Mar 5, 2008
San pedro potency
Messa saint for the beginning of the Petrino Ministry of the Bishop of Rome Benedict XVI FOR L.INIZIO Of MINISTRY PETRINO FOR L.INIZIO Of MINISTRY PETRINO the eucaristica celebration, with which the elect Pope begins its ministry officially, of it emphasizes in particular the dimension petrina. of Shepherdesses. She comes, perci?rimarcata the specific valence that assumes accustoms them them episcopal standards: the Pallium and l.Anello. Beyond to their reference to Christ and the Church, for the Successor of Peter they are evocative of the task to entrusted he from the revived Getlteman (Gv 21. the tie with l.Apostolo Peter and its martyrdom, that it has fertilized the newborn Church of Rome, ulteriorly they are rimarcati from the places in which the celebrations are completed, first between all the Confession of Saint Peter in the Basilica. In the solemn eucaristica liturgy, in which the two episcopal standards come taxes. petrine., the witnesses and the signs esplicitano their callback to Christ. the pause of the Pope to the Apostolic Confession of the Basilica emphasizes the strait tie of the Bishop of Rome all.Apostolo Peter and to its sommamente evocativo martyrdom of the martyrdom of Peter, in a day cos?olenne, the gathering in the same place where it has confessed with the blood its faith with to many other Christians who with he have given the same testimony. From the Loggia of the Basilica Vatican it hangs l.arazzo of the miraculous peach (Gv 21, 1-8), in which?affigurato the dialogue of Ges?on Peter, to which ago explicit reference the ritual, in the liturgy of the Word and the eucologici witnesses. In the first solemn Papal Eucaristica Liturgy, the concelebranti Saint Padre, Cardinals and the Deacons, the sacred garments of ready color worn white man and for the processione d.ingresso, before set offing towards Saint public square sostano Peter in the Basilica Vatican around to the Confession. The new one I add Pontefice comes down, with the Patriarchs delle Churches Orients them, al Sepolcro di San Peter and you pause in prayer instills l.incenso nel turibolo and insences the Troph. In the meantime two Deacons take the capsella with the pastorale Pallium and with l.Anello of the Fisherman and l.Evangeliario and they carry them with in processione for deporli sull.Altare of the celebration. The Saint Padre laughed them in Basilica and joins to. Reaching in Saint public square Peter, the concelebranti, after venerato to l.Altare, they kiss it and everyone catches up just the l.atto place that replaces the song d.ingresso and. The Saint Padre proceeds on the sagrato one of the Basilica until all.Altare, venera it and he insences it, therefore he catches up the center, under the loggia. The Saint Padre, being to the center, d?nizio to. In the name of the Father and the Son and of. Is concluded the song of the Laudes Regi? Tibi single imperium, laus ET iubilatio, for infinite s?la s?lorum. The Saint Padre intona the Gloria in excelsis that he comes executed from the schola and dall.assemblea. ET in earth pax hominibus bon?oluntatis. Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam. It tames of it unigenite Threads, Iesu Christe. It tames Of It Deus, Agnus Of I, Filius Patris. Cum Sancto Spiritu, in Gloria Of the Patris. Deus, here providenti?u?onsilio super Beatum Petrum, ceteris Apostolis pr?situm, Ecclesiam tuam?ficari voluisti, respice propitius to me famulum tuum, ET grants, ut, quem Petri constituisti successorem, populo your visible faciam unitatis fidei ET communionis principium ET fundamentum Iesum Christ Filium tuum Dominum nostrum. Or God, than in the design of your wisdom you have built up your Church on the cliff of Peter, head of the apostolic college, watches with love to me your servant: you that you have chosen like successor to me of Peter, ago that I render to your people the principle and foundation visible dell.unit?ella faith and of the communion in the carit?es?risto, yours. Here vivit ET regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, for. It?io, and lives and reigns with you, nell.unit?ello Saint Spirit, for all the centuries of the centuries. To reading from the Acts of the Apostles. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke up: Leaders of the people. we must answer today for to good deed done to to cripple and explain how he was restored to health, then you and all the people of Israel must realize that it was done in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean whom you crucified and whom God raised from the dead. In the power of that name this man stands before you. This Jesus is the stone rejected by you the builders which has. There is not salvation in anyone else, for to there is not other name in the whole world given to men by which we are to be saved.. In those days Peter, full load of Saint Spirit, said they: Capi of the people and old, inasmuch as today we come interrogates to you on the benefit brought to a man I make ill and in which way it has obtained the health, the thing is famous to all you and all the people d.Israele: in the name of Ges?risto the Nazareno, than you have crocifisso and that God has risuscitato from the dead men, costui is innanzi healthy. This Ges? the stone that, discarded from you, constructors?iventata. In no other c.?alvezza. not you?nfatti other name given to the men under the sky in which?tabilito that we can be saved. Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus, alleluia. Celebrated the Getlteman, perch? bond, alleluia. Lapidem, quem reprobaverunt?ficantes, hic factus. I render you thanks, perch?i you have esaudito, perch?ei state my salvation. The stone discarded from the constructors?ivenuta. To I dominate mirabile east factum istud east ET. H?est dies, quam fecit Dominus: exsultemus ET l?mur in. Here l.opera of the Getlteman: one wonder. This?l day made from the Getlteman: rallegriamo and. Deus meus es you, ET confitebor tibi, Deus. Confitemini Domino, quoniam bonus, quoniam in s?lum. Six you my God and I render you thanks, six. Celebrated the Getlteman, perch? bond: perch?terna?a. Until to when apparir?l Shepherdesses supreme Lectura de the primera paper of ap?ol the saint Pedro. Queridos hermanos: to los presb?ros en esa comunidad, yo, presb?ro Como ellos, testigo de los sufrimientos de Christ y part?pe de the Gloria que goes to manifestarse, os exhorto: sed pastores of reba?de the Dios que ten? to vuestro cargo, gobern?olo not to the fuerza, until de buena gana, Como Dios to quiere. not por s?ida ganancia, until with generosidad. not Como d?otas sobre heredad de the Dios, until convirti?oos en modelos of the reba? Y cuando aparezca el supreme Pastor, recibir? the crown de Gloria que not if. Manera De igual, j?nes, sed sumisos to los ancianos. humildad unos with otros, porque Dios resists to los soberbios, pear tree gives on gracia. El mismo Dios de toda gracia, que os has llamado en Christ to on eternal Gloria, os. Suyo es el poder por los siglos. From the first letter of saint Peter apostle. Most expensive, I exhort old that they are between you, the which old one like they, witness of the suffering of Christ and partecipe of the Gloria who must manifest itself: pascete the flock of God that?ffidato you, watching it not by force but gladly according to God not for vile interest, madi good mind not spadroneggiando on the entrusted persons to you, but making models you of the flock. And when apparir?l shepherdesses supreme, you receive the crown of the Gloria who not. Equally, you, young people, are submitted to the old umilt?li uni towards the others, perch?Dio you resist to the arrogant ones, but d?razia. And the God of every grace, to which has you calls you to its eternal Gloria in Christ, he same you ristabilir?dopo one short suffering you confermer? you Dicit Simon Petrus aliis discipulis: Vado piscari.. Dicunt ei apostles: Venimus ET nos tecum.. Said Simon Peter to the other disciples: . I go to Risposero the apostles: Anche we come with to you. Dixit Iesus discipulis ET Simoni: Mittite net. Miserunt ergo ET iam valebant illud not to trahere to multitudine piscium. Ges?i said disciples and to Simone: Gettate rete.Gettarono the net and was full of fish to the side of the boat. Lectio sancti Evangelii secundum Ioannem. Cum manifestasset if Iesus discipulis suis ET prandisset cum eis, dicit Simoni Petro: Simon Ioannis, diligis me plus his. Dicit ei iterum secundo: Simon Ioannis, diligis me. Dicit ei tertio: Simon Ioannis, amas me. East Contristatus Petrus quia dixit.., ET dicit ei: Domine, you omnia scis, you cognoscis quia. Amen, amen I say tibi: Cum esses iunior, cingebas teipsum ET ambulabas, ubi volebas. cum autem senueris, extendes manus tuas, ET alius you cinget ET ducet quo vis.. Hoc autem dixit significans died clarificaturus esset Deum. here disciples and they had not eaten, Ges?isse to Simon Peter: Simone of. It answered: Certo, Getlteman, you know it. He said: . Pasci my Agnelli. It said of new: Simone di Giovanni, loves to me. It answered: Certo, Getlteman, you know it that I love you. third time: . Simone di Giovanni, loves to me. Peter remained given pain that for the third time he said to it: He loves to me, and he said to it: . Getlteman, you know all. you know. Ges answered. Pasci my little sheeps I say: when you were pi?iovane you encircled the garment alone, and you went where you wanted. but when you are old you stretch your hands, and an other you cinger?a garment and. This said to it in order to indicate with which dead women it would have glorificato God Reading of the Gospel Saint second Saint Giovanni. Proclamato the Gospel in Latin and Greek, the two Deacons preceded from the turiferario and accompanies to you from the accoliti ones, returns dall.ambone, while the song is resumed dell.Alleluia. Behind l.Altare the two Deacons, that they have taken from the Catering the pastorale Pallium and l.Anello of the Fisherman center of the Saint Padre, than?eduto with the mitra join to they in processione in head. to they they join i. The meant one of the Pallium, ancient manifactured episcopal standard with wool of Agnelli?llustrato from several testimonies of the Fathers. Tessalonica writes: Il pallium indicates the Salvatore that meeting us like the lost sheep if loads on the shoulders, and assuming our human nature in the Incarnation, l.ha divinizzata, with its dead women in cross has offered to us to. The Pallium for the Pope, in its new shape that resumes that one originates them?ntessuto of the wool of triple Agnelli and sheep answer loving to the demand made from Ges?isorto to Peter pascere its Agnelli and its little sheeps (cf. Deus pacis, here eduxit de mortuis pastorem magnum ovium Dominum nostrum Iesum Christ, Ipse tibi Pallium donet quod ab Petri apostles Confession sumpsimus. Illi Pastor bonus suos agnos suasque oves pascere pr?pit you, hodie Petro succedis in Episcopatu huius Ecclesi?uam ille, cum Paulo apostle, fidei. Spiritus veritatis, here former Patre procedit, uberem inspirationem ET eloquium your ministerio fratres in unitate fidei confirmandi largiatur. The God of the Peace, that the Getlteman has made to revive from the dead men the Shepherdesses large of the sheep our Ges?risto, you gifts same he the Pallium taken from. To he the good Shepherdesses have commant pascere its Agnelli and its little sheeps and to he today you happen nell.Episcopato of this Church that it has generated to the faith together all.apostolo Paul. The Spirit of Verit?che proceeds from the abundant Father, gifts inspiration and discernment to your ministry in order to confirm the siblings nell.unit?ella faith. Therefore Protodiacono Cardinal knows them to the center and imposes the Pallium on the shoulders of the new Pope, while the schola and l.assemblea Manda, Deus, virtuti tu?confirma, confirma hoc, Deus, quod operatus es in. It unfolds, or God, your power and confirmation how much you have made for. Deus, here adesse not dedignaris ubi recto ropes devotaque mind tantum ministerium ita digne ferat. Or God that you do not disappoint who you invoca with straight and faithful heart, Pope Benedict, that you have place to for means of our humble service and strengthens it with the Gift of your Spirit perch?l its high ministry of the carisma that you have to it. Delivery of the Ring of the Sin Fisherman from the first own millenium l.anello?nsegna of the Bishop. L.Anello, that it comes today delivered to the new Pope, saying Ring of the Fisherman, with l.immagine-I seal of Saint Peter and the boat with the net, it has the particular meant one dell.anello-I seal that authentic the faith and means the entrusted task to Peter to confirm its siblings (cf. ring del Fisherman perch?ietro?.Apostolo fisherman (cf. 1, 16-17) that, having had faith in the word of Ges?cf. it has drawn to earth the nets of the miraculous peach (cf. Christus, Filius Of alive, super expertus the here east one, which Dominus Iesus. suavitatem largiatur your ministerio omnes in Christ credentes. Son of the living God, Shepherdesses keys of the Reign of skies. The dell.amore Spirit effuso in the mitezza in order to guard with yours. The Dean of the Cardinalizio College delivery l.Anello of the Fisherman to the Saint Padre while the schola and l.assemblea applaud: He sends, Deus, virtuti tu?confirma, confirma hoc, Deus, quod operatus es in. It unfolds, or God, your power and confirmation how much you have made for. The Pope, placed the mitra, raises itself in feet, and benedice in Hush with. The Greek chorus, the schola and l.assemblea applaud. To the Saint Padre they lend obbedienza. one representation of twelve persons: three Cardinals, a cresimati, coming from Bishop, Presbitero, Deacon, two Religious, two Spouses, two boys. During l..obbedienza. the schola sings l.encomio of Ges? meam port?nferi ET pr?lebunt. doors of the inferi will not prevail keys of the Reign of Skies. to alternate choruses, asserting the own faith. Creed in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem c? ET terr?visibilium. ET in unum Dominum Iesum Christ, Filium former Goddesses ET Patre natum ante omnia s?la. Genitum, not factum, consubstantialem Patri: for quem. Here propter nos homines ET propter nostram salutem descendit. East ET incarnatus de Spiritu former Sancto Virgine Maria, ET homo factus. Crucifixus etiam for nobis sub Pontio east Pilato. passus ET sepultus resurrexit tertia die, secundum Scripturas. ET iterum venturus east cum Gloria, to iudicare vivos ET mortuos, cuius reigns not erit finis. ET in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum ET vivificantem: here. Here cum Patre ET Filio simul adoratur ET conglorificatur: locutus here east for prophetas. ET unam sanctam catholicam ET apostolicam Ecclesiam. Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. for necessit?ella the Church and of the world. F?die heilige Kirche auf der ganzen Erde, f?den Papst, die Bisch, die Priester und Diakone, f?alle, die zum Dienst in der Kirche bestellt sind, und f?das ganze Volk Gottes: Da?alle stets der Einladung Jesu Folge leisten und auf sein Wort hin auf dem Meer DES Lebens die Netze. on the earth, for the Pope, the Bishops, for all the its Saint people: Ges? on its word jets the nets of the salvation in the sea of. Pour the Pape Beno?XVI, here inaugure aujourd.hui son minist. XVI, that today its begins how many fights smarriti in the life:. Eucar?ica Por esta assembleia: os nossos prop?tos and nos torne. God, Father of the Getlteman our Ges?risto, than today beginning my ministry in the Church of Rome. You that the six Cliff and the Shepherdesses of your people lead all we to the Gloria of your Reign. To the l.assemblea Saint Padre door the offered ones for l.Eucaristia, while one sings l.inno carit?ell.apostolo the Paul. Maneant in nobis fides, spes ET caritas:. These the three things that remain: the faith, the hope and the carit?ma. L.assemblea repeats: Maneant in nobis fides spes ET caritas: maior. not habeam, factus sum velut?sonans, factus sum velut cymbalum tinniens. you did not have the carit?sono like autem not habuero, nihil sum ego all science, and possessed the fullness of the faith cos?a between you had the carit?non are null my substances and you gave my body in order it are burnt, but you did not have. East Caritas patiens, caritas benign caritas agit perperam, caritas inflatur, not east ambitiosa. carit?non is not boasted, does not swell. sunt, not irritatur, caritas not agit malum, not gaudet super. The carit?on it tries its interest, does not get angry, it does not hold account of the received evil, does not enjoy dell.ingiustizia, but omnia credit, caritas omnia sperat. it believes, all hopes, all sopporta. Fiat apud Deum Patrem omnipotentem. Gloria of its name, for the good. Or God, our Father, for this of your Son, that ago l.intera it can taste the fruit of the redenzione. The Saint Padre invites l.assemblea to raise the heart towards the Getlteman nell.orazione and nell.azione of thanks and l.associa to s?ella solemn prayer that, to name of all, turns to the Father for means of Ges?risto in the Saint Spirit. Six deigned to you to choose the blessed soul Peter. healthy?um ET, nos tibi semper. dignatus to eligere, here, Christi tui domus ab ipso petra fairs mereretur. Quin etiam illum totius tui gregis. Between they you wanted to choose Peter, solid cliff on which came built up. Ges?li getlteman affid?e keys of the reign perch?uanto established. Today we celebrate with ossequio of the angels we sing l.inno of the Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt c? ET earth Gloria yours. Benedictus here venit in nominations Dominions. Prayer for the universal Church and its shepherds tibi offerimus for Ecclesia yours a cum me indigno famulo yours. Ges?risto, your Son and our earth with dishonourable me your servant, that you have placed head of your Church, and with all those that east cognita quorum tibi fides tibi offerimus: vel tibi offerunt Deo, alive ET votes its here?rno. It remembers to you, Getlteman, of your faithfuls. Andre?Iacobi, Ioannis, Thom?Iacobi, Philippi, Bartholom? Matth? Simonis ET. God and Signore Ges?risto, saint know to you: for their merits and theirs your family: you arrange in your peace our days, saves to us from. Invocazione to God perch?onsacri these gifts. Sanguis Fiat dilectissimi Filii tui. with the power of your blessing, for we the Body and the Blood of. Here, pridie quam pateretur, accepit panem in sanctas ac venerabiles manus suas, ET elevatis hoc omnes: hoc east enim. The eve of its passion, it taken the bread in its Saint hands to the sky you, God Father its omnipotent. the Saint Padre introduces to the consecrated people l.ostia and genuflette in tibi gratias agens benedixit, deditque After the supper, in the same way, taken this glorious goblet in hic east enim calix the Sanguinis. The Saint Padre introduces to the people the goblet and genuflette in adoration. Salvator mundi, saves nos, for crucem ET resurrectionem tuam freed here nos. You have redenti to us with your cross and your risurrezione: he saves to us, or you serve tui, sed ET plebs yours sancta, eiusdem Christi, Filii tui, Dominions ours, tam beat?assionis, necnon. your ministers and your Saint people from the dead men and of the glorious ascension between the gifts that you have given to us, the Saint bread of the eternal life. Invocazione to God perch?ccetti this sacrifice tui iusti Abel, ET sacrificium Patriarch?Volgi on our offer your Abramo, our father in the faith. manus sancti Angels tui in sublime altar tuum. hands of your Saint Angel, is capacity to sull.altare of the sky in front of your maest?ivina, perch?anto mystery of the Body and Blood preceded with the sign of the faith. Also to we, your ministers, sinners, or Getlteman, to have part in comunit?oro the make happy fate not for ours. God, creates and santifichi always, you make. For omnipotenti ipsum, ET cum ipso, ET in ipso, east tibi Deo Patri, in unitate Spiritus Sancti, omnis honor ET Gloria for omnia saecula saeculorum. Praeceptis salutaribus moniti, divine ET institutione forms to you, audemus to dicere: Pater noster, here es in caelis: sanctificetur nomen tuum. adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas yours, sicut in caelo, ET in earth nobis hodie. ET dimitte nobis debita ours, sicut ET nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. ET of nos inducas in tentationem. sed free nos to malo. days, and with l.aiuto of yours. Quia east tuum regnum, ET potestas, ET Gloria in saecula. Yours?l reign, yours the power and the Gloria in the centuries. It tames of it Iesu Christe, dixisti respicias sinned ours here, sed fidem. Ges?risto getlteman, that you have to the faith of your Church and donates them. You that you live and reigns in the centuries of i. Pax Dominions sit semper vobiscum. The peace of the Getlteman is always. In Spiritu Christi mortuis resurrexit offered here vobis pacem. The Saint Padre, the Concelebranti and the present ones exchange a peace gesture, like sign of communion fraterna. While the Saint Padre breaks the eucaristico bread, he sings himself: Agnus Of i, tollis sinned here mundi: to miserere nobis. Agnus Of i, tollis sinned here mundi: to miserere nobis. Agnus Of i, tollis sinned here mundi: it donates nobis pacem. Ecce Agnus Of i, ecce here tollit. Made happy it invites it you to the Supper del. that he removes the sins of the world. It tames some, not sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum. The Saint Padre and the Concelebranti communicate to the Body and the Blood mea spirit, audiant mansueti ET l?ntur. time, on my mouth always exaudivit me former ET omnibus terroribus meis eripuit me omnibus tribulationibus eius salvavit eum. suavis east Dominus. beatus vir, sperat in eo. eius, quoniam here not east inopia. autem Dominum not deficient omni bono. You es Christus, Filius Of the alive ones, alleluia. You the six Christ, the Son of the living God, alleluia. L.assemblea repeats: You es Christus, Filius, Of the alive ones, alleluia. way, for love of its umbr?ortis, not timebo mala. your ET baculus tuus, ipsa consoled me sunt. goes them dark would not fear some mensam adversus eos, here tribulant caput meum, ET calix meus redundat. catering under the eyes of mine inhabitabo in I every day tame Dominions in longitudinem dierum. similar of my life, and abiter?ella house of. Getlteman, than you have received to us to your catering, for l.efficacia of this sure in the way of the salvation. The Saint Padre, spreading the hands on the people, says:. He watches from the sky and you see and visits. In order to express the inseparable tie of the Church of Rome with l.Apostolo of People, with to the Fisherman of Galilea, the Pontefice Roman os in the Basilica of Saint Paul on the Way Ostiense, in order venerare Trofeo. dell.Apostolo the Paul. When the Saint Padre?iunto to the Confession dell.Apostolo, lumina, for crucem alter, alter. sanguine, not laude yours, sed. fide devotos, spe robustos maxime. of the earth, judges of people. Principles, not for your Gloria. You, mystical binoculars olive trees, for of being given over for the faith strongest praise, nell.unit?a which the reign is up dall.eternit?ora and for i. In the name of the Father and the Son and Omnibus, here sunt Rom?dilectis vobis ET pax to Deo Patre our grace to you and peace from God, Father ours, and from the Ges?risto. Getlteman. The Saint Padre addresses to the present ones with the words of the Letter. Paulus servus Christi Iesu, vocatus evangelium Of i, quod ante promiserat factus here east former semine David for nominations eius, in quibus estis. God, than he it had promised for means of its prophets in sacred its, been born from the stirpe of David. the dell.apostolato grace in order to obtain of its name. and between these you are. Primum quidem gratias needle meo Deo for Iesum Christ for omnibus vobis, quia fides vestra testis enim mihi east Deus, which Filii eius, quomodo sine intermissione. God for means of Ges?risto reputation of your faith expands itself which I render cult in my spirit for eam, qu?nvicem east, fidem. rinfrancarmi with you and between you sum ET vobis, Rom?stis. here Greek like towards the Barbarians, towards the scholars like towards ignoring:. Venerazione of the Sepolcro dell.Apostolo the Pontefice Roman prays silently, therefore it insences. Dear doctor Paule, mores instrue tecum trahe, veiled dum meridiem. hearts with you in sky you attract, while of the day and as sun shines. It tames of it Deus, here beatum Paulum imbui, quam ipse coram regibus Ecclesia yours, uti mater ET magistra. Getlteman our God, that chosen l.umanit?ia you have illuminated from the faith. Therefore the Saint Padre shortly turns its word to the present ones nam quid oremus, sicut oportet nescimus, sed ipse Spiritus interpellat. with insistence for we, with gemiti desires of the Spirit, poich?gli. ET nos, Spiritu Iesu ducti, atque Pater noster, here es in caelis: sanctificetur nomen tuum. adveniat regnum tuum: Fiat voluntas yours, sicut in caelo, ET in earth nobis hodie. ET dimitte nobis debita ours, sicut ET nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. ET of nos inducas in tentationem. sed free nos to malo. Quia east tuum regnum, ET potestas, ET Gloria in s?la. The name of the Getlteman is Benedict. Our aid?el name of. Therefore the Saint Padre makes return in Vatican. To CURE Of the OFFICE Of CELEBRATIONS LITURGICHE (the complete series of the booklets 2005 sar?isponibile previa
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