Mar 1, 2008

Crossing from Nova Scotia

. AMELIA EARHART: The PRICE Of the COURAGE ritratto astrological of one brave woman. Il courage?l price that the life demands in order to guarantee the inner peace to us, l.anima that it does not know this, does not know to get rid from the small things does not know livida the solitudine of the fear, n?.altezza of the mountain from where test l.amaro is appealed to to listen. Like pu?a life to guarantee the gift to us of living, ricompensar us of the depressing degradations and the great hatreds, if not. Every time that we make one choice, we pay it with the courage to watch an ugly day and to consider it beautiful. L.America was hardly exited from the Great Depression and the suffragette. they risked male hairdos and they smoked first. But it was ahead, had burnt all the stages. It had become one of the pi?amose aviatrices of all the times, nicknamed Lady Lindy., for its likeness with Charles Lindbergh, other spericolato pilot dell.epoca. Amelia Mary Earhart was been born. Its grandfather, Alfred Otis, were one of the citizens pi?n seen of Atchison and its mother, Amy, to prefer?itornare in the calm house of the parents in order to give birth Amelia, in how much previously he had had an abortion and he did not want to run other risks father, Edwin Earhart, in that period remained to Kansas City where it made practical lawyer in one lawyer study. It had also a sister, Muriel, than nacque two years and means pi?ardi. a wealthy life to house of the grandfathers, attended private schools and was. The father particularly was not loved from the grandfather perch?ra considered an inept one. in effects, perhaps for l.incipiente dependency dall.alcol, it fall?li objects to you that it was itself prefixed and fin?er to accept a job from dependent near the railroad of the Rock line. they were moved to DES Moins in the Iowa and left the daughters from the grandfathers school with continuit?ma in any case loved to above all read books and of the living conditions, the things began to get worse for guilt of the father, by now given over all.alcol. In 1914, as a result of its lay-off from the job, Amy and the daughters moved to Chicago from friends and the social emergency and financial institution of the family sub?n hard blow all in order to make to study the daughters and Amelia wanted to attend the College, but, after to have seen for the road 4 wounded veterans of the first world war and the conditions in which they poured, had of the doubts and decided to become useful, beginning to attend course for nurse like volunteer in a military hospital in fine Canada all.Armistizio del. the parents that, in the meantime, were return to you with in California months after, its father lead it to a raduno aerial. to Long Beach, where, for before the time, sal? edge of a biplane and, at the price of a dollar, vol?er ten minuteren over Los Angeles and was in that determined occasion that Amelia. Nello same moment in which we left the earth, I felt that I had to fly. Cominci?quindi, to attend flight lessons and to make lavoretti extra in order to not only pay the lessons, but also in order to crown what by now it had become its dream: to acquire an airplane all.aiuto of the mother, compr?l its first airplane, a biplane to two places used, the Kinner Airster, than for its luminous yellow color chiam?canarino., with which stabil?l the its first feminine record salting to. Subsequently, for familiar reasons, it had to sell its canarino. in order to acquire un.automobile that would be served to them in order to move itself, with to the mother, in the new house of Boston and, in that period, rest?omentaneamente far from the world of the flight job like social worker to the children, to the Denison House di Boston, Amelia was enrolled National Aeronautical all.Associazione and invest? little moneies puttinges from part, in un.azienda that it would have constructed a small airport and commercialized the Kinners nell.area Airster of Boston. period drew the maximum advantage from the circumstances, promuovendo flights. Divent?os?er mass medium true and just a phenomenon, such to fill up the columns of newspapers dedic?na first page and wrote that Amelia was uno of the best pilots woman of the United States d.America.. In 1928 its life had one. It received, in fact, one telephone call from Captain Hilton Railey who the churches: Vorrebbe to be the first woman to cross in flight. Railey had been person in charge from George Putnam, a publisher of New York, to find one woman for the trasvolata one. It was in quell.occasione that Railey, remained hit from its strong likeness with Charles Lindbergh, soprannomin?incontr?eorge the Putnam to New York. It remained made an impression very from its personalit? he is decided endured that she would have been she to make the flight. Amelia accett?.offerta, even if in this flight would have only covered the passenger role perch?on still had experience of multi-engined airplane and it was not trained to the IFR flight per?eciso not to entrust them the role of commander of the flight to edge of the trimotore called Fokker Amicizia. and they were places side by side to you two pilots to them pi?sperti for the true and own conduction of the aircraft decoll?er Halifax, Scozia. New forced to anticipate l.atterraggio, also to cause dell.esiguo remained fuel, and cos?tterrarono in Wales of the South and not in Ireland, com.era. To this point all l.attenzione of the press was turned towards of she, all wanted to interview it and to photograph it and even received personal congratulations of the Coolidge President. From London to the United States, with a full calendar of appointments, Amelia it was richiestissima and it appeared always held the name of Amelia in Association of Bologna, publishing articles on its enterprises in newspapers of all the Country a relation and were alone encircles you from many subjects of gossip also perch?utnam. undertaken its first flight, crossing the United States from the Atlantic dell.Oceano coast to that Pacific dell.Oceano. York held some organized conference from Putnam for the launch of its book Venti hours, forty minuteren sull.impresa completed in trasvolata. the time, tried a way in order to improve the own image and name Amelia Assistant of General the Traffic Manager. in the airline, known later on like TWA, with l.incarico to attract the women like passengers. 1929 aerial organizz?n.esibizione for sun women, from Los Angeles to Cleveland and in the same year George Putnam divorzi?alla moglie. to exceed feminine records, wrote articles on Cosmopolitan. and other reviews and in the 1931 spos?eorge Putnam. would have crossed l.Atlantico alone, before that some other woman attempted nell.impresa and darkened its name other, to part Charles Lindbergh, had crossed l.Atlantico alone. Amelia would not have followed its same route would be game, instead, dall.isola of Terranova with destination towards the British Islands May 1932 inizi?a its Atlantic traversata to edge of a Lockheed Vega. Atterr?iuttosto outside broken off, in a near field Londonderry, nell.Irlanda of the North. With this flight it had struck numerous records: la first woman to cross alone single person to have made it two times. pi?unga the distance, without stopped, never covered from one woman. the made traversata one in minor time. Amelia to London and entirety passed various weeks in turn for. To the return, the President Hoover consegn?d Amelia the medal d.oro of National the Geographic Society.. received also the keys of many citt?mericane and was proclamata donna dell.anno.. decided that its next enterprise would have been one traversata on the Pacific, from the Hawaii Islands to California and then to Washington. gi?erso their screw trying this traversata. Wheeler Field in Hawaii in order to land to Oakland in California, where. its congratulations for l.ennesima by now l.aeronautica enterprise and dichiar?he could not be a classified discipline to the single men. Amelia came called from all the parts to hold conferences in. Subsequently, inizi?d to elaborate a plan for the ulterior supremacies: she would have been l.unica woman to make it and l.unica to have. Before the draft of the travel would have been from Oakland to the Hawaii Islands to face one fallen d.ala of the aircraft and lost the dell.aereo control that sbatt?iolentemente on the track and, because of the received damages, the aircraft was sent in California for the repairs to study in order to realize an other attempt of the turn of the world. Amelia had nearly 40 years, part?a Miami, with to the navigator, per.000 miles that the porter? Saint Juan, Portorico and then, following the coast north-oriental of the South America, towards days for l.arrivo of the monsoons and the repairs to the edge instruments suffered from dysentery that lasted gi?a some days. All ci?he it was superfluous nell.aereo was removed in order to make place to pi?arburante so as to to concur approximately 274. By now they were in prossimit?ell.isola of Howland to East South of Honolulu, of approximately two miles and means, where the coastgard Itasca was dislocated with which they were in contact radio. to midnight of the 2 July and the time, contrarily to the forecasts, was. The navigator, accustomed to the old methodologies of air navigation, had some difficolt? Amelia, to a calculable distance between the 35 and 100 miles dall.isola of Howland, in the 19, to be over of you, but we do not succeed to see to you. To null they were worth the efforts of the Coastgard in order attract attention. Probably l.aereo one had gotten lost and it was. The Roosevelt President autorizz?e searches with l.impiego of nine ships and 66 airplane for an estimated cost all.incirca of 4 million. The searches were interrupted the 18 July and continued also from the husband whom in October only lost the hopes to find again lives it. its airplane, its fate?ntrata in the mystery searches of the rests, in the course of last the 70 years approximately, has not given some. Recently, a group of exploratory Americans has announced of wanting to resume the searches of the property left at death one, in the conviction that would have is conserved intact, in how much in the zone around the Howland islands (between l.Australia and Hawaii), l.Oceano touches the 518 meters of profondit?con one so cold temperature to slow down the corrosion of the metals. In any case sar?icordata Amelia for its courage and sure rivendicazioni to favor of the women letter to its husband, wrote: Sappi that they are aware of the risks that I run. if I make it?erch?oglio farlo. that they make the men and, when they fail, their failure must be one. ?.Aria predominant L.Elemento and d.altra part could not various be for a woman who has made of the flight its reason. According to Element?l the Fire, even if is present single two planets, Sun and Mercury however, for the presence of the Sun, quest.Elemento. to nell.investire all if same in its enterprises represents l.unico sign Cardinal who l.ha pushed to try if same with one phrenetic attivit? with an intense involvement towards external challenges: the first trasvolatrice woman dell.Oceano, the valorization of the women, able to execute equal enterprises to those of the men. Imperfect fan, with manico low represented from the conjunction. The planet guides?a Moon: the feminine role to value. In the model Fan, the low manico predisposes the commando and d?na. It knows, cio?quello that it wants and user?a Saturno/Urano conjunction as source d.energia in order to realize ci?he wishes: to defeat the old one and to turn themselves towards the new one. Fan?pragmatismo. and in this case c.?n Amelia a strong desire planets to east of the Topic born them, indicates also one great confidence in if same. in II House, composed from Moon, Pluto, Venere and Neptune, in which Venere?La concentration of planets in Binoculars confers them much comunicativa, capacit?i to relazionare and also the facilit?ello to write and in the contact with the mass-medium collaborated to a review?tata celebrated from the press of all the world to the own image, with the tendency to look at itself like a product to reclamizzare, to impose to the eyes of the others and like material l.unico bene. on which pu?are confidence and in this Amelia case it has known. Moreover often the stellium flows in the sign. And this the case of Amelia, in how much, with its anxiety to explore other worlds and its smania to travel has realized the spirit. In fact, often the opposite, empty sign, acts from whirpool on that full load that faces it and acts as a governing magnet, Venere?ollocato in II house, where the stellium resides also, ago to think that the?tata economic emergency also a lot important for she. C.?n the great desire of stabilit?d a tendency to love rich persons who guarantee economic emergency (Venere, dominant of the Stellium in. Its travels came finance, the celebrit?e gave also to emergency dal economic point of view to you and above all the wedding with explains also its popolarit?n native land and the jew's harp with the Saturno/Urano conjunction, also if not just perfect and in not compatible signs, it demonstrates its equally capacit?i to give to shape alle ideas and to render them. Amelia?nche supported from one strongly self-discipline and one. It understands the lesson of the past and ago of all in order fighting it expresses in the Marte/Giove conjunction in Vergine in V House in fact, l.energia and l.entusiasmo that they push it to assume a task difficult, that would scare less brave persons, and in order to obtain ci?he wants challenge without fear the dangers. Point has a great confidence in its capacit?al to run great risks without to doubt of the good resolution and knows also to attract l.attenzione of the others, putting in evidence Marte/Giove conjunction?n aspect much dynamic perch?onferisce un.ottima combination of physical resistance and mental resources. Topic?el sign of the Vergine, therefore every action?nche very calculated with a precise preparation in the details and V the House, cosignificante of the Lion, ago to think also next to sprezzo about. L.Asse of the Nodes is developed between. The Node North in X House indicates one specific talent, a special mission to fulfill in the world and l.evoluzione?ntrecciata with l.aspetto public of the life and the personal realization its positioning in the dell.Acquario sign has given to Amelia the push to carry out a social function, even if emerges the need to be to the center dell.attenzione, with to the protagonismo of the sign of the Lion in which?Il dell.Acquario governing planet, Urano, that it represents to l.etere, the sky, has exercised one strongly attractive for she that to succeed to make something that much time is remembered in order and also of being a person of I enunciate nell.ambito familiar. In this case important the male figures are a lot father, that probably them the pleasure of the flight has inculcato, are the husband who l.ha always encouraged and supported have been determining for its its position in the House in the sign of the Taurus, us filler to the regret not to have had healthy familiar conditions from the financial point of view and therefore Amelia?mpegnata to search compensations through its enterprises in order to obtain happened and celebrit, consequently, also emergency also to its birth, tied to the difficult choice of its parents who have had to be far in the period in which the mother trasfer?ai grandfathers sea, the Pluto nearest the Sun was in IV House, aim of the life in way. Moreover the Moon, Venere, Neptune and Pluto, in practical all the stellium of birth, were squared Neptune of transit could be meaningful in order to indicate its dead women in sea transit headed towards l.opposizione to Urano and Saturno of birth life and Saturno puts in shape this power: with l.opposizione, all us. Inherent solar revolution l.anno of its dead women, we see that l.Ascendente. The Moon?ongiunta to the Black Moon in the House and both are square to Mars and Pluto came less and also the quadrature to Mars and Pluto us filler resides a stellium composed from the Sun, Mercury, Venere, Mars and Pluto between Cancer and Lion, is found in IV the House born them, the end of the life on XII been born them, the opposite one to Neptune in XII House of transit, danger in where resides Urano?n the House born them and to pu?ndicare an unexpected incident. Solar revolution seems therefore to confirm the circumstances to us of its. Prenatal new often us confirmation the true history characterizes them of the beings. To the ends of the evolutionary distance dell.anima the preborn Novilunio them consists in the test d.ingresso in the life. In the case of Amelia we notice that the novilunio?erificato the 30 june 1897, to hours 2, therefore, in Cancer and cio?el sign previous that one of the birth to the family and the lived maternal figure from its parents was, in some measure, intriso of worries perhaps for the previous abortion or the period of the pregnancy, during which they lived separate to you. the square to T, where Venere in combined Taurus to the Black Moon is opposed to Urano and Saturno in Scorpion and all and four are squared to Mars in Lion that exactly constitutes the focale planet to the point of means. This configuration concurs a high degree of motivation and d.abilit?el to catch up a scope, emphasizing l.espressione of the planet birth represented strong tensions and a large source d.energia characterizes them and the opposite sign to the Lion, l.Acquario, us confirmation its need to fly and of being all.avanguardia. develops in fixed signs confers volont?forza and determination, above all when draft of esaudire the own expectations. Fan, with combined Urano to Saturno for manico, us confirmation the examined model some astrological aspects of its topic born them and the New Moon prebeen born them, we can senz.altro assert that Amelia Earhart, for its remembered force, beyond that for the demonstrated courage, also for its and it celebrates air of the world and an example of courage and spirit to you excursus on the life and the enterprises of Amelia Earhart with one its citation in occasion of the Atlantic sull.Oceano flight: Dopo midnight the Moon tramont?d I was single with. Often I have said that the callback of the flight?ome that one of the beauty and I do not have need of un.altra trasvolata in order to convince that l.essenza to me of the flight of the butterflies, than they know it or not?.attrazione towards the beauty of flying. Of C#lecce Alexander, Association of Bologna, Reports, Mantegazza Francesca, One woman and its to cure of the group Lo Zodiaco. - Padova

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