Apr 27, 2008

Spanish love quotes

. The love is a tyrant who?rgne nobody (Crow). There is only one kind of love, but there are thousand of them diff?ntes copies (Rochefoucauld). It is v?table love like appearance of the spirits: everyone speaks about it, but little of people saw some (Rochefoucauld). The reason is not what r?e the love (Moli?). There are in love only the ashamed ones which loses (Moli?). The first sigh of the love is the last of wisdom (Antoine Bret). The love greedily believes all that it wishes (Root). One would not make a divinit?e the love if it op?it often of the miracles (Abb?r?st). The love is the?ffe of nature that imagination has brod?(Voltaire). Love? the?eux spirit which has some and gives some?eux which does not have any (Diderot). The love is only the novel of the heart, it is the pleasure which is the history (Beaumarchais). One badine not with the love (Alfred de Musset). Life without love, ann?sans? (proverb su?is). That it thus makes good gather the cutter. With the wood of Bagneux when one is two (Adolphe de Leuven). There is not, in love, of durable and complete happiness that in the atmosph? translucent of the sinc?t?arfaite (Mr. a man can?e in love like insane, but not like stupid (Rochefoucauld). One needs more spirit to make love than to lead ARM? (Ninon de Lenclos). It is the heart and not the body which returns the union inalt?ble (Publilius Syrus). Have your eyes opened well before marrying you, and mi-clos when you are mari?(B. The love pla?plus that the marriage, by the reason which the novels are more amusing that the history (Chamfort). The torch of the love ignites?a kitchen (proverb fran?s). When the pauvret?rappe?a carries, the love flees by the fen?e (German proverb). In marriage, like elsewhere, satisfaction passes richness (Moli?). That which loves his wife likes him-m? (Paul saint). The love niche in the wrinkles (Stob?. To like, it isn't the m to look at one the other, it is to look at together in? direction (Saint-Exup?). Doesn't the love look at with the eyes but with? (Shakespeare). Does the love have? for me largest of the businesses, or plut?la only (Stendhal). Does the love consist to?entir that one has C? ?' other malgr?oi what?it only for oneself (Paul Valley?). What I call crystallization, it is the op?tion of the spirit, which draws from all that pr?nte the d?uverte that the aim?e object new perfections (Stendhal). One learns how much one likes, When together one has pleur?Emile Deschamps). The measurement of the love, it is to like without measurement (Augustin saint). The love is a tr?r memories (Honor?e Balzac). Far from the eyes, from the heart (Properce). If the eyes do not see, the heart does not split (Cervant?. The absence decreases the m?ocres passed and increases the large ones, like the wind?int the candles and lights fire (Rochefoucauld). The man adult? plow the field of others and leaves it his uncultivated (Plaute). To like, it is to enjoy, while is not to enjoy only?e aim?Aristote). When one likes, or there is not a sorrow, or one likes until?a sorrow (Augustin saint). Who likes the tree, likes the branches (proverb g?ral). One is ais?nt dup?ar what one likes (Moli?). Likes as if one day you owed ha? hate as if one day you were to like (Bias). Who ch?t?' exc?sait ha??' exc?(Aristote). A time to like and a time ago for ha?(l' Eccl?aste). The love and hatred always d?ssent the terminals (Talmud). The love and hatred are consanguineous parents (German proverb). The love is one-eyed, hatred is blind (German proverb). Who loves you makes you cry who hates you makes you laugh (Spanish proverb). Find to me a reasonable lover and I will give you his gold weight (Plaute). The?lon does not feel the kicks of the mare (Basque proverb). The blows of horn of the g?sse do not make evil with the bull (Basque proverb). The blows donn?par a lover resemble?a d?station of the grape (proverb?ptien). The more one likes a ma?ess and the more one is pr?de the ha?(La Rochefoucauld). For?e aim?soyez discrete. The cl?es hearts, it is the secrecy (Florian). The women go further in love than the majority of the men, but the men override them in amiti?La Bruy?). The love is a crocodile on the river of the d?r (Bh?rhari). Is the love the softest thing and more amndt? (Euripide). Two things cannot hide: intoxication and the love (Antiphane). Those which diff?nt to like until?'? m?paient then of large wears (M?ndre). Large water cannot?indre the love and the rivers would not submerge it (the Song of Songs). The love is strong like death (the Song of Songs). Is the love m? of honey and gall (Plaute). Without C?s and Bacchus, V?s is cold (T?nce). One could not?e wise when one likes, nor like when one is wise (Publilius Syrus). There are two evils in love: the war and peace (Horace). There are as many pains in the love than of shells on the bank (Ovide). Fire more covered is burning (Ovide). The love and cough cannot hide (Ovide). The love sees the pinks without?nes (German proverb). There is no wisdom below the belt (Matthew Hale). The love is like measles, more one catches it late, more the evil is s?eux (D. the love is very eyes and does not see anything (Chinese proverb). The love do not have a better minister that the occasion (Cervant?. The love is an enemy whom one cannot overcome body?orps, but by the escape (Cervant?. In the love and the wrenches, the relapse is fr?graft (Spanish proverb). Rage of love is worse than the tooth ache (proverb fran?s). Love has habit of entrem?r its pleasures of bitterness (Cl?nt Marot). The woman suffers more than the man of the evil from love, but it can better dissimulate it (Euripide). Man likes when he wants, and woman when she can (proverb fran?s). The women stick to the men by the favours that they grant the men to them gu?ssent by these m?s favours (Bruy?). The love is the history of the life of the women, it is a?sode in that of the men (Madam de Sta?. The love gives spirit to the women and withdraws it with the men (Italian proverb). The love p?tre in the man by the eyes and the woman by the ears (Polish proverb). When one likes, belly affam?' is not hungry (Plaute). F?ery the in love one, revival of love (T?nce). The boudery in love is as salt not too is not necessary any (Koural). The in love ones think that the others have the hollow eyes (Spanish proverb). The pleasure of the arguments, it is to make peace (Alfred de Musset). The magic of the first love, it is to be unaware of that it can finish one day (B In love, the beggars and the kings are?ux (Indian proverb). Happiness is nothing other than the love only the love is happiness (Adalbert von Chamisso). What cr?l' love and preserves it, it is precisely a little r?stance on both sides, a l?r d?ccord, essence (Jacques Chardonne). The love does not go without the regard (Alexandre Dumas wire). One likes really only when one likes without reason (Anatole France). In love, pleasure that I?ouve is for me secondary. My sensualit?e extremely well satisfies pleasure which I give (Sacha Guitry). The caresses are also n?ssaires?a life of the feelings which the sheets it are with the trees. Without them, the love dies by the root (Nathaniel Hawthorne). The love gives spirit, and it is supported by the spirit. One needs address to like (Blaise Pascal). To like, it is to give reason?'?e aim?ui is wrong (Charles P?y). To like and?e will aim?era the greatest business of all our life (J Apart from the love, a man did not see: he is agitated (Maurice Toesca). They do not p?ent, those which p?ent by love (Wilde Oscar). Be you one?' other a world always beautiful, Toujours various, always new. You hold place of all, count for nothing the remainder (the Fountain). The v?table love, d?que the heart sighs, Instruit in one moment of all that one must say (Pierre Corneille). I seek by liking only the only good to like (Pierre Corneille). Does the future, in love, make forget the pass?Madame of S?gn? A love id?, it is that which is men?ar the post office (George Bernard Shaw). The love is a?eux??e (Germaine de Sta?. My heart is in rest when it is aupr?de you: it is its?t natural, and the only one which can it like (Marchioness of S?gn? The pleasures of the love are in my opinion only the true pleasures of the body life (Montaigne). What resembles?' love is always of the love (Tristan Bernard). It is necessary it to acknowledge, the love is large a ma?e. What one was never, it teaches you?'?e (Moli?). All the pleasure of the love is in the change (Moli?). One can make much with hatred, but even more with the love (Shakespeare). You will not touch a butterfly without making fall the powder which colours its wings you will not analyze the love without making some?nouir the charm (O simple fr?ment of handles made na?e the love (Japanese proverb). God is l??abite the love (Russian proverb). In front of the love and death, it is not used?ien as?e extremely (Spanish proverb). The love without madness is not worth a sardine (Spanish proverb). The pledges of love prove its inconstancy (Spanish proverb). The love, which corrompt often the pure hearts, purifies the corrupted hearts (Spanish proverb). The wrinkles are the tomb of the love (Spanish proverb). The love is its clean r?mpense (Indian proverb). The love is like a climbing plant which dess?e and dies if it does not have anything?nlacer (Indian proverb). Hatred excites the quarrels, the love covers all the faults (Book of the Proverbs). Better food encha is worth? pr?de that that one likes, which free in the medium of the gardens pr?de that that one hates (Saadi). ? of a lover lives in the body of the amante (Caton the Critic). The love can be called a sauce, clean?onner go??oute meat (B?gne Poissenot). The love not pay?e return, it is question without r?nse (G Aimer which does not love you, it is to like the rain which falls into the for?(proverbe nigritien). It is too much to like when one dies about it (Gilles de Noyers). The love is as a rice transplant?il seedling pushes back elsewhere (Malagasy proverb). When the love d?anger, one cannot in recoudre the edges (Malagasy proverb). The love is a nest of sparrow that one reb?t not apr?l' to have d?uit (Turkish proverb). these moments-l?ont only goods and S? (Victor Hugo). For which does not love anybody any more, the life is always further (Philippe Jaccotet). Does whoever have to like likes?remi? sight (English proverb). The love which na?subitement is longest?u?r (Bruy?). Aphrodite likes the smiles (Hom?). To like, forgets itself -m? (Ovide). That which makes a long way to court a woman, it wants to mislead, or it is English tromp?proverbe). The ear is the way of the heart (Madeleine de Scud?). The only love letters which a woman would like to receive from a man are those which it would never owe?anger (English proverb). The oaths of in love do not arrive?' ear of the gods (Callimaque). The pledges of love do not comprise a sanction (Publilius Syrus). The always advantageous amiti?st, the love is sometimes harmful (S?que). The amiti?init sometimes in love, but seldom love in amiti?C. To offer the amiti? who wants the love, it is to give bread?ui dies of thirst (Spanish proverb). The love and the amiti?' exclude one the other (Bruy?). The love is?a port?de all, but the amiti?st the?euve of heart (A. the gueux ones are not in love (M?ndre). The prosp?t?st the bond of the love (Shakespeare). The lover without fortune can?e pleasant, but it cannot happy?e (Florian). The violence which one is made to remain fid? does?e what one like is not worth gu? better than a infid?t?La Rochefoucauld). Is constancy the chim? love (Vauvenargues). In love, there are only the beginnings which are charming this is why one often finds pleasure?ecommencer (Prince de Ligne). One forgives as much as one likes (Rochefoucauld). The jealousy is the tyrant of the kingdom of the love (Cervant?. The jealousy?int love as ashes?ignent fire (Ninon de Lenclos). There is in the jealousy more self-esteem than of love (Rochefoucauld). Less my hope, larger my love (T?nce). One irritates that which one likes by wanting?e aim?Publilius Syrus). Too much expensive ach? the honey which it l?e on the?nes (proverb fran?s). The disease of love kills only those which must die in the ann?(Marguerite of Navarre). Pleasure of love lasts only one moment, Unhappy love affair lasts all the life (Florian). A new love replaces old as a nail drives out the other (Cic?n). Can a love?e gu? by another love, as a poison is often chass?ar another poison (J a new love replaces old as a nail drives out the other (Cic?n). Time and not the volont?et fine?' love (Publilius Syrus). In doesn't love, it have gu there? of another reason to like more but of?e too aim?(La Bruy?). The love saw inanition and dies of food (Alfred de Musset). The love makes spend time, time makes pass the love (Italian proverb). The moon and the love, when they do not grow, d?oissent (Portuguese proverb). It is not good that the man is alone (Gen?). To like itself, it is necessary to resemble oneself much in order to intend itself, and diff?r in order to have?e a little to include/understand (Diane de Beausacq). The hell, it is more not to like (George Bernanos). The absence is?' love what with fire the wind is. It?int the small one, it pokes the large one (Bussy-Rabutin). Doesn't the love of a man occupy that a part of its life the love of a woman occupies her life all enti? (Byron). It is a dreadful misfortune of?e not aim?uand one likes. But it is a larger good of?e aim?vec passion when one does not like any more (Benjamin Constant). The lover who rents is the lover couronn?Avant the love the self-esteem?it n?Gentil-Bernard). Because, you, each day see I love you more, Today more than yesterday and much less than tomorrow (Rosemonde G?rd). I could not me repentance have aim?Graham Greene). Tenderness is the rest of passion (Joubert). The time, which strengthens the amiti? the love (Bruy?) weakens. Like, like, all the remainder is not nothing (the Fountain). Love, love, when you hold us, one can say well: good-bye, prudence. Nothing has of empire on the love, the love has some on all things (the Fountain). Only one you miss?e, and all is d?upl?Lamartine). In love, that which is gu? is the first always best the gu? (Rochefoucauld). There are people who would never have? in love, if they had never intended to speak about the love (Rochefoucauld). The amiti?st more often a door of exit than a door of entr?de the love (Gustave the Good). The d?r to like na?chez the women before the need to like (Ninon de Lenclos). Nothing so pleasant that a s?isant man, but nothing more odious than a s?ctor (Ninon de Lenclos). For?e aim?aime (Martial). In love, there is not a more dreadful d?stre than the death of imagination (George Meredith). It is necessary to unceasingly like to apr?avoir aim?Alfred of Musset). The life is a sleep, the love is the R?. And you will have v? if you have aim?Alfred of Musset). There is always a little madness in the love, but there is always a little reason in the madness (Friedrich Nietzsche). The love is very eyes and only one of good (Chinese proverb) does not have any. A man in love is n?ne second time (proverb am?cain). Many in love with a grain of beaut?ommet the error of?user the girl enti? (proverb am?cain). Who is not in love is not man (Persan proverb). That whose heart is ressuscit?ar the love will not never die (Persan proverb). The love is not?rendre, but to?ubir (Persan proverb). The money d?ns?n love does not turn over?a purse (Persan proverb). The love is a caravans?il: one finds there only what one brings there (Persan proverb). A long time one still likes while reddening to like (B the pulse of the lovers beats on their face (Lope de Vega). But the love is blind, and the lovers cannot see the pleasant madnesses which they make them-m?s (Shakespeare). The love is all, -l' love, and the life with the sun. Love is the great point, which the ma?ess is essential. What imports the bottle provided that one has intoxication (A. When one is young, one likes into insane. When one is old, who likes is insane (proverb fran?s). Such woman r?ste?' love that it?ouve, which r?ste not?' love that it inspires (Sophie Gay). This beautiful fire whose for you this heart east will embras?Trouvera very possible, and impossible the ais?Rotrou). The love, which drives the sun and the others?iles (Dante). The love is a fum?faite vapor of the sighs (Shakespeare). But which can arr?r the imp?euse intoxication Of a heart br?nt of love and that the pleasure presses. Who thus has donn?e first his name?' Amour. Name Anguish, well better, it e?pu to serve (Po? Japanese anonymity). The love is a malignant spirit the love is a d?n. it does not have there an other bad angel only the love (Shakespeare). ­e, m? if you are d?n, you are sanctifi?par the love, And I adore the d?n with the large eyes, with the fair hair (Mihail Eminescu). Doubt, if you want, that who loves you, Of a woman or a dog, but not of the love m? (A. the sigh of a pretty girl further gets along than howling from a lion (Arab proverb). The love takes?lement on the straw and the sleeping bag (Scandinavian proverb). Nothing is small in the love. Those which await the special occasionss to prove their tenderness cannot like (Laure Conan). Who is unaware of the love, lives in the medium of the deer, But which has aim?effarouche badly the deer (Lope de Vega). Science, spirit, beaut?fortune, all, ici-bas, are impotent?onner happiness, without the love (Saintine). The love is not only one feeling, it is an art also (Honor?e Balzac). Marital happiness is not based as well on qualit?brillantes and fortune, as on the r?proque regard (Honor?e Balzac). To speak about love, it is to make love (Honor?e Balzac). The happy couple which reconna?dans the love d?e universe and time. It is enough, it r?ise the absolute (Simone de Beauvoir). The jealousy is a lack of regard for the person whom one loves (Ivan Bounine). When one does not like too much, one does not like enough (Bussy-Rabutin). The lack of courtesy kills the love (Dale Carnegie). It is more difficult to make love well than to make well the war (Ninon de Lenclos). The timid lover is not happy. Happiness is the price of the audacity (Lope of V?). The pain is the first food of the love, and any love which is not nourished of a little pain dies (Maurice Maeterlinck). The first sympt? true love at a young man, it is timidit?chez it a girl, it is boldness (Victor Hugo). The jealousy na?avec love, but she always does not die with him (Rochefoucauld). Enter the terms which you seek. Measure of statistical audience KING webanalytics by. Measure of statistical audience KING webanalytics by

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