodies, would cancel also the memory of the men. For Bastiano Baldassarre Bucci the passion was the books. Who does not have past never entire afternoons with the orecchie in flames and the hats ritti in head chino on a book, forgetting all the rest about the world around to s?senza pi?ccorgersi to have hunger or cold who has not never read under blankets, to the weak person flare of one very small pocket light bulb, perch?ltrimenti the pap? the mother or some other person would have taken care themselves to extinguish lume for the good ch.era reason hour to sleep, from the l.indomani moment that morning had to raise who soon has not never poured, openly or in secret, to love tears perch?na wonderful history was ended and had come the moment to say goodbye to many personages with which many extraordinary adventures had been lived, to creatures who had learned themselves to love and to admire, for which it had been afraid itself and hoped and without which d.improvviso the life seemed cos?uota and deprives of interest who does not know all this for one its personal experience, costui a lot probably not to potr?omprendere ci?he made then. She fixed the title it of the book and she felt herself to cover from vampate of warmth and cold. This, here, just this was ci?he he had dreammed a lot often and that it had always wished from when had fallen in preda to its passion: a history that did not have. In quaesivi omnibuses requiem, ET nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum book. I tried rest in all, and in no place I found it if not in an angle with a book. The written word?utto ci?he separates the memory dall.oblio. Without the books, our anchors, we would be of the poor ones we are shipwrecked, nothing to teach, n?a to learn. They are windows in the past, mirrors of the present and prismi that reflect all the possible futures. The books are of the beacons erected in buio the ocean of the time. Outside of to dog, book is to man.s best friend. Inside of to dog, it.s too dark to read. All.infuori of a dog, a book?l better friend than a man. All.interno of a dog?roppo difficult to read. Who accumulates books, accumulates desires. and who has many desires?olto young, also to ottant' years. The book?na of the possibilit?i felicit?he we have men. The books are divided in two categories: the books in order now and the books in order always. One room without books?ome a body without un.anima. Where the books come burn to you, to the end also the persons will come burnt (phrase written on the plate in memory of the books burn to you, and written draft from a commedia during Spanish l.Inquisizione) Finch?vrai want to read, will not be never single. The good of a book is in the read being. A?atto book of signs that speak about other signs, which to they time speak about. Without an eye that reads it, a book brings signs that do not produce concepts, and therefore?uto. in order to save the books that contain, but hour alive in order to bury them. For this?iventata fomite of empiet?(da the name of the Rose of Umberto Echo) a novel?no mirror that covers one road master. To times it reflects the blue of the sky, to times the mud of puddles. I have not never had a sadness that an hour of reading he has not dissipated. Phrases from "Harry Potter and the Fire Goblet". books that I possess but I have still read: Which book me councils like next reading. Di future ce n'?anti (Daniel Barbieri and Riccardo Mancini) La bookcase of writers (Michail Osorgin) Una room all for s?Virginia Woolf) La Mrs. of Avalon (Marion Zimmer-Bradley) (affaire Moor, From the parts of infedeli and the theatre of the memory) the challenge of the books not read the challenge of the &ldquo.seconda possibilit?dquo. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. on the books to which they are enrolled. Eccoci here, like every month, to giving a occhiatina to the keys of search of the past month. A fast occhiatina, perch?e keys are truly many. Also this month the?tato pi?liccato one. A good number of visits also for. Some key po' curious (a this truly eclatante null month, cmq. Thanks in order to have to us made it to know. The audiolibri they are much beautiful, but they cannot replace the book that book to read after Harry potter. (But you choose a po' what it seems to you?he other books do not exist, eh. what read after these dark matters. I, cmq, they are only to the first book of the series. to which novels the film is inspired Harry potter. nozzle an initiative that in English atmospheres goes much "fashionable ones": the challenge, cio?di to read who decides to participate to potr?inkare just to one or, for who it did not have blog, on, in which it indicates the 50 tito them prechosen ones for the challenge (or in alternative, the new book holds trace of its progresses choosing as is gone ahead). Naturally it does not succeed null if it does not succeed to read them all:) As you see, draft to the incirca of a book to week. If you choose particularly long books, you can "accorparli" (as an example choose give beyond 1000 pages and to decide that it is worth for 2, 3, 4 books). I have decided not to decide gi?a hour the 50 books, but to insert only once read them. My average?olitamente a lot under 50, but I want to try. Aggiorner?uesto post to incirca the every month, inserting all the places setting some of the read books (as I have seen.) from the last bed to the first one, and modifying the date so as to portalro every time like last post. Harry Potter and the Order of the Fenice (. Harry Potter and the Gifts of the Dead women (. Yesterday was the due date, and I have only completed one of the books proposals, Madame Bovary. Of the others 3, two I am reading (Don Chisciotte and The to them Gun Seller), the third party (the Metamorphosis) I have not just begun it. Me spiace, perch?on dispiacevano me, but one looks at that if before the time I have had difficolt? to end them these books, a reason was, and permane. Ce is still two in course, and is meditating to enroll itself to an other. While, me they are also enrolled to my first group of reading: War and Peace. In the right column, after the challenges, the link. This book participates to the challenge. I have participated in January to an encounter with don Luigi organized Ciotti from my diocese. It was the last one of a distance on the solidariet?al tito it Before that it is too much late. And, as I always make when encounter a new author, I have tried the biography of Paul YOU. Finding to you news interesting that I did not know. "Encircled" therefore papi with a great heart and a large one carisma, it always comes to they compared and from comparison it does not exit so much well. Also I had judged it negatively, me he seemed a Pope and one enough insignificant person. Then per?o read something of its life, and I have read this enciclica. What it has particularly astonished to me?tata modernit?el the its message. How much spoke in years ' of 60 problems never puts into effect them, like the debit of the poor countries and the fair trade and loyal (than still it did not exist. Insomma, in the complex an pleasant discovery, species for me that always I had refused to read the encicliche of whichever Pope. For who it was interested, the enciclica to pu?eggere itself. The development is not reduced to the simple economic increase. For authentic being development, must be integral, that it wants to say face to the promotion of every man and all the man. For the nations like for the persons, the avarice?a pi?vidente shape of the moral underdevelopment. The hunger of depressing instruction not?n realt?eno of the hunger of alimony: an illiterate?no sottoalimentato spirit. Everyone examines its conscience, that new voice for our age has one. ] to pay pi?ari the products import waves to allow one pi?iusta remunerazione to you for the producer. To this prayer the engagement risoluto of everyone must correspond, in the measure of its forces and its possibilit?nella fight against the underdevelopment. Perch?e the development?l new name of the peace, who would not want to cooperate with all its forces to you. The responsibles want to listen to us before that it is too much late. In 1903 he came enrolled like external student (because of the delicate health) in the college "Cesar Arici" of Brescia, resisted from the Jesuit fathers. In this same school, frequent?ino to the grammar school classic, participating actively to the juvenile groups of the oratoriani of Saint Maria of the Peace. In 1907 comp?l its first travel with the family to Rome, in occasion of a private audience of Pope Pio X. In the june of the same year they came given the sacramenti to it of the first communion and the cresima. From the 1918 collabor?ol periodic student one "the Sling", publishing numerous articles equips you of remarkable thickness. In the 1919 entr?ella FUCI (Italian Catholics University Federation). 29 May of 1920 received the sacerdotal ordinazione in the cathedral of Brescia. Between 1922 and the 1924 consegu?iverse lauree: in Philosophy, Canonical Right and Civil law. In 1925 it came name national ecclesiastical Assistant of the FUCI. In these years, inizi?nche its collaboration with the Secretariat of state, for wanting of Pope Pio XI. The first important task that it came to it entrusted was a period of permanence in the apostolic nunziatura of Warsaw, in Polonia. However this mission dur?olo five months, from the june all&rsquo.ottobre of 1923. Re-entered to Rome, resumptions its attivit?ella Secretariat of state. 13 December 1937 came collabor?trettamente name substitute of the Secretariat of State and to the flank of the cardinal state secretary Eugene Pacelli. 10 February 1939, for an unexpected cardiac, Devout attack XI mor? Montini was the first one to being called to the dying bedside Pope. Eugene Pacelli came elect, to the thresholds of the Second World war, pontefice with the Devout name of XII. During all the war period he carried out intense attivit?ell' an Office information of the Vatican in order to search news on soldiers and civilians. The 19 July 1943 accompanies Devout XII in the visit to the Saint quarter Lorenzo hit from the strafings allies to you. It goes moreover remembered that the war was occasion of most violent relative controversies to the role of the Church, and in particular of Devout XII. In short the Pope was accused to have maintained towards the Germans, cio?erso Nazism, an attitude never too much distaccato, indeed suspicion of collaborazionismo. This perhaps cost?a the career in how much not very seen from the pi?onservatori. In the administrative elections of 1952 it did not make to lack its support to one its political pi?timati ones, Alcide De Gasperi. 1 November 1954, after the dead women of Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, was name archbishop of Milan. Montini was endured created cardinal in the Concistoro of 15 December 1958 from the neo-pontefice Giovanni XXIII. Of the rest they had had tightened collaboration relationships when they were both archbishops. I conciliate per?i interrupted the 3 june 1963 for the dead women of Pope Roncalli, sick from some month. The short successive conclave concluded with the election of Montini, that she assumed the name of Paul YOU, the 21 june 1963. Celebre its phrase: "We waited for the spring, and?enuta the storm". During its entire one pontificato, the tension between the papal supremacy and the collegialit?piscopale remained dissent source. Of great relief it was its choice to renounce, in 1964, to the tiara papal, putting it in sale in order to help, with the proceeds, the pi?isognosi. Cardinal Francis Joseph Spellman, archbishop of New York, acquist?d the hour?onservata it in the basilica of the Immaculate Conception of Washington. In 1966, Paul YOU abol?dopo four centuries, and not without contestazioni from part of the pi?onservatori porporati ones, the index of the forbidden books. A lot pi?omplesse was the issues of the control of the births and the contraception, dealt in of the 25 July 1968, its last enciclica. The debate tearing that innest?ella societ?ivile on these positions, in an age in which the Catholicism it saw to rise between the faithfuls of of laicismo, has clouded its authority in the relationships with the lay world. In one of these travels, in the Philippines, it was made sign of an attack from part of one unbalanced fortified of dagger, from the which usc?ortunosamente undamaged one. Perhaps not accidentally its state of health deterior?a then progressively and little weeks after, 6 August 1978 anch' he extinguished in the residence of Castel Gandolfo. Churches a sobrio funeral, without particular rituals. Its coffin was simplest, without honor, of clear wood, placed on sagrato of Saint Public square Peter. ?la before time that a funeral of a Pontefice is carried out with a cos?obrio ritual. Although ci?egli it had to be taken care to ahead carry the intentional innovations from Pope Roncalli, not without difficolt?E sure starting a cos?rande carried out would have been difficult task for anyone. They will be its successory ones to collect the fruits of that difficult but prolific job. Oppositions that, on distinguished foreheads, introduced reservoirs between antagonist they, and nobody little account. Testimonies of those who knew it close pi?a, described it like a man shining, deeply spiritual, humble and above suspicion classified, a man of "infinite courtesy". But this pontefice has left a sign in the History of XX the century. Between all the Populorum Progressio of 1967 was sure that one pi?elebre and that collected greater happening. In some tradizionalisti atmospheres this document came close tacciato of being to one too much clement social doctrine towards left and the its thought. To the next day of this enciclica, the daily paper of the MSI titol?n polemico tone: "Ahead Populorum. In practical, ripet?a critical being left over to Giovanni XXIII with the Enciclica Pacem in terris, (always renamed in the same atmospheres "Falcem in terris"). To case the two encicliche did not come studied from the two Pontefici with the same collaborators. Books of Paul recensiti to YOU on this blog:.
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