Mar 6, 2008
Flower bulbs for summer
White Fleur - Hoa Trang: Word of Pr?dent Fleur Blanche is tr?heureuse to accomodate you. In the pages which follow, you will be able to d?uvrir what motivates us, our r?isations, our projects that m? our association in parall? of its activit?festive are the Vi?Nam enough send to mat?el m?cal d?ass? all sp?alit?confondues (a container is thus exp??haque ann?. let us accompany by the bio-m?caux technicians, m?cins and surgeons fran?s in shift d&rsquo.op?tions or d&rsquo.?luation in Vi?Nam (a mission allowed us d&rsquo.accompagner in 2003 a surgeon, the vascular surgery, of l&rsquo.appareil digestive, d&rsquo.intervention on the gland thyro? - for l&rsquo.audit d&rsquo.un h?tal partner. there is some ann?, c&rsquo.est the &ndash.sp?alist universally known in this sp?alit?qui had C$op? to do North Vi?Nam 92 children suffering technical technicians charg?de the setting in &oelig.uvre from mat?els (we come to d&rsquo.ouvrir the 6? countryside d&rsquo.accompagnement d&rsquo.?diants of ma?ise of g?e bio-m?cal of l&rsquo.IUP of Facult?e M?cine of Nancy more than 1300 children who have? op?s gr.? ?lor White: 862 children who have retrouv?e to smile and 500 which has retrouv?a seen. C&rsquo.est on July 17, 2004, with the course d&rsquo.une c?monie which c?brait the 1000? op?tion, on the spot?aigon (Ho Chi Minh Ville), that 2 new campaigns d&rsquo.op?tions do have? initi? (200 op?tions maxillo-facial and 200 ophthalmologic op?tions). who are all??iper d&rsquo.h?taux dispensaries or services tr?d?nis, m? of l&rsquo.essentiel: the tables d&rsquo.op?tion which we do have achemin? do y replace d?rmais the simple wood tables o?taient pratiqu? the interventions, of Scialytic?airent the fields op?toires instead of the naked bulbs of the ceiling lights, them. rooms. of r?il are?ip? beds instead of simple plaits pos? ?? ground, of the incubators destiny? ?a. reinforce. in France have retrouv?ne large utilit?comme dentist's surgeries or of radiology, and still of the wheel chairs, m?nic or?ctric, canes, anti-escarres mattresses and cushions. And this n&rsquo.est qu&rsquo.une small help vis-a-vis with. But you suspect certainly it. You understood that our actions are mainly tourn?. Followers of the culture of. r?ltat. as much as l&rsquo.amiti? we always ask for?os corresponding and friendly Vietnamese to?blir us one. report. F? whose gift which reached them has? utilis?1 &euro. donn?st well 1 &euro. utilis?our our humane actions. How are financ? our actions. Are our actions financ? by l&rsquo. (tombolas, lottos, races of karting, rallys, sale of flowers, &hellip.), (f?s family, concerts&hellip.) and by (young people husband? do companies, comit?d&rsquo.entreprise, caritative associations also d?loppons since the end of 2003 activit?r?fructueuse of sale of tr?jolis objects d&rsquo.artisanat Vietnamese importation? B?fices of this activit?ont, of course, int?alement vers?dans our. humane case. It should be noted that all operating expenses of l&rsquo.association are assur?par them. This inventory of the needs and the led actions says to you how much we are happy when l&rsquo.on proposes a help g?reusement to us. Much arm makes more qu&rsquo.un spirit alone. Then, simple visitor or future partner, will know that we would be tr?heureux best you conna?e. For example, but do not r?tez it, we are in the train of pr?rer a rencontre/repas of prestige with a?le h?li? from Lorraine. Also, do not n&rsquo.h?tez?ous to contact and?ous to help.
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